
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Long live the bride and groom?

-Why?! I was supposed to be the one to win his favor !! -

Luciana was angry throwing everything she had in front of her. She broke mirrors and anything that reflected her image by feeling less than the empress. Her anger showed no intention to slow down and more than one maid got hurt in the process.

Her personal maid, Yuya, was no exception. Luciana not satisfied with slapping her, tore some of her hair when she tried to get out of her grip and when she saw her on the ground she began to kick her. Her frustrated plan reached the ears of her parents who tried to stop her tantrum.

Her mother was already used to dealing with her daughter's childish and obsessive behavior. After talking to her for several minutes, they came to the conclusion that they had to advance differently to win over the emperor, but first they had to cancel the engagement with Xavier.

Luke, on his side, failed to inform his family that he was suspended by the king. Gregorian was the acting prime minister and there was nothing that would change that decision. He didn't want to deal with her daughter's tantrum, so he sent his wife to take care of her, but when he learned the true motives behind Luciana's hysterical attack, he wanted to hang her for commit such stupidity.

- You fucking brat! If she had done what she had to do we would not be in this situation. Now the emperor won't even turn to see us!

-My lord ...- his servant was standing waiting for his master to calm down

-What?! If it's not good news, you'd better get out! -

-It is, my lord. Empress Xian and President Ubalch Nephill announced a visit to Bellafiore to reach a commercial treaty-

-Oh ... so they're finally going to move to cooperate. We have to prepare, our investors come to verify the land for the harvest hahaha- Luke laughed like crazy waiting for his accomplices


Seth arrived early at the palace at Oscar's request when he was appointed as the emperor's official guide. He entered the room to interview Rigel but could not find him. In her place, Siri was there reading a book when they exchanged glances.

Wanting to greet her, she got up angrily to get out of there. Seth's annoying presence pissed her off, to the point of not wanting to have him near her.

-I know you don't trust me, but I ask you to please listen to me-

-Back off! I think I told you that for me you can die with your filthy family and your apology will not affect what I think of you-

-Siri ...- the obvious hatred made him refrain from continuing

He watched as his sister walked away behind the door, leaving him very affected. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand press hard on his shoulder. Rigel remained hidden, watching the meeting unfold.

-What do you think you're doing? You still do not learn that we are very resentful towards those who caused us harm. They hate you and that, you will not be able to change it-

-Agh- the pressure on his shoulder started to get stronger and more painful

-That you are still alive is a miracle and if I have not murdered you it is because you are useful and ... because I wait for my brother to arrive so that you can return what you stole from him, you damn thief! - Holding Seth in the air, he demanded his argument

-What are you talking about? I haven't stolen anything and I don't even know your brother! -

-So you think? I do not know how or why the clock woke up in your power but one thing I can assure you, that it will depend on my brother and my sister-in-law to leave you alive ...-

-Ellen said I was the owner and ...-

-Heh! You are not its owner, that woman is wrong. If you were, you would smell like my brother and you would have already used the labyrinth`s clock at will ... you see it you don't even know how it works- he threw Seth against the wall after seeing him hesitate

-You'd better take care of the clock with your life if you don't want God's punishment. Now I am retiring, my empress waits for me- he left leaving a panting Seth on the ground who cursed the day he took the watch


A week passed since the incident with the emperors and Duke Fisher requested an urgent meeting with the kings, which was taking place in parliament.

The day Xavier met Scuti, his thoughts had been stuck on the idea that she was the woman in his life and that somehow he should make her his. The emperor was her enemy and a monster who enjoyed hurting her.

After watching how Rigel cut off his wife's hand without remorse, he got the wrong idea about what actually happened. He put together a theater in his head, where the victim was Scuti and begged for his help to flee from the emperor.

Slowly the obsession was vitiating him and taking advantage of the rumors against Luciana and in cooperation with the duke, they decided to cancel his engagement.

-Even with that, the emperor is still the problem.-

-Don't worry son, Empress Xian will take care of that matter for us. She will make him her slave and so you will get that woman for you-

The duke and his son were already planning how to get Scuti at all costs.


The assembled nobles waited to hear the reason for the call and the Fishers declared that they did not wish to continue with the engagement due to the low credibility of Luciana's sanctity and the rumors that would end up ruining the ducal house.

It seemed a logical claim from the Fishers point of view, but Luciana's reputation would crumble, being crossed out in a thousand ways.

The Williams didn't seem too upset by the break-up decision and were about to accept the king's ruling. Luciana was celebrating internally since with it she would advance in her conquest plan.

Balthazar observed the behavior of his brother and his lover and between his whispers, he began to throw wood on the fire.

-Henry, don't you think this will hurt Lady Williams? No one will want to marry her. Someone should come out to help her ... if only there were someone who was willing to take her ... what do you think? -

Henry was upset when he heard about the cruel fate of his beloved and this situation suited him like a glove.

-Bal ... you said you loved Lady Circe. She will never be happy by my side and you are the one to take care of her. Would you agree to change places with me? -

-Oh Henry are you serious? I promise to make her very happy! -Bal put on his best face to receive his brother's proposal

Oscar and Erix echoed their children's request and avoided making fun of Henry to play along.

The Fishers got the annulment smoothly while the Williamses greeted it with sad, taciturn faces. There were no complaints about the compensation and the guardians were signed.

-This concludes today's meeting. The next date will be the 27th to discuss the arrival of international leaders. The legitimacy trial of Luciana Williams will pass for next month when the pope returns from the Orville. - seneschal Gregorian closed but, Henry stopped to give a few words

-I apologize to this honorable parliament and their majesties, but in view of the rupture between the Fisher and Williams house, I ask permission to take Lady Luciana as wife in a month, I hope my love compensates for the loss of her fiancé-

The confusion among those present was something that was not expected. Oscar seemed hesitant but after talking to Erix, they nodded smiling.

-In that case, I see no problem with you marrying Lady Williams.-

-Your majesty, for my part, I will take Lady Norton as wife and I ask that I marry with her in 15 days from today- Bal did not stay behind to protect Circe

-Is there any objection? -

Nobody refused. The Williams side understood that they had to look for Henry's seat so they accepted the marriage, as for Bal's faction, they realized the ruse when he spoke of the accelerated wedding.

The Williams took a low blow. Henry's action was a sure chain to stop his plans.

-My beloved Lucy, we will finally be together- Henry kissed her hand

-Yes ... together at last- Luciana clenched her fist in rage and stared at the man who ruined her plans abruptly.

Seneschal is a great palace official. The position of seneschal existed in most of the royal courts or medieval principalities. He is an elder dean, representative or instructor.