
A World Without...

As soon as Diana saw the black mountain, her instincts of the great phoenix and ice spirit kicked in. Her body shivered as she knew that advancing any forward would threaten her life. That made her heart beat faster, until she felt the reassuring calloused hand hold hers.

"I sealed him," said Arthur as he looked at her with his scarred eyes, their sight still filling Diana with guilt. He lost his sight just to save her from what her father has done to her. "You don't need to worry."

And her worries disappeared just like that alongside with her primal instincts to survive. His voice worked like a magnet that picked up her fears and blew them in the winds.

"Is this... Eragon the Destroyer?" asked Dia after taking a deep breath as the crane lowered them even further. "I never thought that I would meet what Alkan people used to scare their children."