
Chapter 8: Neuromod Divison

The Neuromod division surpassed all expectations, mirroring the game's layout with the exception of its larger size. Nonetheless, Owen navigated the area effortlessly, knowing it like the back of his hand.

"We should split up here and search the surroundings," Owen suggested, intending to loot everything he could find and keep it for himself, securely stored in his inventory.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Alexa replied, smashing what appeared to be a Gloo-covered mimic. Gloo was a substance that, when shot, expanded and hardened, capable of holding a grown man's weight. In this case, it restricted the movements of some mimics and blocked a hallway. Fortunately, the Gloo wasn't a significant obstacle for Owen and the group, as it was not known for its resistance against blunt force.

Although they tried to maintain a lighthearted atmosphere, the situation grew increasingly challenging. As they approached the area where Owen believed he could find Morgan, the number of mimics multiplied. Some members of the group contemplated turning back, overwhelmed by the increasing threat. Alexa reminded them that Morgan and his brother possessed the only other working escape route. However, someone suggested they leave and return with more people, a suggestion that was quickly shut down when Owen commented that Morgan might die before they even come back. The group reluctantly pressed on, accumulating dozens of kills as they fought against mimics and phantoms. Owen couldn't help but feel confused by the high concentration of Typhon in the starting zone, far exceeding the difficulty levels of the game. Dismissing his concerns, he focused on the view that lay before him.

The word to describe the scene was "surreal." An expansive metropolis sprawled out in front of him, so realistic that Owen wouldn't have known it was fake if it weren't for the obvious cutoff area representing the portion not covered by the looking glass technology.

"We must be close," Jake spoke, joining Owen's side and sharing his amazement at the lifelike scene.

"It's insane, isn't it? All of this just to make one man relive a single day of his life. If someone had told me this before I got here, I would have called it insane, even impossible," Jake added before resuming following the group. Owen followed suit, but not without stealing glances at the glass box, marveling at the technological masterpiece that appeared even more astonishing now than in the game.

Ten minutes later, they arrived in front of what should have been Morgan's fake apartment. However, they were taken aback by a hole in the part of the looking glass, simulating the exterior of the apartment.

"It seems he already got out," Owen thought aloud, observing the group's panic as they searched and called out for Morgan, receiving no response. Sensing an opportunity, Owen decided to scavenge the area and stumbled upon a pitch-black trans-star suit.

"Don't mind if I do," Owen thought happily as he quickly stripped and donned the comfortable suit. Without wasting time savoring the feeling, he began exploring the suit's utilities, which included displaying his health and suit integrity, as well as allowing him to install up to eight chip sets.

"Hey Owen, it seems you found a suit. You don't have any chips, so take these," Mark said, emerging from around the corner as he caught sight of the suited Owen and handing him three chips: [Last Chance Core v1], [Kinesthetic Assister CRU], and [Prowl S-6400].

The first chip ensured Owen would always be left with 1 HP, although he remained uncertain if it would work in the real world. The second chip improved his stamina regeneration, while the third chip increased his movement speed while sneaking.

"Thanks, I'll make good use of these," Owen expressed his gratitude as he inserted the chips into their respective slots, following Mark's instructions.

"By the way, can I ask you something?" Owen inquired, trailing behind Mark as they made their way to regroup with the others.

"Sure, ask away," Mark replied, the group coming into view.

"What would be the fastest route to the arboretum?" Owen asked, causing Mark to pause and scratch his head, lost in deep thought. Eventually, he reached a conclusion.

"The elevator won't take us up there, so I'd say the best way is through the guts. However, I have no doubt it's infested with Typhon," Mark answered, prompting a sigh from Owen as they continued moving toward the group.

"I think this is where we split," Owen declared, capturing the group's attention.