


The first week was awkward. Aaron and Marie had been married for five years, but they had grown apart over the last few months. They had barely spoken to each other, except for the occasional argument. Now, they were supposed to act like a happy couple for two months.

At first, it was difficult. Marie felt like she was walking on eggshells, never quite sure what to say or how to act around Aaron. She didn't want to push him away, but she also didn't want to make things worse.

Aaron, for his part, seemed distant and preoccupied. Marie could tell that he was still thinking about the conversation they had had that first night, the one where he had told her he wanted a divorce. She wished she knew what was going on in his head.

Despite the tension between them, Marie tried to make the most of the situation. She cooked Aaron's favorite meals, made his coffee just the way he liked it, and even surprised him with tickets to a movie she knew he had been wanting to see. She hoped that these small gestures would help them to reconnect.

For his part, Aaron seemed to appreciate her efforts. He smiled more often, and he even seemed to open up a little bit. One night, over dinner, he talked about his day at work, something he hadn't done in months.

Marie listened attentively, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Maybe things were getting better between them after all.

But just as she was starting to feel hopeful, something happened that shattered her newfound optimism. It was a small thing, really, but it was enough to make her doubt everything.

Aaron came home late one night, smelling like perfume.

Marie didn't say anything, but she couldn't help the feeling of betrayal that swept over her. Was he already seeing someone else? Had he moved on so quickly?

For the rest of the night, she couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and disappointment. She wondered if their two months together were already doomed to fail.

As she lay in bed that night, she tried to push the thought out of her mind. They still had seven weeks left, and maybe things would get better. But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that their time together was running out