


At night, Martha had arrived to take care of Freya, leaving Freya in the hands of Martha, Daniel left to his room, to the awaiting arms of his entertainer silver.

She lay on his bed sexily, wearing a lingering with a glass of drink in her hands. He was reminded of how she came to his path.


Daniel sat on the sofa, with his legs crossed and a gun in his hands, a man and his wife knelt down begging for mercy.

"I'm here for my money not for your bloody please" he yelled at them, his eyes red. " I'm sorry sir so sorry sir but I don't have the money, my company went bankrupt and my money was gone, I promise to get back the money somehow "the man pleaded.

"Really, you said that a week ago, I'm not a patient man Mr Woods, you of all people should know what happens when I lose my patience" he threatened by raising his gun.

He shot the dog first and was about to shoot the man and his wife when the door opened and a young girl who seemed to be in her twenties walked in. ``Father, mother, what is wrong and who is he ?"she asked, catching Daniel's attention.

"Well, well, well now I understand your plea" Daniel said looking at the beauty in front of him. "You see dear, your father here borrowed a huge amount of money from me and then stole two of my container goods, so I'm here to take the money and claim my goods back,'' he explained.

" It's not true right, tell me papa that it's not true, you wouldn't do it, you promised me you won't borrow,'' the girl said with a worried tone.

"Oh my, your daughter have so much faith in you, I didn't even tell her that you killed seventeen men and two of my men are missing or the fact that you engaged in human trafficking" Daniel said.

The girl looked at her father, Mr Wood's face fell in shame. " This is not true, I want to prove" the girl challenged.

"Sir one container has been found with two bodies inside" a guard announced. "What about the goods inside?'' "Intact sir" the guard replied.

" Do you still want any other proof?" Daniel mocked.

"Well then Mr Wood's, just tell me where the last container is and I will spare your life'' he threatened putting the gun to his head.

"Boss" another guard called, "the container that was found was under his wife's name" the guard informed, causing Daniel to smirk.

" Partners in the name of law and in crime I see" Daniel remarks squatting to Mrs Wood's level.

" I suppose you killed them,'' he asked, ``you know the men in the container" he continued. Mrs Wood's look away, which made Daniel laugh a bit.

"They, they, were in the way "Mrs Wood confessed, stuttering and repeating her words.

"Oh I see, they got in your way, but Mrs Wood's you holding my money and my container makes you block my path, should I then kill you, I should kill you right?'' he asked with rage.

" Mom, is this true ?" the girl asked, followed by a slap. Mr Woods raised his head to see what happened. The girl holds her face with one hand crying. "Mom, mom, mom,mom, every time you mom me dropped the act for bloody sake, I'm not your mother, your fuckin mother died years ago" She yelled shocking everyone in the room.

" Well this is interesting, you know I left an interesting show but I just have this feeling that this one is more interesting than the one I left" he remarked.

" It was the men fault, they slept with your mother, they raped her when she was supposed to be sold for cash and she got pregnant, it was bad luck for us, the business. Yes silver, you mother was among the second set of people that we trafficked, so we thought if she gives birth we would sell her and when the child was old enough, we would sell the child and that you" Mrs wood confessed, her words breaking Silver.

" Anna," Mr Woods yelled. " Stop using your anger on the poor child," he continued.

"Oh I see, me telling her the truth is a transfer of aggression, this bloody child need to know her stands, if you could sell your own child to human trafficking, what not her, she is not even special" Mrs Wood restored back.

"Our daughter refused to keep our secret, and you said selling her is better than killing her, I did what was asked" Mr. Wood defended.

" Well, you were the one not careful enough in your dealing, if you had done what I asked and sent her abroad, then she would be here with us" she blamed.

" What happened to my mother?" Silver asked.

"She died during childbirth and we have to raise the child, Waiting for you to turn twenty four so we can sell you at an expensive rate dear silver, you bloody hear me Silver, you and your mother are bad luck, so don't you dare call me Mother, because you are full of bad luck, we lost a great deal, you should just have stayed in college and wait till it was your time to be sold" she directed back at Silver with rage.

Silver broke down in tears shaking her head. " No, this is not true," she lamented, trying to find encouragement in her words.

" Father, tell me this is not true" Silver mumbled, barely audible. She couldn't believe the fact that the reason she was trained, she was schooled was for them to use her as profit.

She couldn't believe she wasn't the daughter of a wealthy business tycoon, rather she was the profit shares of a human traffickers.

With this, everywhere was quiet once again, as silver left banging the door. "Well things just got interesting, I came here for my money and goods but then a family secret was revealed, how intriguing" Daniel commented.