

Sometimes, we often lose up, we think everything is coming to an end but maybe, just maybe there is that someone that would be there for us, we might not know their attachment to us, but we should be grateful to witness their presence.



"Freya, Freya, Freya, are you awake?" Someone called, she was conscious and was trying to move, however she was in pain and could hardly move.

"Miss Freya, are you awake a male ?"voice asked, the voice seemed to be coming from her side. "Who are you?" Freya asked barely audibly, I'm the sheriff and I need your statement. Will you be strong enough to give us the answer?'' the sheriff answered and asked her at the same time.

She felt a hand touching her and winched in pain, as all the pain was concentrated to that point, she was in immense pain and it was clearly visible." Leave her, the patient is clearly not strong enough to give a report to "a male opposed.

He had more bass in his voice unlike the first. "You may be his friend but I got him trapped, and you won't be able to help him. Once I get this girl statement, then I can lock him up" the sheriff threatened, soon Freya heard the door open and then shut.

"Why did he risk getting caught for a blind girl?'' the man asked but he didn't seem to be asking her. "Leave it be Issac, he has his reasons,'' a female warned. ``Finally I can't go around being a female nurse, I hope there are no camera in here, "she asked. "No except my eyes," the male guy answered in a flirty tone.

"Freya it me silver do you remember?" silver asked." Silver "Freya called with a low key. "Yes, sorry I'm late, no sorry we are late and sorry for actually letting you go, we didn't know she was a traffickers, but when King found out, he started looking for you, '' Silver explained.

"Where is he? "Freya asked. "He got arrested, your associates told the cops he was one of the traffickers" Silver answered with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"We just need your statement to change that fact,'' the male voice pointed out." Oh and this is Issac by the way, one of the king's best friends" Silver introduced.

"Kings,I thought his name was da..." Silver stopped him before he could say anything.

"You should know he loves to joke around "Silver notes." If I knew calling names would make you put your beautiful hands on my lips, I would have done that sooner," Issac teased. "And it is doctor Issac, you don't know how hard it is having the degree I have,'' he said proudly.

"And her statement won't change anything, no offense but Freya is blind and how do you expect her to know her traffickers, '' Silver explained. "What we need is to change her status from single to married, that is if you are single right,'' Silver asked.

"What ?"Freya and Issac both exclaimed in confusion. Ignoring Issac, Silver turned to Freya." Look, King have helped you alot, he gave you a place to stay, luxury, paid your medical fee, stop you from committing suicide and so on which may include the food and clothes you received while at his place" she started.

"He even goes as far as getting in between the police just to save you, right now he is in police custody, and this may harm his reputation and career as a CEO, you just have to be his wife" She continued.

"The plot here is that you got secretly married because his parents did not agree to the marriage, it will be spread the moment you sign these marriage papers, '' explained Silver.



A FEW HOURS BACK Silver ran through the cell room, the last thing she remembered was Daniel dropping her off so he can drive fast without hesitation.

The next was the call that he was being arrested and the news of the girls being brought to the hospital. "I warned you about this "Silver yelled, seeing him sitting down calmly on the chair.

"Relax Silver, you are not my mom and she doesn't even act that way towards me, besides my lawyer is here now,'' Daniel said, rather calmly.

" How can you remain calm, the new inspector, you know he has been against you and now the sheriff Augustine is now against you, they would do anything to see you behind bars, '' Silver pointed out.

She didn't notice the lawyer behind her, Mr Anthony has been their lawyer ever since, he makes illegal things legal in the sight of the public, even though he is at the risk of losing his job, he does it because he owes Daniel big time. "It's nice to see Miss Silver," Mr Anthony greeted with a smile.

" Sorry Mr Anthony, I didn't notice you were around "Silver apologies which was accepted with a smile.

"The damage has been done, you have been linked by one of the girls that you trafficked them, however Freya's statement is the only thing that can save you," Mr Anthony started off.

"The girls you save can only reduce your sentence "Mr Anthony informed. "Hmmm Daniel mumbled, "I will leave Silver to go panicking and shouting "he continues teasing her.

"You are seriously this calm ?"silver asked. "yes dear, because we will use plan B" Daniel answered. "And it can only be carried out, when Freya wakes up, tells Isaac to stall the police, let them not get Freya statements," he explained.

"What is plan B? "Silver asked, confused, they didn't answer her, with a signal from Daniel, Mr Anthony handed her a file. "Does that explain everything ?" Daniel asked with a smirk.


"So are you ready, a three year arrangement, after three years by law you can separate and Daniel gets to leave prison" Silver said.

"What will my adoptive mom say? She may deny "Freya asked. It will be taken care of, Freya. We don't have much time, a few minutes from now the police will walk in for a statement from you. "Is it a yes or no? "Silver asked, biting her fingers.