
A 'Useful' Friend

"What is our next step?" asked Maryam while glancing outside the cave. "We can't hide forever here unless you decided to give up on that space arrays."

"My next step is trying to stay alive," groaned Oriole as he poured a disinfectant on his torso, which made him gnash his teeth in pain. "I can't think of anything right now, so let those gears spin."

"Men are so unreliable."

"My body is half gone!"

Maryam glanced at his wound before her face contorted. Then, she looked away without getting closer. Oriole laughed at the irony of an Amiens Family member being uncomfortable with injuries. However, he did not need her anyway.

His body was already healing back to what it used to be, and the healing potions that Arthur gave him helped. If not for the potions keeping him hanging, Oriole would have bled to death. As he leaned back, his microscopic modeling enhanced the mitosis and regeneration of his organs.