

Martha I found her" I exclaimed immediately I got out, I was so happy that I felt like screaming but then no one would want to see a crazy mafia lord like me screaming.

"Oh that's good honey, how is she, can I see her, does she still like you, she doesn't blame you right "Martha questioned. Her questions made me realize that I haven't met her or to her, I didn't think our conversation through and forgot the possibility of her hating me once she heard my name.

I did heard her murmured a hate comment, that's means I can't tell her my name, our bond will break immediately before it even started.

"What if she never forgives me I thought to myself, or what if I make her love me and then tell her, by then she wouldn't want to leave me and will have no choice to forgive me". All this thought and possibility passed through my head.

Oh gosh that will be hurting her, I have never been so confused on what to do, and I have always had a plan, a motive and always put things in order. After years of searching for Freya, I don't know what to say to her, a hello, hi or a nice warm welcoming greeting.

"Sir, she is awake", Jeffery called out, drawing my attention to wherever my mind had taken me to. "Oh good, take me to her", I ordered , trying to hide my enthusiasm.

He led me to her ward but Freya wasn't in, a nurse came in with the doctor only to find an empty bed. Where the hell is the girl you said was awake I yelled at Jeffery, I did not come this far only to find an empty bed.

I don't know sir Jeffery said shivering, angry I knocked out some things causing a loud noise. "What's going on here?", a voice called out? I turned to see Kelvin trolling in with one hand in his pocket.

"We will do anything to find her", the doctor said and excused himself. "What's up man, what's with your mood?" Kelvin asked. I was just not in the mood to answer him and his annoying attitude. Scanning him, there was a handprint in his hands stained with blood.

" Qui as-tutué Mon cher ami [[who did you kill dear friend] "I asked, he followed my gaze to his hands and laughed. "Juste aider une fille aveugle a traversé la route, ses mains étaient assez sanglantes" [just help a blind girl crossed the road, her hands was quite bloody].

"Which road, where did you last see her?'' I inquired, leaving Jeffery quite confused. We only speak in different languages when we want to hide or plan to kill in front of people. The language depends on the country we are in. " The bridge, I saw her on my way here, she looked pale and sick, plus she was in a hospital garment if I may say" Kelvin replied with his hands on his chin.

" Come to think of it, she seemed blind, or was she just tired?" he questioned.

" Take me to her,'' I ordered, picking up my coat and taking the car keys from Jeffery." Stay here Jeffery in case she comes back" I instructed, the moment I noticed Jeffrey trying to come with us. Minutes later we arrived at the bridge, and started looking for her, asking around, "she wouldn't have gone too far" Kelvin commented. But everyone I asked, hadn't found her, frustrated I sat on the floor hopelessly, not knowing what to do, I lost her again, "gosh I'm such an idiot "I groaned.

"I found her "Kelvin yelled, I instantly got up and went to him, he was standing close to the bridge, but no Freya. "So where is she? " I questioned, almost losing my patience." She is here" he replied.

"Kelvin I'm not playing I tell him" I tell him, in a serious tone. "I know Dan, she jumps down the bridge, committing suscide I think" he replies back in a playful way too.

" Such a waste, who knows how long she have been there" he commented.

"I'm not going to lose her again" I mumbled, releasing my tie and pulling my shirt. "You are not planning to jump in just to save her, are you dear friend" Kelvin asked.

" Watch me," I answered , jumping in, to search for her. Coming out for air, I went back in, I couldn't find her, at this point I was crying, I hated my parents, I hated everything, "I came back so powerful, so no matter what she is, who is with, I can't get her back, I worked so hard, training, learning so many languages, taken over my father company even when I didn't wanted it, being a mafia, all because of her, and she, she just had to kill herself, did she hate me so much, why is she torturing me so much"

"Dan got out of the water, freezing "Kelvin yelled, "they will get her body in the morning "he continued. I didn't want her corpse, I want her, I need her alive. With a last try, I found her down, looking lifeless.

Dragging out of the water, I pulled her to the nearest surface, using CPR on her, hoping and for the first time praying.

I wanted to tell her so much, I wanted to let her know I never left her side, that I came back for her, only her, that I scolded my parents for pushing her away, for not fulfilling their promise. Only if she wakes up so I can tell her, please do, wake up Freya, for my sake.

" So great, you found a lifeless body, more paperwork, how do you want to tell the police that you didn't kill her$ he scolded.

" I don't remember giving you such a right as my friend to scold me, don't do it again" I warned.

" A lady makes you act this way," he said.

" She is not just any lady" I defended.

" Then who is She?* He asked.