
Chapter 15

Lena was woken up by a knock on her door. She turned to her clock and saw that it was already past 10 in the morning.

"Come in," she grunted.

Lex went in and stared at her.

"What?" she asked, sitting up as she reaches for her specs.

"You're home late last night."


"And you sent the driver home. The guard said a Maserati drop you off."

"Its a friend."

Lex grinned. "And he also said it was a hot friend. Well, shes loaded. I don't think Kara owned that car."

"Kara! Damn it, I forgot to call her." she fumbled for her phone and starts dialing.

"I'm confused."

Lena stared back at her brother. The other line was ringing but Kara never picks up so she hit the end button and decide to call her later.


"I thought you liked Kara?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm your brother."

Lena rises from the bed and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and quickly washed her face. She went out and Lex was still standing there.

"She's dating a boy."

"Does it make you furious? Something that you can't have?"

"No, she's my friend and I'm happy for her."

"Okay fine. So, about Villanelle..."

"How did you know her name?!" surprised by the mention of the other girl.

"She's waiting for you downstairs." Lex laughed before she ducked from the pillow Lena thrown at him.

"Why didn't you tell me! Asshole."

"Cause it fun to mess with you."

Lena wears an ornate robe on top of her nightdress. "Where is she?"

"With mom in the patio, having tea."


"Don't worry, Mom likes her, a lot. Given that she's the only sole heir of Constantine."

"Constantine? You mean the owner of the fashion brand Constantine?"

"I find it weird that you don't know about it. The perfume on your vanity dressing table was named after her." Lex shrugged his shoulders and went out of the room, leaving Lena shocked from the brand new information.

She went downstairs towards the patio and saw Villanelle. She was wearing a blue dress. She said something and it made her mother laughed, which was odd but gave a light feeling in her chest.

"Lena! Have a sit." Lillian was beaming. She gestured at one of the maids who came back and set a meal for her.

"Goodmorning mother, Villanelle," she said before sitting down. The other girl smiled brightly at her as she took a sip of her tea.

"I am so delighted knowing that you two are friends. How is your father doing dear."

"He's in Tuscany right now with mom.  Business and stuff, but they gave their regards to you. They actually sent some stuff but it's in my car."

"Oh, that is so thoughtful of you." Lillian glanced at her watch and stood up. "I'm sorry dear, I'm quite late for a meeting. I trust my daughter can keep you company." Villanelle rose up before shaking her mother's hand.

"It was nice meeting you again Lillian. Hope to see you again soon, I'll bring macaroons next time."

Lillian smiled. "I'm looking forward to that," she said before she left. Villanelle sat down and grinned at Lena.

Lena sat back on her chair, folded her arms, and stared at her. "All right. First, I want you to be honest. Do you know who I was before we even met? Is this a game for you, cause I really don't have time for this right now. - - - I'm not finished." she continued before Villanelle can interrupt. "And why do you keep on hitting on me? Why did you kiss me? Why didn't you tell me that you're the daughter of a top business magnate?" the harshness in her tone and manner carried her disappointment in the other girl.

"Are you done?" Villanelle said, looking suddenly flustered. She dropped her gaze from hers.

"Yes, I knew about you. I've seen you in one of your mother's gala. My father was one of the sponsors. He was on a business trip at that time and ask me to be his proxy instead. I saw you there in the middle of the room. You were wearing that thin red silk dress and god," she bites her lower lips and took a deep breath before she continued "god, you were the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I was about to approach you but I never get the chance to."


Villanelle nervously tapped on the table. "I got scared, you were surrounded by handsome men scrambling at their feet. I was afraid that you'll laugh at me. I thought it was just a simple crush really, but then one day, you sat there at the same table with me at the library... And you were staring at me."

"I am not! I was staring at your book!" Lena exclaimed.

"I'm not finished. So there you were, a goddess in front of me... My ultimate crush that got away. Do you think I'm gonna let that opportunity pass? Then I saw you again in the club, which by the way was still coincidence thank god. I decided to kiss you because I like you, Lena, that's why. I didn't tell you about my family because I think it was irrelevant, and also because I smelled the perfume you were wearing all the time. I'm not sure what your  reaction will be if you knew that it was named after me."

Lena doesn't know how to respond to that. She watched the other girl stood up from her seat. "I'm sorry if I ever cross the line." she waited, and they simply looked at each other for a moment without saying anything.

Villanelle sighed and was preparing to leave.

"Where are you going, sit down," Lena commanded before she reaches for her coffee.

The corners of Villanelle turned up before she sits.

"You look beautiful in that dress," Lena said nonchalantly.

"Lena, It should be illegal for anyone like you to look sexy so early in the morning."

Lena finally gave up and laughed. The other girl looked at her with twinkles in her eyes.

"Thank you." she had her shy smile switched on and it was only for Lena.

"For what?"

"For allowing me to get close to you..... to know you. Forgiving me that smile and for letting me hear your voice and your laugh."

"Why do like me?" Lena asked.

"I like it because I just do. My brain is filled with thoughts of you. I didn't ask for it, you never gave me a choice. The more I get to know you, the more I like you. Every atom of my being responds to your voice, your touch, your voice, your smell.. the way you move. I wish I could stop it, cause I'm losing control of myself when it comes to you. But I can't. So just please be direct as I ask you this question, I am new to this, but I like to date you, only you Lena Luthor."