
A Stone Man

The bookkeeper was in the northern icy mountains. That was all Arthur needed to know. As the Deity of Seas inspected him for wounds, all he could think of was the nearest exit out of this place. He wasn't terrified by evil beings but by incomprehensible ones. 

'What's wrong with this spirit?' 

Arthur saw the tender care she had for him, the type he saw in his mother's eyes when he got hurt as a kid. It sent chills down his spine that the same person who relentlessly attacked him moments ago was now worried about him. 

"Who are you?" 

Arthur's tolerant attitude was gone, and he slapped her hand away. He saw her face crumble in rage, but he didn't think it was his actions that ticked her off. It was his question.

"You forgot about me," she through gritted teeth. "I spent years in this prison waiting for your return, only for you to forget about me?"