
Anchoring Feelings

"This is the fate I was cursed with," smiled Arthur with self-ridicule. "There are some cursed with villainy, and there are some with heroism. I need to play the villain to be the hero, and I don't want to do neither."

"Why wouldn't you?" Ori asked, his face flushed. "What do you want, Arthur?" his question struck close to home.

"I want..." he paused because usually, he would have said the return to Earth, or find his father, protect those he loves. But, now, Arthur was not sure anymore because of what happened with his father. "I want to have a purpose, one that I chose."

"You already have a purpose," Ori pointed his glass at him. "There are thousands of people waiting for your return and thousands more that need your help."

"I once believed that it is only natural to help people," Arthur traced the scar on his body. "I am uncertain now. Most do not deserve to be helped, and I see no reason for why I should do it."