
A Man Who Has It All

After their tour in the Red Tower, Arthur and Diana decided to leave for the night and return to the ship. Because of their tour inside his sea of consciousness, Arthur seemed fatigued and they decided to sleep. 

Diana opened her eyes to once again see the wooden ceiling of the pirate ship. Her body swayed and moved with the ocean, gently easing her into the world of unconsciousness. However, she did not sleep a wink.

What that man said about Arthur and his journey made her uneasy. She asked Arthur about his new name, Netherborne, and he told her about his ancestor that once led the world against the gods.

The story of how a man stood against the world for a vision that no one could agree with, not even his friends, made her fear that Arthur would stand in that same position one day. And if he did, she was scared of losing him.