
Letters of Compunction

IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room

Rosewater15 · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

A Seventh Letter from a Black Bird

Dear Osiris,

You were quite interested in my findings. I suppose this case is strange in itself, and you must bear with me. I don't believe half the stuff my spy has told me either, but I might as well tell you everything she said. (It's rather late into the night now, and I'm tired, so I might mess some things up)

Nico Sterin has a sister who died. I believe she died a year and two weeks ago, and three days after that, the organ murders started. (That case is not officially called that, but I'll just call it the organ murders.)

I remember Nico wasn't one of the main suspects, since back then, there were much more suspicious people. But, the murderer left no traces. All the suspects were only mere guesses, and none acted overly suspicious. Sterin was only a suspect because his sister died recently and he was quite angry over it, but the servants reported he stayed home, locked in his room, all day. His room was on the fourth floor, and they checked if he was there during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and he was still there. Essentially, that's why he shouldn't be a suspect.

They executed some random man, but after that, it kept happening. Every time, they executed more suspects, even though they had no proof. Even if the suspects were exculpated, if only one pointed fingers at them, they would be executed. Basically, it turned into a blaming game.

Today should be the seventh murder. I wonder who will die this time.

Now, onto my spy's crazy theory. She reported to have been inside a secret conduit that lead to a closed of room, a rotting corpse. Strewn around it was severed body parts, the corpse itself having limbs dangling by threads, it's stomach appearing opened and sealed many times. She claims it was Faith Sterin, Nico's older sister.

If Nico was the organ murderer, it would make sense. He probably isn't knowledgeable enough to know how to preserve a body (people like him seem rather stupid), so he just leaves the body there to rot. and replaces the parts occasionally. Maybe he has some kind of attachment to his sister, leading him to so desperately want to do that.

It would make sense that Elizabeth ran away. Maybe he was trying to get her killed, so she fled. Today, he must have gotten Meril.

And, he bulged out the eyes and jaw since he probably needed a jaw, and Mary gave me the eyes, mistaking me for him. (Do eyes rot?)

This is the story. Mother had me humiliate him in public for nothing. First, we thought Elizabeth spilled some important information to him, so I had to make him incredible so anything he said was wrong. Then, I thought she ran away because she was ashamed. Then, because she was scared of him. Now, I think he was trying to kill her. It makes sense that he also wanted the money to buy off the black market. He probably bought from more people as well.

But, these are all just assumptions.

Hopefully I'm almost finished with this case and he can be killed off quickly,


P.S. the photo of Faith Sterin permanently traumatized me. Do you want to see it?

if you are wondering, i keysmash to get random names. that's how i got Easter, Osiris, Nico, and Elias~ (and their last names I just make up)

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