
Chapter 6

The car stopped in front of a private plane. The door opened and Lena was standing outside with a smile in her face. Kara's heart skipped a beat that she didn't even know how she managed to survive the look the other girl was giving her.


"Hi," Lena answered back.

Her breath hitched when Lena held her hand. She stepped out of the vehicle and that's when she found herself staring at her. Time stood still, Lena was wearing a black neckline plunging dress. Her white like porcelain skin shines underneath the moonlight.


Lena smirked and let go only for a moment to gaze at the jetplane in front of them.

"I know... Perks of being a Luthor."

"Huh? Ah yes, the plane. Wait... You look amazing! I am definitely underdressed for this party.."

"Don't worry, I got you covered." Lena grabbed her hand once again and only let go when they were settled inside the plane. She sat beside her with just an armrest keeping them apart. The beautiful flight attendant greeted them as she places two glass of champagne in front of them.

" Where are we going? I feel so... underdress."

Lena smiled and gestured at the flight attendant. The woman nods and came back with a beautiful dark blue dress in her hands.

"Whats... That is beautiful. That's what you're wearing for the gala? I am definitely underdressed. "

"I'm already dressed for the gala. This dress is for you." Lena smiled as she places the dress on her lap.

Kara was stunned. Looking at the dress and the softness of fabric against her fingertips, she knows that it was expensive. Probably more expensive than her old car alone.

"Wow... You're letting me borrow this? I'm not sure if I'm good enough for this dress."

There it was, Lena's furrowed brow that gives the impression that she was disagreeing with her.

"Kara, I'm letting you keep it. That dress is totally you. Are you not aware of how beautiful you are? Whatever it is you wear, there will be people lining up for you."

Kara stuttered. "I... But this is too much."

"Told you, perks of a Luthor. Don't worry about it. It's merely a gift we received from Donatella."


"No, the turtles," Lena said sarcastically but with a silly grin on her lips.

Kara made a cute little pout that amused her.

"You surprise me every time Luthor." Kara stood up and walk towards the premiere cabin room to change.

Lena then was left alone. She took a sip of the chardonnay then pulled a magazine from her side. But she couldn't concentrate. She was feeling warm and giddy. Like millions of butterflies were flying inside her stomach.

No matter how hard she tries to deny it, it's there. Kara could easily bring out the biggest smile in her.

When she heard the door opened, Lena turned around. She couldn't help but bit her lower lips when she saw Kara. The dress fits her perfectly.

She was out of word as Kara smile at her shyly.

"How do I look?"


Their eyes met and words were left unspoken.