
Chapter 12

Few days have past and all she did was try to distract herself. She thought it would be easy, with school work and their family business.

But she's in the same class as Kara who is now dating Monel. It was hard to avoid them with him always picking her up after class. He was always around, it's excruciating.

Yes, she was jealous but she can't do anything about it. Kara sees her as a friend and that is all she'll ever be.

Then Alex suddenly came in her life, tagging along with her girlfriend Sam. One day she just sat beside her during her break. They started hanging out with her, which she didn't even ask for. But soon enough, getting to know them much more, they were not bad at all. Sam with her witty remarks and Alex with her dry humor. Honestly, though, it felt like she spends more time with them than with Kara.

"We have something to tell you," Alex said. They were hanging out at the coffee shop.

She stopped typing her essay and looked up from her laptop. Sam and Alex were sitting in front of her.

"Sound serious, what is it?"

"As you know, my sister is currently dating Monel."


"And, I'm not entirely fond of it."

Lena sighed and went back to her work. "I'm not sure what it got to do with me, but, Kara likes him so just let her be. You should be happy for her, she's your sister."

"That's the thing, I want her to be happy."

"She is, you saw her."

"Lena, she's settling, and that's not okay. She doesn't want Monel, she doesn't need Monel. Money doesn't make her smile like---" Sam stopped in mid-sentence.

"Like?" Lena looked up.

"He doesn't make her happy as you do."

Lena laughed, "You're kidding right? Tell me you are."

But the two women stared at her dead serious in the eyes.

"Kara likes you," said Alex.

Lena was caught in silence.

"Lena, clearly you feel the same way."

"Did she told you that?" Lena asked.

"No, but---"

"Maybe you grew up together Alex, but this time, I think you read your sister wrong. She doesn't like me, like that."

"But you like her, do you?"

"Will it matter? If I do, I will never act on it. Never in my life will I do a thing that might destroy what with have. Even if its just friendship I'm satisfied with that. She matters most to me.''

The two were left in silence, but it was soon cut off by a cheery voice.

"Hey goofballs! Lena?! Wait, why are you hanging out with these two?" it was Kara who was surprised by the three of them being together in one place.

"What do you mean. She's our friend." Alex answered she kicked Lena under the table which made the other girl winced.

"Was that necessary?"

"You're friends now? Since when?"

"Since forever." Sam laughed. "And she's coming with us later."

Lena gave Sam a look.

"Hey, I'm supposed to ask her that?!" Kara was acting like a kid stamping her feet.

"I'm still here." she cuts in.

Kara looks down and sweeps the floor with her eyes. "It's my birthday and I want to celebrate it with you."

Lena looked at her with eyes that were clear and happy.

"Happy birthday darling," Lena said before taking Kara's hand and pulling her for a quick kiss on the cheek.

Kara was blushing, she felt a flutter near her heart and looked away embarrassed.

Clearing of throat interrupted their moment, Alex was pursing her lips while Sam waggled her eyebrows.

"Ah... Yah right. So will you come with me tonight? I mean us, I mean, are you coming... Going?" Kara turns red and stutter.

"Yes, I'll see you tonight." Lena smiled.

"Great! I'll send you the details." Kara cheered.

Lena smiled.

"Oh, and Monel will be there as well. I believe I haven't properly introduced him to you yet. Shucks, I have to go. See you later. Bye." Kara rushed out, leaving her coffee behind. Lena felt a bittersweet yearning rise up within her. She's been fooling enough to hope for it in the past.

"I'm sorry Lena," Alex said.

She tensed, she really didn't want to talk about it. She dragged her eyes away from the door and returned her attention to her laptop instead.