


Nightmares, remembering everything from the past, the night i was thrown out, the night i was slapped, the night i let Daniel parents. His mother

to make me forget that name. This is why I hate sleeping, having to remember the past I try to forget.

" Daniel, Daniel, I hate you, I hate you so much Daniel" I murmured. Trying to get out of these nightmares.

Finally, I woke up feeling pain everywhere, it hurt, groaning a bit, I got up. "Are you awake ma " someone asked me, by the voice, I could guess that it was a man.

The door opened again, someone stepping inside. " Miss I would be your attention nurse" a female voice spoke. When her eyes touched mine, I could instantly feel that she was nervous. Nurses aren't supposed to be nervous, except if the man has something to do with it.

"I will be leaving Ma to call the big boss," the male voice earlier said. .

" Take care of her, if anything happens to her, it will be the last time you work as a nurse," the man threatened.

Now I know why she was nervous, the person who just threatened her must be all over the hospital, my so called mom must be in the hospital, am I going to be sold. ," How can that woman who raised me that cruel, all this while, she raised me, was I just nothing but profit" I thought.

All this while I was happy, that I have been to prove my orphan mate, the head nun wrong. Now I see that they were right, the world won't need blind people, they only use them.

I needed to escape, it would be better that I was dead, than my adoptive mother would have me.

Immediately the door closed, I

began to shiver. What if the big boss is my mom? What will I do? If she wants me back, how will I escape this time?

"Ma, is there any issue, do you need something?" The nurse asked, I could sense that she was relieved. "Please get me out of here, I need to leave, they are coming for me, they want to sell me to a brothel" I pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't help you, it is against the hospital rules "she replied." Please let me escape please I begged her more. "Ok ma, I will go call the doctor" she said loudly. "When I leave, you go and head up straight, the exit door will be open because more patients are coming in, '' she whispered.

" It might affect my job but at least I saved a life," she continued.

I was a bit calm, and sat down well, listening. I heard retreating footsteps and the door opened and closed. I stood up following her direction, in no time I was out and happy. I kept going, further, holding onto things.

A kind sir crossed me too. When I felt a handle, I could tell it must be a bridge. I quickly crawled down to figure out which bridge I was on.

. The stone made noise, and base on it, I could tell there was water right below me, below the bridge, a little suicide won't hurt, because no one cares about me as it's seems.

I got up and climbed to the other side, careful, before taking a deep breath and falling, letting the water take me in, I didn't fight it, and just laid in.


" You promised, you promised me if I gave him my eyes, I will marry Daniel, I did it, why can't I marry him" Freya accused.

"You think I wanted my son to get married to a low life, an abandoned like you, you must be joking right, you little low life, I can see because of your stupidity your mother left you, you are a good for nothing, I don't want to see you near this house again. A beggar like you wants to marry my son" Daniel's mother mocked.

" You lost me, you lied to me, do Daniel know of this, I bet he won't agree to this, please let me speak to your son, let me speak to him, he promised me that he would stay with me" Freya cried out.

"ma please, your son was the only one who cared for me" Freya pointed out.

" For a girl, you are quite dumb, can't you figure it out already, my son only used you to be able to see, you were so easy to deceived. Hmm, isn't the word gullible, yes dear you were too gullible, too easy to be deceived, I'm sure your mother saw this and chose to abandon you at the orphanage, you would be nothing but a pain to her, and no one wants a pain in their life, you foolish girl." his mother cursed.

" Please it's not true, it's not true" Freya murmured.

" How helpless are you now, you can't even sue us because you signed the agreement" she continued, mocking the girl.

" Throw this child out of the house, she is nothing but trash, a useless trash, no one wants trash,no one would want to marry you, you are useless and deserve no one" she yelled as Freya was dragged out by staff.


" Maybe she is right, maybe I'm not deserving to marry anyone, maybe I'm really useless, I have always been useless" I thought.

" I'm balanced, at this rate I can fall with ease" I said to myself.

" In our next life Daniel, I hope we don't cross paths, you left me with an uncertain feeling, an unsolved mystery. You left me thinking whether what you share with me, whether the feelings you gave me, was genuine, or fake"

" I can't imagine those cute smile, those beautiful laughter we shared being a lie, but yet I'm unable to get my answer from you, I promise to find you, just to asked that, but I unable to"

" Maybe, I will not be able to handle the truth. Moreso ever I hope you get born with beautiful eyes in your next life, the one that fits your novel description, the one that fits the book I read for you"

With this,I close my eyes and await my fall.