


" You should count yourself lucky, getting married to a guy like King, " Silver tells me, starting a somewhat off-topic in the car.

" Lucky" I repeat, laying down and closing my eyes." I don't feel so, cause any time I count myself lucky, I lose it, it's just for a limited amount of time anyway " I hinted at.

She has been going around this for minutes. I wasn't interested in him as a person. I'm only repaying a favor.

" Were you ever in love before?" Silver asked, finally changing the topic.

" I thought I was, I ended being used, can I call his feelings love or was scheming with his parents the whole time, my foolishness made me lose a lot of things" I told her, sensing her curiosity..

" Lost what" silver questioned more, " well for a starter, I lost my sight" I informed, feeling the awkward moment between us.

" That's sad, just know you won't be alone, King and I will be here whenever you need anything" she mentioned while hugging me.

Yep, I didn't need this, I don't want them to acknowledge me as a person, I don't want to acknowledge them as family. Least I might lose them. She had this warm touch, the connection that I couldn't place. I could sense her sincerity as she spoke. It was nice but I can't accept it.

" We have arrived," Silver announced. I could hear the door opening and closing. And finally I had the courage to open mine, only it was opened and a hand was reaching out, gently holding my hand. This touch feels familiar, like Daniel. I paused, puzzled by the situation.


Finally she is here, what took her so long. When I dropped her in the car, I had left to prepare things she would need.

I know I had instructed Silver to delay, but this was too much. When I saw the car pulling towards me, I was happy.

I instantly rushed to her and opened the front door, offering to help her out.

Once she had left, she detached her hands from mine. " What are you doing, you can't walk on your own" I tell her.

" I'm blind, not helpless," she said. I was going to say something when Silver stopped me.

" What Silver, it's the truth, she is blind" I explained myself.

" Boss, you need to understand that she doesn't want to be clingy," Silver explained.

" Why?" I asked.

" It's a pride girl kind of thing," she answered.

"How does that even make sense?" I questioned myself.

" She doesn't want to feel too indebted to you," Silver continued.

Angry, I carried her and headed upstairs. Ignoring her chant for me to drop her down.

I only dropped her, when we arrived at the room.

" You didn't have to," She complained. " I will take that as a thank you" I remark.

" Thank you" she mumbled. " So you actually do say thank you" I tease.

" Well, apart from being a pervert, I actually just learned that my partner is good at stating the obvious" she mocked

"Feisty, you have become more feisty than before" I said to myself.

" Clearly you have a lot to learn, some secret might blow your mind, at some point, I will understand if you don't want to stay with me" I stated.

" What other shocking secrets are there, other than you being a pretty powerful Mafia" she asked, not feeling bothered about her statement.

" How did you know?" I questioned.

" I'm not stupid, I judge by my environment. You obviously live in a big house, I have also bumped into an interesting body built" she started off.

" And besides, you were able to find me without using the police, a pretty big connection. Lastly that sheriff guy just kept making noise in my ear" she continued, putting a lot of emphasis on the noise making.

" You seem like an interesting young lady," I commented.

" Of course, I'm interested, there are a lot of people dying to meet me," she praised herself.

" Now you went off with the praise" I remarked.

" But then, judging from the fact that you were just in the hands of human traffickers, why aren't you scared? " I asked.

" Because I can differentiate the good from the bad, thereg are some people that even if they do bad stuff, they don't let it affect the good people, or I would say they protect the good people, which in that case, you will be classified among them" she answered.

" Wow, that's deep," I mumbled.

" But that's not me," I said. " They always deny it, but that's not where am heading to " she disclose.

" Where are you heading to then?" I asked. " I want to know why me," she questioned.

" You have helped me a lot to say that you are helping a passer by, so it would mean that you either need something from me or you feel like repaying me" she diagnosed.

" Smart, but I beg to differ," I tell her. " I'm just helping a passer by," I continued.

" If it shows then it would be one of those annoying soap dramas that I hate. It's almost like a fiction. And maybe we should name it this way, PERVERT MAFIA HELP ME" She jokes.

" Well that would be a bad name, but I won't mind being in your work" I said.

" I'm serious, King, I need you to answer," she demanded.

" You have gotten one, I will help you because I'm trying to repay the fact that my driver bumped into you" I lied.

" Well, I wasn't aware of that, you bumped into me, interesting. But paying for the hospital bill should have been enough, saving me from commiting suicide should have also been enough, but risking your reputation by saving me, is more than enough" she pointed out.

" Just get over it Freya, I can be lenient to some extent " I defended.

" King you said, or could you be Daniel King" she asked. I looked at her, shocked.