


Freya sat down on the green grass, close to Daniel smiling.

"Happy Birthday Freya" Daniel wished.

"Huh, how do you know that, I didn't tell you anything about today being my birthday, '' she questioned.

"I stopped at the orphanage before coming here and I happened to hear it," Daniel answered "beside why did you hide it from me" he asked.

" Because I don't like celebrating my birthday, my mom left me and it was the nun who gave me that date. At first it was fun but then I watched people celebrate it with their loved ones or parents but I don't have anyone, no one at all" Freya sadly replied.

"But I'm here, you know I'm going to change it, the fact that you don't have a family I will change it" Daniel consoled.

" How? If I get adopted, then there are chances we won't meet again"Freya pointed out.

"Adoption is not the only way to be part of a family or do you not know that, they could be another way" he deviously hinted at.

"What other can you be part of a family?" a curious and naive Freya asked.

"Well I know there is marriage, if you get married, that boy's family instantly will be your family" He answered.

"Really but then I still don't get how you plan on changing that, come on please tell me" Freya pleaded.

" You silly girl, this plan will make me and you stay forever and then you get to have a mom and dad, because I want us to get married, no matter what they say, my mom says it's rather ridiculous but I don't want to lose my only childhood friend, best friend and girlfriend. We spent seven years growing up together and I don't want to lose it, do you agree?"Daniel explained.

Before he could finish it, Freya had hugged him. Thank you Daniel, this is the best thing I have heard so far.

"I thought when I asked you to be my one and only friend last month it was the best thing you heard, why are you now saying this?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Well this one beat it" Freya replied.



"well back then it was my biggest mistake, asking you to marry me, it became the cause of our separation and the main reason why you agreed to give me your eyes. I'm sorry Freya but I don't think I can bear losing you again" the thought came passing through, as I remember our past.

With a sigh, I opened her door, signaling the guards to leave. I walked to her bed and smiled, she still does it, pretending to sleep when in fact she is awake.

"You know you can fool my guards that you are sleeping but not me" I told her, but she was headstrong. I leaned closer to her and moved my hands from underneath her gown, and then I moved upward just to tease her.

She still didn't move. I chuckled when I saw her blush. Why can't she admit to things, anyway she is my Freya, she doesn't give in easily but then that makes two of us, doesn't it.

Pulling her closer, I began to unbutton her gown, and by the last button she raised her hands, attempting to hit me but she missed.

" You perverted", she yelled, knocking my hands off after a long time of tracing it and covering her chest.

"Me pervert, I'm the one who saved you," l defended the accusation.

"Well Mr did I ask for it" she questioned. " well then since I save you, you have no choice to but to repay me back and there is no need covering that, I already seen it while saving you, and watching the water reveal your body but again cover up so the guards won't see it, they don't have control like I do" I teased, watching her cover her chest with her hand.

"Get out of here you pervert" she yelled, as her cheek turned red again. "Your body hasn't fully healed, so rest food will be ready soon"I gently said.

" How do you know that I could see your chest?" I questioned.

" Just a lucky guess, besides I can tell that the shirt I'm wearing has a thin material" she replied.

" Thank you and by the way what's your name?" she asked.

"My name is King", I answered.

"Sounds familiar, only that his first name was Daniel" she mumbled. " Is he someone you would want to see again?" I asked her, with high expectations.

But she kept quiet for a long time before shaking her head."

no I don't want to see him" she replied rather Killing my expectation.

With a nod I left, closing the door, I'm not going to give up, rather I would want her to fall for me under the name King and when she does then I would tell her that I'm her Daniel, the boy who She doesn't want to see, it not a matter of time before she falls.


King seems nice but a pervert, he seems rather playful, I'm sure he is a play boy and I can't date or love a Playboy like him, it always ends in tears.

But when he asked about me wanting to see Daniel, it broke me. I know somewhere he is living a good life, traveling like he always wanted or falling in love.

Even if we met he wouldn't love me but only feel pity for me and I don't want it, I don't want him to feel like he own me a favor just because I gave him my eyes, and so I don't want to meet him, I won't find him and I hope he would be happy wherever he is.

Somehow, I felt like I sensed the presence of Daniel in King.

Last night, I couldn't tell if it was a dream, but I heard someone shouting my name. Telling me he couldn't lose me, telling me he needs to repay me.

His crying voice sounded just like Daniel or maybe just like before, it's all in my head. I don't even know my reaction when I see him.