
The Devil Who Wants to Annihilate the Devil

With the bhikkhuni making the trip, most of the undead in Luoyang City had been cleared. The remaining few who were relatively far away and hadn't been cleared didn't pose much of a threat.

"He's almost there," Cave Era said to Hermit as she sensed the location of the temporal pocket watch.

Hermit's eyes were filled with excitement as though he was looking forward to seeing the process of the bhikkhuni becoming a devil.

Just as the bhikkhuni was about to reach Wei Ge, she suddenly stopped.

Here it comes! Hermit's heart raced as adrenaline involuntarily pumped through his veins. His palms turned moist from excitement.

Suddenly, the bhikkhuni turned around without any warning and walked back the way she came.

"What's going on? Isn't Wei Ge there?" Hermit was slightly taken aback as he hurriedly asked Cave Era.

"He should be there… The temporal pocket watch is there…" Cave Era felt that something was amiss.