
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter five

<p>On the way to the airport I saw colbalt.<br/>"Get by a car now."<br/>"What's wrong."<br/>"I see colbalt. I think he's looking for you tobias." Conner said.<br/> "I will deal with him"<br/>"No , I think I can kill most of them."<br/>I started to walk toward him. When I was at least 50 yard away I got angry and surged and a bunch of cars exploded. Jackal was by me. one thing I never told anyone he has wings.<br/>"HEY. COLBALT."<br/>She looked at me in surprise. I was once again in the air floating. I stared at her and vines started to grow covering her. I heard a whine. I looked to my right and saw jackal on the ground blood coming out of his side. I came back to the ground and ran toward him.<br/>"Jackal it's going to be ok i promise."<br/>I felt something weird happening. I was turning into a wolf myself and I could understand him.<br/>"R-r-run don-t stay."<br/>I'm not leaving you not again.<br/>I got shot in the neck and passed out <br/><br/>I woke up in a van with chains on my paws. They were pretty big ones to. I Looked around and saw jackal laying on the floor unconscious. <br/>"Jackal wake up."<br/>I started to whine. I noticed I was a lot bigger than him and I was so cramped. How did they get me in here? Then a guy came in the back. I growled. He looked terrified once he saw me. I could tell I was as tall as him when I was crouched. I felt something hit the sides of the van and looked. I saw I had wings. They looked big. I looked back at the guard and he had a gun. I rolled my eyes and barked loudly. Ready to pounce when the van stopped, the doors busted open. I looked at jackal and went by his side right before they shot me. They barely missed me and hit the guard in the van. I grabbed jackal and jumped out of the van. <br/>They took aim then a voice said "Don't shoot. Just move."<br/>The voice said cautiously. Everyone moved. I ran without thought. I spread my wings and flapped. somehow. I knew this was a trick so I stopped. I turned around and saw my dad. I ran to him. I put down jackal and turned into a human.<br/>"Dad." I said cautiously.<br/>He turned in surprise. "Jessie? How did you get here?" He asked.<br/>"Uh cobalt." I said<br/>"What!"<br/>"Yeah."<br/>"You need to come home."<br/>"I can't."<br/>"Why?"<br/>"My friends are out there."<br/>My dad was speechless.<br/>"I just can't leave them. I will find you in the meantime. I need you to take care of jackal. Something is wrong with him. Also don't put him in a cage."<br/>I turned back into a wolf and flew off.<br/>"JESSIE!!" My dad Yelled in the distance.<br/>I couldnt look back. This probably made my dad worry about me. Not to worry. Right? Nothing could get worse than this right? I can't be in doubt right now. Too much is on the line for me to be in doubt. I just hope I'm not too late.<br/></p>