

Daniel looked at the girl patiently waiting for an answer, and when she did he mouth drop.

" I want in, I want to join you, I just don't want to only work for you but with you" Silver requested.

"Pretty brave but you don't know what you are asking for" he asked.

" I do" she replied.

" No silver you don't, and this is not what I had expected you to do" he pointed out

" Then what?" Silver asked.

" Well your parents or caretaker are dead, the house is yours, the company also. However my last container and money is yet to be found. You can run the company and I get some profit from it, until my lost money for both the goods in the container and my money get paid off, then we can talk about your acceptance" he explained.

" But the company went bankrupt," Silver pointed out.

" Not necessarily, I can help in funding the company" he offered.

"And the bodies?" She asked.

"Girl, you asked too many questions. Don't worry, the bodies will be taken care of, like the moment we live here" he assured.

" I don't want that, I just don't want to run the company, I want to join you" she stubbornly objected.

"Why? Is it because you own me ?" Daniel asked.

" No, not at all, besides how do I owe you" she questioned.

Daniel was just about to say something when Kelvin stopped him, it was then he realized that Kelvin had been with them all this while.

" Let her stay bro, what the worst that can happen, besides she chose it herself, you didn't force her" Kelvin shared his views.

" Fine, but then you need to be trained "Daniel said, as he walked out.

Silver could feel that he doesn't support it but she was too happy to care, finally she would join the group and get to be with her everyday she thought.


" Daniel, Daniel King" Silver called out, bringing him back to the reality that silver was still standing in front of him, he shrugged and headed to the fridge and took a can of beer before settling down.

" Silver, not today" he declined.

" Oh" she said, putting on a jacket, she headed to take a can of beer and sat down next to him.

"I heard you found her" she chatted.

" Who?" Daniel ask.

"Freya I think, the girl you told me about." She answered.

" How did you know, you just got back?" he questioned.

" Well I heard whispers from the maids in the kitchen. Is that why you don't want me, you keep promising me one night after the other, I'm just useless right" she said.

Dropping the can on the table, he looked at the girl who was already crying.

" that not it silver, silver you are a smart and brave girl, just a one year gap of training and you become so skillful and more power than some of my men, but you deserve someone better and honestly that not me, I don't want to take advantage of you silver, let just leave it that way" he stated.

" But, but you promised" she reminded.

She waited for him to answer, but he didn't, instead he stood up and walked towards the exit..

"Daniel, Daniel "she called, pursuing after him. He stopped and turned around.

"one last thing, avoid calling me Daniel" he instructed.

Although it was only her and Kelvin who could call him that. But he didn't want to blow things.

. He continued further, heading to his bedroom, when a pair of arms grabbed him, thinking it was silver, he pushed it away, but the hand was persistent, angry he turned to yell at her but stopped. He realized it wasn't silver that was holding him but a lady in her mid forties or early forties.

" I need my daughter back, you can't just take her from me "she challenged, blocking his path.

"And who are you?" Daniel asked.

" I'm Freya's adoptive mom, where is she? I need her" she declared.

It was then silver entered, wearing something else.

" Look, you can't just take my daughter away from me, I can sue you for it. I came to get her.

Daniel looked at silver as she nodded and went upstairs to get Freya,a few minutes later she was back with Freya" she continued.

Freya's adoptive mother smiled as she saw her. However it was noticeable that Freya was shivering, each step she took made her shiver, her heart beating so fast, she didn't want to go, the moment Silver told her in her room that her adoptive mother was here for her, her heart's been beating.

Tears rolled down her eyes, when Daniel saw this, he smiled thinking she was so happy to meet her adoptive mom.

" I feel Freya missed her" He whispered to Silver, who found the situation strange.

She hadn't seen her, but by her voice she was already crying. She didn't want to object and cause more trouble.

"I feel that I have to let her go home," he continued. He doesn't want to have any business with the police, especially with the new inspector in town.

" Now that I have found her, I can always make excuses to see her," he encouraged himself.

He bid her farewell and kissed her forehead, but when he was about to let go, she held him, shaking her head with more tears coming out.

" Please help me,'' she said mumbled. This was when Daniel had gone to hug her. but her adoptive mom was quick to pull her away and they got into the car before he could think of the statement.

The car drove off at full speed, "I will surely visit" he said as he watched the car drive off.

" Silver" he called as Silver came running to him. Clear my schedule so that by next week, I can be free to meet her" he instructed.

" Was she already used to me?" he questioned himself. "She was already getting used to me, '' he boasted. " And thus, I should make haste to spend time with her" he vintu.