
Let It Out

Pro just wanted to live a normal life in a normal world, but the world may not be so normal after all ... "Please, I just want to let it out ..." "Since you won't let me let it out, then I'll force everyone to hold it in as well!"

Fluffypie · Kinh dị ma quái
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93 Chs

Bathroom Break

On a dilapidated street where most people have moved away, an old apartment building stood. The silent streets were in tranquility, but the silence was suddenly broken by a soft howl. Some may have mistaken it for the wind, but if one were to focus harder, they would recognize that the sound seemed to come from a human.

On the fourth floor of the apartment building where even the insects don't want to go, one could hear the mysterious howls much more clearer. Sometimes, it's a moan, sometimes it's an angry growl, sometimes it's a sob as if the owner of the voice was begging for mercy.

Most people had already moved out of this old apartment, and the fourth floor seemed to only have one tenant. Of all the auspicious rooms to choose from, our lucky tenant happen to choose the most lucky one, room 444. Not surprisingly, he seems to be in trouble.

Entering room 444, one would be greeted by a small living room with sparse, old furnishing. A small kitchen was to the right of the entrance. On the left wall, there was a door leading to a small bedroom next to a door leading to a small bathroom. If one looked carefully, one may notice the faded blood stains on the old couch and the darkened parts of the old wooden table as if it was previously dyed with something. However, our lucky tenant didn't care as the furnishing came with renting the room, for free! What a brave tenant, only idiots would keep such ominous furniture, but alas, the lucky tenant actually felt fortunate because he is actually a very poor man.

At least the walls of the apartment room had new wallpaper. The contractor specifically claimed that the new wallpaper was added on specifically for the new tenant, not to cover up the old wall for any reason. The lucky tenant thought he was the luckiest man on earth. Although the apartment room was old, the rent was cheap as hell and the contractor even provided so many free services. Not only that, there was even an extra clause that said that the room will permanently belong to the young man if he managed to live in the room for one year. The young man was shocked from this pie that dropped from the sky, so he agreed to stay without hesitation.

The young man had been living in the apartment room for a year now. There was no problems at all except for the occasional leaking sounds from the bathroom at night. The young man did call in a plumber to check it out, but no problems were found after a quick check after which the plumber fled like there was no tomorrow. After that, no plumbers were willing to come again, so the young man just let it be.

This night, the lucky young man was so happy. After all, the one year period of the contract has finally passed and now the room completely belongs to him. This means that he doesn't have to pay rent anymore. What a deal! The young man happily order takeout for once to celebrate instead of eating the pre-stocked ramen. The only unhappy part was that the delivery man refused to go into the apartment, so the young man had to go down to get the the take out himself.

The young man enjoyed the meal happily and was about to go to bed after staying up late to read novels by a certain author named Fluffypie. Suddenly, the young man cursed, "That takeout must have problem!"

Not long after, the resulting scene was howls from the bathroom. In the small bathroom, a mirror above a small, white sink was facing the doorway. An old light bulb above the mirror was the only source of light in the bathroom and it seems to want to go out at any time as it occasionally flickers. An old bathtub that had its paint peeling off was against the wall at the innermost part of the bathroom with a small, rectangular window near the top of the wall. In between the sink and bathtub is the toilet, which happens to be where the young man is currently occupying.

"Arghhh! Why won't it come out?!"

The young man was squeezing his tummy as he sweated, trying to squeeze out the load in his tummy. He has been at it for 20 minutes already, and just when he was about to give up hope, it felt like it was finally going to come out.

"Yes! Yes! Here it comes!" the young man happily exclaimed.

The light suddenly flickered, giving the young man a little scare as he looked over. The load that was about to come out also went back in due to the scare.

"Dammit! I just changed the light bulb yesterday! What kind of trashy product did I buy? If I knew it wasn't reliable, I wouldn't have bought it even though it was cheap! But ... Argghh! It went back in! Why?!"

The young man took deep breathes over and over again as he tried to squeeze the load out from the beginning once more.

"Fuu, fuu ... it's coming ... please, have mercy on me if the All Thors above exist. Please let it come out-"

Just as the young man wanted to continue pushing, he felt a cold drip of water falling on the back of his neck. The cold shocked him causing all his efforts to push it out to be in vain once more.

"What the heck? Now the roof is leaking?"

The young man looked up at the ceiling, but he saw that there was no holes.

"Maybe it's the water condensed from the steam from my shower earlier ..." the young man concluded internally as he reached out his hands to wipe away the cold feeling on the back of his neck.

As the young man's hands touched the back of his neck, he felt something soggy and soft, as if it was strings soaked in water. The young man grabbed it with is hands and brought it forward to take a look. In his hand were a small bundle of black, soggy wet hair.

"Huh? Why is there wet hair? Did I not dry my hair completely earlier? Still, am I going bald? No way, I didn't even get any power yet, I don't want to be like Saitama! Wait, is this even my hair? It's a bit long ..."

Just was the young man's thoughts were about to be trained in an ominous direction, he was distracted by the light that began to flicker frequently as if it were about to go out the next second.

"Uggg ... now I need a new light bulb," the young man complained.

Suddenly, the young man's tummy grumbled once more as his face tightened in pain. The young man hurriedly toss the hair into the trash can as his hands grasped his stomach once more.

"Arggg! I thought you would leave but you still came back! Just come out for me already!"

As the young man moaned in pain trying to squeeze out his load, the lights flickered even more as if to answer his call. Then with a tiny zap, the lights went out.

The young man fell into silence for a bit before he complained, "Just great, now I won't even be able to see if it came out or not. Oh well, but I gotta let it out sooner of later! Focus!"

The young man continued to squeeze and he felt something sliding out once more. It felt as it was halfway there, but the young man cheered for joy internally in the dark. Suddenly, a pop sounded as the light came back instantly. The young man's eyes closed for a bit to adapt to the sudden change in brightness.

When the young man opened his eyes and looked towards the ground, he noticed a puddle of water right in front of him. He then froze in the next second as he noticed a set of pale, gray feet standing in that puddle of water. The feet seemed to be soaked and a bit bloated to be normal.

Time seem to be frozen for the young man as his mind began to process what is happening. The sound of dripping water constantly resounded as water dripped from above the young man's line of sight into the puddle.

The young man slowly followed the legs and looked up. A wet, but gray woman's body that had no clothes greeted the young man. An unknown women currently had her head bowed and stood in front of him naked. Her long, black hair was soaked and hanging in front of her face, covering the beauty or the horror underneath.

Speechless, the young man reached out both of his trembling hands and grasped the woman's cold, wet body. However, the young man had no interest at all in women at the moment.

"C-Can you please wait for me to let it out first?"

The body did not respond as the head of the women snapped straight from its bowing position. Then, the black hair slowly swept to the side as the head slowly twisted around 360 degrees to reveal its face. The lights began to flicker as the young man's face paled ...