


Kelvin ran all the way up to Daniel's room, he opened the door with a big bang drawing Daniel's attention away from the book in his hand.

" Tell me it's not true," he said immediately.

"What is not true?" Daniel questioned.

His eyes landed on the piles of books, and the one in Daniel's hands.

" It's so damn true, what wrong man?

Daniel: What are you even talking about?" Kelvin asked Daniel to avoid his question.

"The rumor spreading within the servant quarters to the guards, I ran all the way here just to confirm it when it reached my ears and then I discovered it was true" he continued.

"You know I don't have patience, if you don't talk I will put a hole in your head." Daniel agitatedly said.

" Then you don't get to know what the rumor is, " Kelvin questioned.

"No, caused I can simply get a servant and torture them. Boom he spilled everything" Daniel replied with an evil glare.

"oh good and then they can just lie to you because of fear, you won't be able to get the truth or tell if it the truth because all will agree in other not to get torture as well" Kelvin contrasted.

" I will have you know that, what you just said is impossible, why because I am the boss here and they know that if they ever lie to me, their family will get it" Daniel pointed out.

"You crazy manic, sometimes all you have to do is ask, beside I will tell you either way. It's about your romance, the all powerful lion found his prey. His love prey " Kelvin informed.

" What about my prey?" Daniel asked, standing up.

"Two days ago, Our all powerful leader brought a blind girl home," he replied.

"God help me that the next time you call her a blind girl, with that tone of yours, you might not see the next day" Daniel threatened.

'" Right, her name is Freya, anyway the next day our leader went to the bookstore and brought a lot of Romance novels and love poems. In Fact you are reading one right now" Kelvin teased.

"It's not for me, it's for her," Daniel defended.

"How, she can't even read because she is blind and you are the only one I'm seeing reading this" Kelvin pointed out.

" Fine, I want her to fall for me," he said honestly.

"Why?" Kelvin asked

"It's Because I'm the reason why she is blind, she wasn't born blind, she was an orphan and I was the rich blind boy, we became friends and it grew more than that and I asked her to marry me but then on my birthday she signed the contract to have my eye surgery done,I don't know why or what went wrong with her but then I know my parents must have done something about that" Daniel began.

" After the surgery, they told me Freya left and I was angry at her, but later I found out that my mother threw her out," he continued.

" I treated her badly when I got the eyes. I went to the orphanage and then picked another girl in front of her. The last thing I remember her doing was crying" he finished in a sad tone.

"Then did you tell her you are Daniel?" Kelvin immediately asked.

" no, I plan on making her fall for me and then I will tell her,"he proudly explained.

"That is one crazy idea," Kelvin said.

"And why is that?" Daniel asked.

"No it's not that, do you think you can protect her from not knowing, give it a matter of days and she is bound to know, more so ever you are building a relationship on lie and trust me it always ends badly" Kelvin advised.

"No one will tell her," Daniel assured.

" I can give you two people who might tell her" Kelvin hinted at.


" you found out that your mother kicked Freya out right" Kelvin stated.

"That was because Martha told me," Daniel explained.

"Good, there is Tina, your mother and father, oh goodness that makes it three" he joked.

"I will keep it from them," he defended.

" And how are you not sure you won't fall for her, besides if the whole household already knows then your mother can't be an exception" he pointed out.

"That's because I won't, it's just for her to love me nothing more then I will tell her and wait for her reaction" he excused.

" Fine, have your way then, as for me, I have things to do" Kelvin said leaving, he shut the door so loud. Leaving Daniel with his own thoughts.

When Kelvin came out, he entered a saloon car that was waiting for him.

"Did you get it?" Kelvin asked.

" Of course, I got the audio, now it's just to edit it to how we want it.but are you sure about it" the lady in the car replied.

" Super, the moment I saw his reaction at the hospital, I knew this girl might be our

to get rid of Daniel and his unnecessary boss behavior" he chatted as he kissed her.

"How do we figure this out," the lady questioned.

"I saw him cry at the bridge," he replied.

" Then why don't we edit it and tell her now" she enquired further.

" Because I want to keep him distracted, if that girl is here, he would be a bit distracted, just enough to make me get his men on my side and then at the last minute we kill him and that girl. Just keep doing your work" he explained.

"I will but don't forget your promise" she reminded me.

" I won't, I will fulfill it soon" he assured.

" That's all I need to hear from you, I will edit it and draw closer to her and maybe in case betraying him directly won't work, we will put all the blame on Freya," she said with a grin.

" That's fair enough," he noted.