IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room
Dear Oliver Tarnin, or the Anonymity,
I, the second prince, have given you an official order. From now on, your new prison cell will be Osiris's study. He never uses that anyway, so I have already ordered the maids to clear the room for you. You may not leave that room, under any circumstances.
There are other rules as well, but let me tell you the punishments first. I am going to be very generous to you, and give you four warnings. The first time you break any rules, your nails will be ripped off. The second time, your fingers. The third time, I will chop off your hands. The last time, your arms will come off, and you will be sent to the dungeon to be eaten by dogs, or perhaps cooked for the prisoners underneath.
Let me tell you the rules. Keep in mind, both the rules and punishments can be changed by the crowned prince, but unless he says otherwise, they will remain here.
1. You may not leave the study unless Osiris says otherwise. (Or I)
2. You may not speak unless told to do so.
3. Do not fight against anyone or fight back, even if it is for self defense.
4. Meals will be served two times a day. Finish them, without waste.
5. Follow any orders.
I will be frank with you. Remember when Osiris oh-so-heroically saved you from this evil monster's hands? Well, now that Osiris has been throwing a tantrum, you will be officially assigned to clean up after him and be his ragdoll. I know you've already been doing this, but now it is not optional.
This is all because of Mother. She hasn't even spared a glance at you, yet. If she did, maybe I would give you more mercy.
As of receiving this note, it should be around noon. If you are not in the crowned prince's study by lunch time, I will find you personally and beat you so bad you'll run out of tears. If you remember last time, do not underestimate me.
Easter Agnes.