
A New Home

The driver from Nightroad waited outside while Arthur led Diana into the house. Although it was shabby and needed cleaning, it was their home. Diana looked around the small entryway, almost memorizing the house.

"You lived in this place while struggling? It doesn't sound so bad," Diana said as Arthur opened the door and allowed her inside. Similar to the state outside, the house was covered in dust.

"My mother and I worked every day to make ends meet and keep this house. We could have lived in a different district in a worse house, but we had a lot of memories here. Besides, we already had the mortgage approved for this one."

"I have no idea what you just said," Diana laughed softly, "but I understand that you had it rough. Is this the living room?"

Arthur smiled as he gave Diana a tour of the house. She seemed to admire every intrinsic detail of his life here. Every memory he told her made her excited as she asked more questions.