
A Win: A Loss

As they kept playing, Rae finally stood up from her spot with a victorious expression. With a dramatic reveal act, she pointed at Arthur as one would point at a culprit. 

"I figured it out!" 

"Figured what out?" Arthur shrugged. "That you're not fit for this game?" He smiled inwardly at the three hundred points he now had. 

"No, but how you cheated!" 

"Alright, go ahead." 

"You're disguising the cards!" She said with triumph. "You're using illusions to convert them into cards that you need."

"No." The teacher flatly rejected while Rae kept pointing her finger at Arthur. Rae's pale skin suddenly turned into bright red to her ears as she sat down with a pout. 

"Well, that was a good guess." Arthur smiled. The reason that his method was hard to expose was how complicated it was. Jonah's ability was a complete mystery as no one, besides Arthur, saw him use it.