


My men dragged a badly beating up man in front of me, he was shivering in fear,yes that's right they all shivers when my name is being mention mentioned. My name is Daniel King, I'm the CEO of MS corporation, the one and only company that controls lots of companies in New York City. You can say I run the city, drugs Lord's, mafia and other companies come to me, because without my assistant or confirmation, you won't be able to survive in New York City. I spread far and wide too, in other countries..

"What did he do ?"I asked my men, "he failed to pay the money given out to him" one spoke up. "Oh he took my money doesn't he pay,," does he knows who he is dealing with" I asked."Well you should not have beaten him up like this,sell one vital organs and to get the money, the rest of the change will be giving to his family, don't you think " I suggested with grin.

"Thank you sir, for sparing me" the man said. I chuckled at his words, "I never said I spared you, when I meant vital organs I meant your heart you human being, you know boys just sell the rest, so his family won't leave in proverty, at least I tried for you" I said leaving. I could hear him plead but decided to ignore it, that how ruthless I'm., no one mess with my business and goes Scot free.

My driver opened the door as we drove off to see a maid that work with us once. The only person that told me how Freya looked like when she gave me her eyes. I hated my parents for what they did to her.

Martha the maid told me that the night she came back while I was still healing, my parents drove her off, insulting her. She didn't hear exactly but the poor girl left crying. I want to find her, to thank her, even repay her. I grew quite fond of her while I was blind.

The car stop so quickly, like we hit something. "What wrong Jeffrey" I asked him." Nothing sir, just hit something" he said nervously, I could easily tell it's a lie. But I wanted to meet Martha so quick, so I brush it off.

We arrived and just two knock got Martha to open the door for me, she smiled seeing me. Come in she said as she began to arrange her dusty dinner filled with flour.

" Are you Baking again ?" I asked," yes just a little "she replied." A little baking won't make this mess" I teased, as she laughed. "All right, a lot" she answered, still laughing. " I came to collect it", I quickly said reminding her my aim of coming here. "The picture of Freya, right" she said putting her hands in her pocket and giving me the picture.

I stare at the beautiful girl in the picture," gosh she is beautiful "I complimented out loud. I walked up to Jeffrey, handling him, for someone reasons his mind wasn't here., "take, find the girl at all cost" I ordered handing him the photo. We left afterward but I noticed Jeffery was shivering, looking at me and back at the photo, continually as we head back to the car.

"What's wrong Jeffrey ?" I asked,he quickly knelt down, holding my knee." I'm sorry sir, so sorry sir but this girl.... this girl..... was the same girl we hit this morning on our way here... remember sir... the thing I said we hit .. it was this girl sir "he confessed as he shivered the more. my mind confused, I didn't know whether to be happy, or to be sad that I nearly killed her. I looked at him, I couldn't help but get angry.

"What "I yelled, slamming the car door, "I couldn't believe that I had a chance to see Freya and my driver hit her and ran away, what if she dies, what if I can't repay her in the future" those fearful thought went through my head.

"Find which hospital she was taken to now and fast or else you be in that hospital as a patient, I'm sure you have held of that kind of patient the doctor couldn't save" I threatened.

He quickly excused himself, making series of call, while I sat in the car feeling nervous. I saw him coming back and quickly regain my composture. "she is in the city hospital sir "he informed ? making me feel a bit relief. "Don't be relief yet, one thing is to find her the next is to make sure she is still alive" I tell him as he entered the car, and we drove off with him praying in the car.

We soon arrive, and just on time we were able to find her ward, I entered to see to see a blonde hair color girl in lying down, she is more beautiful in person. She kept whispering something, and I got closer to hear.

"Daniel I hate you, you promised you won't leave me, you promised we will get married, I hate you, please don't leave me she kept saying over and over again" she said, tears falling freely, her tears following the directions of her face.

I was happy and sad, happy that she is the one I'm looking for judging by what she is saying she sad that she hates me.

But it won't be a problem, in time I will get her to like me, before I tell her who my real identity. It will be better that way.

"Jeffrey" I called as he ran inside,. "she is alive sir "he excitedly said. "Yes she is, now you going to stay here and make sure no body sees her, while I go out to make a call alright" I ordered. Inside I was so happy that I could scream.