
A Promise of Safety

The threat came alongside thunder that shook the entire Levan Island. Facing such a threat were the soldiers sent by West Sourna, who were now frozen in both fear and confusion. The city was right before them, ready to be plundered and forced into submission.

On the ships near the shores, a man stood with a frown. His eyes were round and blue, with brown hair and a mustache that reached his chest. Hearing the words of the ominous figure, he was anything but happy.

"What should we do, commander?" asked his young assistant, a woman in her thirties. "I checked with the binoculars. He is indeed the infamous Arthur Silvera, bringer of doom!"

"There ain't such a thing, lass!" barked the commander with his mustache jumping on each side. "But if he is indeed the Ruler of Runera, infamous for his unmatched powers, then not even our empyrean can handle him."