
A Disabling Lust

Arthur began to assume that her lust was more of a disability than a desire. It was a crippling urge that she had to sate for her mind to think logically. After all, even though Arthur was talking about a dangerous possibility, Rain seemed to have nothing but eroticism on her mind.

"Are you sure… you don't need help?" asked Arthur with a sincere and concerned voice. Rain stared and grinned before reaching toward the back of her dress to unbutton it. Arthur hurried to grab her arm and explained, "Not that kind of help, but something like a cure to this lust."

"You can be my cure," said Rain as she held his arm with her free hand and traced it toward his shoulder. Then, she grabbed him and pulled him toward the bed. Arthur used his other arm to support him, but he still ended up on top of her. His knee rested between her legs, and his hand could feel the warmth of her face.