


It's been three days since Freya left and for everyone else, things were slowly returning back to normal, but for Daniel, he just couldn't let go.

He would sometimes go to her room in his free time to sleep and at night, he also refused the maid to wash the sheets fearing that her present would leave.

Today he planned on paying her a visit, so he had ordered Silver to locate her. He waited for Silver in the Freya room, imagining her looks or her expression when he sees her.

In a matter of time, Silver walked in while holding a newspaper in her hands. She throws it to Daniel front while sitting down, his excited face changes to a frown not understanding why she gave him a magazine.

"I told you to find Freya not a newspaper? " He blunted out.

" Just read page number four," she requested.

Sighing, he picked up the paper to read, his face to a confused one when he saw the woman that claim to be Freya being wanted on the newspaper for human trafficking, it read further that she makes her victim sex workers.

Angrily, he threw the paper, his eyes red with anger.

" The house was vacant when I walked in, she had packed everything and left" she informed.

"The police, what are they doing?" He asked.

" Doing everything they can, trying so hard to trace her" she replied. "They won't be able to find her, "he murmured to himself.

"I think Freya was quite aware. The neighbors said a few days ago, they saw her running away, her clothes ripped, she ran so desperately, turning to places she doesn't even know, the lady came out with two men, asking people around for her whereabouts. When they found her, she was hit by a car and was rushed to the hospital" she explained.

"That was the day I found her" he muttered. "My problem is, why didn't she ask for help?, Silver asked.

"She did, I noticed she was shivering but I thought it was excitement, fuck I'm such a fool. You know when she came close to me she said something to me, and do you know what she said?. She said please Help Me" he yelled, blaming himself.

"it's not your fault, the woman was a snake to begin with" Silver tried explaining.

"We have to find her" he declared. "No we can't, the new inspector in town doesn't like you, if he links you with this, it's over, you might get arrested or get watch on" she

pointed out.

"This town is my Town, I run it,and if he thinks he wants to arrest me then he should get ready to arrest both the governor and a lot of politicians involved in my business. It was because of him, I had to let her go but I won't let him be the reason I lose Freya forever" he stated.

"Gather everyone, we need to find her" he ordered.

" But it's been three days, you surely won't find her by now" she blunted out.

"She is too important to be forgotten Silver" he said . He walks closer to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Please find her, I know you can" he continued.. With a nod and a smile Silver quickly went, this was her first mission given to her since she joined, she couldn't help but jump up when she left the room.

Putting a serious face, she gathers all of Daniel's men and informs them what happened. She divided them into groups and gave them areas in the town to check so as to cover up time.

Two hour's no news yet, their next lead was her house, they arrived there with lot's of escort. It drew the attention of many passersby.

Closing his eyes, he opened them again to see silver standing in front of him. Sir the door is shut, she informed, and no one is in, she added.

Angry, he took out his pistols and went out, shooting the door until the handle broke opening the door. The whole team was surprised, this was the first time he was acting this way, he once told them bullets should not be wasted, but here he was, wasting it on a door handle. His eyes were dark,full of rage. He was the first to go in, searching for her, followed by silver.

Silver had to lie that they were Private inspectors so not to make the people call the police. When they held that, the people felt safe and some let out what they knew about the family, about Freya.

" All they do is blab, as if it will help us in any case" Daniel complained as Silver came back from talking with the people.

" It's better than them calling the inspector," Silver hinted.

" Silver, I am the law and if you want to work with me, you have to acknowledge that" he stated.

" Now let's check the room" he continued as they all went different ways in checking the room.

Checking each room, in the hope of finding where Freya's room was. After what felt like forever, he found her room by accident, when he wanted to get water to drink.

It was a dark room, pictures of her at the orphanage were being hung on the wall, the exact same picture that was in his room when he was little after his surgery. He couldn't help it, tears escaping his eyes as he searched through her things, hoping for something.

It was fruitless as he only saw a recording device. Silver was walking to him, when the sound of one of their gang members was heard.

"Found something" he shouted, locating the sound, they both rushed to find his members struggling with a strange odd looking door. Daniel brought his gun to shut it, but Silver stopped him. "You don't know what is inside, leave it be," she said.

After a long while of pushing, the door Creek opened. His hope rose, seeing what was at the other side of the door. The only question was, what was inside?.