
An engineer and a doctor in other world?!

Ruby Velasquez was a top engineer. Receiving countless awards, she's designed everything from residential apartments to structures for high government officials to million-dollar celebrity buildings to castles for Kings and Queens.

On a specific day, Maria was working late for one of her designs. Tired, she fell asleep on her desk… and woke up in a princess bed!

"What the f*ck!" Maria went wide-eyed. She immediately looked down. "NOOOOOO! MY BOOBS!"


The smell of medicine flooded the laboratory. Thousands of test tubes adorned the area, in a space that couldn't become more white. In the middle of it, was a single person: Stella Schmidt, winner of the Nobel for medicine and one of the highest authorities in her field. . . except she was now laying on the floor unconscious. She had broken a vial that contained ebola and she died.

When she woke up, she realized she was in a different room, a light much dimmer than what she was used to. And then she realized.



Apparently, I'm a princess… damn it! I have to wear these big, puffy dresses… I'm a tomboy, okay?! What engineer wears dresses?!?

Sighing, I sucked in a breath as the maids pulled at the strings of my corset.

"Okay, Princess Ruby. Please inhale more. You don't want to keep your sister waiting."

WHAT?!? I HAVE A SISTER? Yessssssssssssssss. She can inherit the throne. I can be an engineer again!


"Waaaaaa!! Somebody, save me!!" Such complaints flooded the room, when it was interrupted by the sound of a creaking door. From beyond there appeared a pretty princess-like woman with black hair that looked on with eyes big as marbles as Stella freaked out.

Seeing this person before her, Stella jumped like a cougar and held the hem of her skirt.

"You gotta help me! I'm Doctor Stella Schmidt of X Laboratories, I can pay you well if you help me!"

The princess-like person only muttered two words

"D*amn it!"


I stood before 'Stella', the other princess and my twin. Before I could even speak, she metaphorically hit me with her transmigration. D*mn! She's a transmigrator, too. Can I force her to take the throne…?

"Hey, you!" I tilted my head up in typical spoiled ojou-sama attitude. She still doesn't know that I'm a transmigrator… "Take the throne!"


"What?" Stella's over-gifted brain started working at max speed. Why would she suddenly say that? Unless they were supposed to be related, She looked at her own body and realized her 90-60-90 proportions were no more. What was even more shocking- the surroundings were like medieval Europe. It was at that moment that she knew:

She had f*cked up

She was in another world

This girl in front wanted to push something to her. She was probably blood-related.

The black box in airplanes is orange, not black.

Fortune cookies were invented in Japan.

Twinkies have a shelf life of forty-five days.

It all made sense.


The blonde-haired girl- Stella- just blankly stared at me. Did she break…?

"H-hey. Are you okay?" I leaned in and then the girl suddenly looked up at me. A fire blazed in her eyes.

F*ck! Don't tell me she doesn't want to take the throne? Oh hell naw, b*tch!

I coughed and made an angry face. "Take the throne!"

The girl squinted her eyes at me before she said, "You're a transmigrator too, aren't you."

Oh, sh*t! How'd she figured it out?

"No…" I looked to my left.

"You are!"

D*mn it! "Just take the d*mn throne!"


"The throne?" 'It would mean I would have less to do, fewer dangers to be exposed to, besides, in every story, there is always a handsome and intelligent prince. It can't be that bad.'

She straightened up and cupped her sister's hands with her own "Don't worry, sister, your worries are my worries. I will take it." She asked a maid where the crown prince was and left sprinting like a leopard towards him, and when she got there.

*Munch* *Munch* "Hey, bring me another pig! Yes! A whole pig!"

A pig was eating another pig. His skin folded on his own several times on his neck, and his face was full of acne. Also, he was bald.

She sprinted back to where her sister was still standing dumbfounded and said

"Actually sister, this burden is too much for me. You take the throne."


The girl just sprinted out of the room… d*mn. Faster than me when I want my coffee. Speaking of coffee… I'm really craving it right now. Wait! What happened to my next job?! That sh*t's due tomorrow!

Sighing, I shook my head. That didn't matter to me right now. My mood shifted when I thought back to my 'sister'. My plan worked! AHAHAHA, I'm no longer going to be-

Stella appeared before me, and I was shocked. What the hell?

"Actually sister…"


I refuusssssseeeeeeeee!

D*mn it! What made her change her mind?!?

I thought back to what she said before and a lightbulb metaphorically lit up in my mind. It must be the crown prince.

He must be f*cking ugly.

"The crown prince was fugly, wasn't he?"

Her pupils darted around. "No…"

D*mn you, crown princeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


"Sister, it is truly you who deserves the throne. My IQ can in no way be compared to yours."

"No, no! I insist that it is my IQ that can in no way compare to yours," said Ruby, her left eye imperceptibly twitching.

"No, it's after all, sister, who is the most brilliant, and beautiful, and, and. . ." Stella scanned the body of her so-called sister up and down several times before a flash of disappointment crossed her face.

"Damn, you're flat."

"Whor- ahem. Sister, you were a doctor in your previous life. I was a lowly… uh... construction worker?"

"*Gasp* So you were an engineer, you two-faced bit-. . . I mean, sister, please, I only know how to play with peoples' doodoo and look at their mouths. In no way am I better than you."


I narrowed my eyes at the doctor before me. She was really trying to push the crown onto me, huh?

"Sister? What do you mean, engineer?" I batted my eyelashes at her, "This *cough* young girl was a

mere laborer. Obviously, sister would know how people's minds work since sister was a doctor, and

thus would be able to help the people in the best way."

Stella grabbed her sister by the shoulders and angrily whispered, "Listen, you skunk, I have no intention of winding up as the concubine of that porcine prince!"

"So you want to push it to me?!" Ruby's eyes were practically slits as she whisper-threatened Stella. "I will MAKE you be the queen!"

"Hah!" Stella pointed at the still stupefied maid " I'd rather be this girl cleaning up doodoo all day than be Queen."

"And I'd rather be playing with rocks than be Queen!"

"Oh yeah?" Stella brought her face even closer to Ruby's "I'd rather do differential calculus than be Queen!"

"YOU B*TCH! I'd rather do microbiology than be Queen!"

They glared at each other. An idea suddenly came to Ruby's mind, and she whipped her head around to the maid. "You! Who do you think is better for the throne?!"


(Maid's POV)

Joan looked petrified at the two arguing princesses. Her knees went weak a long time ago as they furiously exchanged words. When Princess Ruby pointed at her, it took all of her willpower and the threat of death to stop herself from fainting under the pressure.

She remembered back when the princesses were kind, caring, patient… and best friends with each other. She also remembered when both were willing to let the other be the one to inherit the crown.

She looked back at the princesses and their shooting-lasers-at-her eyes. Joan couldn't believe that their desire for the throne caused such a drastic change in their personalities. *Sigh*

She shook her head in disappointment but gulped and tremblingly smoothened out her maid uniform when she noticed their eyes becoming increasingly urgent. "Un," she softly said, "I believe that both princesses should compete for the throne in your classes."

Joan watched as the fraternal twin princesses looked at each with a grin spread on their faces.
