

"You got quite the mouth, kid," replied Amelio with a smile beneath his hood. Arthur managed to catch a glimpse of his mouth, covered with a thick beard. "Even at the prime of your former power, you weren't so arrogant."

"Arrogance?" asked Arthur with raised brows. "I just pointed out your crimes and your punishment. Does that make me an arrogant person, Fallen God Amelio?"

"It is either arrogance or foolery to disrespect a god."

"A fallen god," corrected Arthur, and he could see the veins bulging on Amelio's half-hidden face. Of course, it was wrong to anger a calamity, but Arthur was not about to be an ass kisser for survival. "How about I offer you something instead?"

"I would love to hear it," said Amelio while reining his anger. "Well, if I don't like it, I will kill everyone here."

"I will come down toward Kera, and the army will retreat. Then, we can fight or settle whatever scores we have."