
An Eighth Letter from a Black Bird

Dear Easter,

Your situation is more interesting than mine, yet mine is more stressful. I feel like I've gotten the short end of the stick. The public seems quite content to denigrate the Tarnin family, which is better for me, I suppose.

The trial is supposed to be fair, but I hope public opinion sways it a little. As a person, I feel bad for the poor family, but as Mother's little puppet, I wish for their decadence sooner. Unfortunately, from a rational point of view, there is no proof. But, if I submit the written stacks of diatribe, their family may prove to be less reputable than they already were, and the trial may end quickly.

You must be amazed at my dexterity, but I still feel I am playing this game as a weak man, when I could just kill him and end the trial with a flick of my finger. But, then it wouldn't be fair, so I suppose I must fight like a weak man,

Your case is pretty interesting. I heard Faith died of sickness, but her treatments were meager. Perhaps Duke Sterin didn't care for his daughter, and wished she died soon. Their doctors were certainly well-known, but they were only going through the motions of tending her, like pretending to listen to a conversation, but the words only went in one ear and out the other.

The next is just a small theory I have. If Nico was attached to his sister, he would've been sad when she died. And, if Faith was neglected, Nico might have been as well. If he's only friend was his sister, it would be understandable if he was obsessed with her, and tried to restore her if she died.

Tsk, those kinds of people should just die too.

Maybe I should just focus on further deriding the Tarnin family.

Are you really delirious? Perhaps you should stop looking at the photo of a rotting corpse, it may prove deleterious to your health.
