
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

<p>So we went to the cops and they didn't even talk to me and ignored me so we went to my house. I saw Conner was right at my door. Then he turned around to see us. <br/>"Oh my god where have you guys been?"<br/>I got pissed when he said that. <br/>"Oooohh now you say that well... we just got kidnapped. That's all." <br/>I gave him a scowl. <br/>"Well Clyde and Dustin got kidnapped too." <br/>"Oh yeah I saw him and He saw me."I said rudely.<br/>"oh um well I want to help." Conner added.<br/>"Help with what all I'm going to do is go get my parents and why do you care about them."<br/>Conner stayed quiet and Mason exchanged looks with him. <br/>"What?"<br/>"Why the hell would you want to save them?"<br/> I went dead silent. I could tell it made them uncomfortable. They kept giving each other looks. I walked past Conner to unlock my house then I saw her in my house. <br/>"Uh guys we got to go. Wait by my car." <br/>They go toward my car. <br/>"You mean the lamborghini."<br/>"YES!"<br/>I snuck in the back of the house and grabbed my keys as quietly as possible and went back outside. I ran to my car and unlocked it. We all climbed in and the idiots stared at me all wide-eyed. <br/>"This is your car." <br/>"Yes I paid for it."<br/>"Dam."<br/>"Shit!" I said.<br/>"What."<br/>"I forgot my dog. Mason get in the back."<br/>"What why?"<br/>"JUST FUCKING DO IT!"<br/>"Ok geez."<br/>I ran back in and there were 7 people pointing guns at me. I stared at one and he shot one of the other guards then himself. I was amazed with what I could do. I looked at 2 others and they exploded. After they were distracted I ran to my room and saw my dog. My dog was a timber wolf. He was as tall as me and I'm 7ft8. Jackle and I ran outside. I opened the car door and let jackal in fists then me. I turned my car on and left. We went past NC. All I wanted was to go back. We stopped at Walmart. We all got out, even jacks. I sort of had to duck to get through the doors. Everyone stared at us. There was another figure on the opposite side of Walmart. I could tell he was taller than me but when I blinked he was gone. We came for food and that was it. We got some food and left.<br/>"Are you guys ready to get back into my cramped car?"<br/>"Nope but ok." Conner replied.<br/>We went to Denver. It took some time, about 4 hours plus another hour to get to the airport. <br/>"Why are we going to the airport?" <br/>"You want to save your friend right, well we are going to Hawaii."<br/>"Why Hawaii? Conner asked. <br/>Mason answered. "We were taken there."<br/> "Oh."<br/> We get on a private jet and go to Hawaii. During the ride Conner and Jacob both gaped at Jackal. <br/>I told them "Staring is rude guys." and ignored them. <br/>I looked at Jackal and said, "There idiots." He laid his ginormous he'd on my lap and whined. "I know."<br/>We got there a couple hours later and got off. I am still learning things about myself. So I tested some of my powers on walls. We ended up running into one of the guards and we knocked him out, brought him to my condo and tied him up. He woke up confused. He looked around and to see a pile of hooks then on his other side were bloody rags that we found on the streets just to make it scary. Then he looked at us. Our masks were black. Then he saw jackal. <br/>"What the hell is that and What the fuck is happing."<br/>"Well he's awake, tell me where taner and kristy are. Now!"<br/>"Or what."<br/>"I believe that we can persuade you."<br/>Then I nodded at Mason then Conner.he lit his hand on fire while Conner pulled out a machete. With all rage and sadness something happened to me. I started to levitate and our masks incinerated. They all looked at me.<br/>"Your j-j-Jessie!!"<br/> "Oh hell yes I am and you are going to tell me where tanner and kristy are NOW!! "<br/>"There in Germany!" <br/>"Wait, I thought you were going to put up a fight?" <br/>I came back to the ground. <br/>"NO I hate colbalt . I'm one of you guys. Here put a cup of water on the table." <br/>We looked at each other courisly and put a cup of water on the table. As he looked at the cup of water the water came out of the cup. We looked at the guard. <br/>"Who are you?"<br/>"I'm Tobias." <br/>"There are Not a lot of elementals. No wonder colbalt took you." Mason told us.<br/>Conner started to untie Tobias.<br/>"We need to ask you some stuff before we let you out of our sight Jessie put your hand on Tobias's shoulder."<br/>So I did. I forgot to tell you I can tell if somebody is lying. <br/>"What are your intentions if we let you come with us?"<br/>"I am going to kill colbalt."<br/>I nodded.<br/>"Are you intending to harm us?"<br/>"Only if this goes on."<br/>I nodded.<br/>"Ok. That's it."<br/>"I can get us to germany." <br/>"How?"<br/>"Duh. My parents are rich as fuck so Are you guys stupid."<br/>"Oh." They all said in unison.l<br/>"I'll call one of my mades to get us a private jet for the ride to germany."<br/></p>