
Chapter 43

Gyeong-Eun glanced down at her waist, noticing his hand there. She glared at him, then met his gaze.

She knew what Seok-Woo was doing, but she wished he had given her a heads-up before taking action.

Seok-Woo glanced at her briefly, unable to discern her thoughts, but he could read her emotions in her eyes.

He didn't let this opportunity pass, pulling Gyeong-Eun closer to him, their bodies pressed tightly together.

Gyeong-Eun's breath was close to his, causing the drunk man to kneel in defeat. However, he had one last demand.

Despite Gyeong-Eun's attempt to push him away, her strength faltered, and she couldn't budge him an inch.

Frowning, she glanced at Seok-Woo, who smirked in response. She couldn't help but think, "Is he enjoying this?"

Seok-Woo acted on impulse, recognizing it as the only opportunity to shield her from further harassment. Despite the potential consequences of creating temporary intimacy, he believed it warranted to ensure the man ceased his advances.

As the two locked eyes, the kneeling man appeared out of place, his intrusion unsettling the atmosphere. Ignoring any sense of decorum, he shouted once more for confirmation.

"If you're truly a couple, prove it with a kiss!" The drunk man's words reverberated across the parking lot, catching Seok-Woo and Gyeong-Eun off guard.

Unprepared for such a demand, Seok-Woo contemplated his next move. Kissing her now risked misinterpretation and compromising their rapport. He silently sought guidance from Gyeong-Eun, hoping to convey his uncertainty.

Upon seeing his expression, she thought to herself, "Does this guy really want to kiss me? He clearly hasn't had enough of this." Misunderstanding Seok-Woo's intentions, she continued, "I'll put him in his place."

Resolving to assert herself, she turned her attention to the man kneeling before them.

"Take a good look, because this will be the last time you'll ever see me," Gyeong-Eun declared, her gaze fixed on him as he awaited the outcome.

Meanwhile, Seok-Woo struggled to process the sudden turn of events. His lips were suddenly met by Gyeong-Eun's, leaving him wide-eyed with surprise.

In that moment, Seok-Woo never anticipated such a turn of events, caught completely off guard by the unexpected kiss.

Seok-Woo found himself overwhelmed by Gyeong-Eun's intensity, still processing the whirlwind of events that had unfolded in such a short span of time.

Yet, as he regained his composure, he began to assert his own dominance in the exchange.

Gyeong-Eun, initially confident in her control of the situation, saw Seok-Woo as a submissive figure, akin to a helpless sheep. However, as he met her intensity head-on, she realized her assumption was gravely mistaken.

Seok-Woo retaliated, matching Gyeong-Eun's fervor and gradually shifting the balance of power in his favor. Initially restricted to mere lip contact, he introduced a new weapon into the fray: his tongue.

Embracing Gyeong-Eun firmly, Seok-Woo's unexpected action caught her off guard, intensifying the exchange beyond her expectations.

Their kisses grew increasingly passionate, each refusing to yield dominance. Gyeong-Eun attempted to reciprocate with her own tongue, but found herself unable to match Seok-Woo's relentless movements.

As the intensity escalated, Seok-Woo struggled to maintain his composure, resisting the urge to explore further. Meanwhile, Gyeong-Eun grew frustrated with her waning control over the situation, the lewd sounds of their kissing echoing around them.

The drunk man, witnessing the spectacle with dropped jaw, felt an unexpected reaction stirring within him.

Unbeknownst to Seok-Woo and Gyeong-Eun, they remained locked in their passionate embrace for an extended period, entirely consumed by their competitive exchange. Yet, amidst the fervor, it became increasingly clear who held the upper hand.

Seok-Woo, now firmly in control, allowed himself to lose inhibitions, while Gyeong-Eun struggled in vain to reclaim her former dominance, her efforts ultimately futile.

Slowly, Seok-Woo's hand moved down towards her butt. Gyeong-Eun somewhat regained her sanity as she tried to rationalize the current situation between them.

Before she could disengage from the kiss, she felt Seok-Woo's firm grasp on her butt, causing her body to twitch suddenly.

As Seok-Woo did this, his hold on her strengthened. Their bodies were closer than ever, and Gyeong-Eun could feel the bulge near her stomach.

"This guy is having a field day with this moment," Gyeong-Eun thought to herself, then continued, "This cheeky bastard. Who would have thought that Chae-Yoon's son would be like this?" She never thought that Seok-Woo would be so daring, as she had always considered him to be a nice guy.

"I must stop this; it's getting too much," she thought to herself, trying to put an end to it. But her body seemed to have other plans, as her temperature slowly rose, and her face began to turn red.

Only then did it stop, as Seok-Woo realized that things had gone too far and became too immersed in the moment.

As the two separated, a thick strand of saliva could be seen. Seok-Woo and Gyeong-Eun stared at each other, their breaths rough and heavy.

Seok-Woo let go of her, and they distanced themselves for a moment, only to realize that the drunk man was nowhere to be seen.

Both Seok-Woo and Gyeong-Eun looked around the parking area, searching for him, but they found no one aside from themselves.

Seok-Woo and Gyeong-Eun stared back at each other, the atmosphere becoming strange due to what had happened between them.

Seok-Woo broke the silence as he said to her, "Let's go now. That man won't bother you anymore," to which she responded only with a nod. 

The two walked back to the car within a short time. Neither of them spoke as they entered.

As they settled inside the car, the atmosphere remained the same as outside. However, Gyeong-Eun felt there was something she wanted to say to Seok-Woo.

After gathering her thoughts for a few seconds, she looked at Seok-Woo and said, "Once again, thank you for solving a headache of mine that I've been dealing with lately," speaking sincerely. But then she reverted back to her cold tone, adding, "But don't get ahead of yourself, Seok-Woo."

"I don't mind you touching me like that in the situation, but you need to ask permission before you do it," she said, glaring at Seok-Woo.

Seok-Woo didn't react much to her words; instead, he rebuked her by saying, "Then you should have asked for my permission when you surprisingly kissed me at that time."

"If you're just putting it aside and not acknowledging what you did, then you're also in the wrong, same as me," Seok-Woo replied, leaving Gyeong-Eun unable to refute or respond.

Acknowledging that he was right, she then told him, "If that's the case, then we're equal. So let's put this under wraps and move forward with our lives," hoping they could forget that moment and avoid making their relationship awkward.

"Is it that easy to move on? What a person..." Seok-Woo thought to himself as he looked at her. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he accepted her proposal, not wanting to dwell on the subject any further.

As soon as he agreed, both Gyeong-Eun and Seok-Woo looked at each other. Seok-Woo then broke away from her gaze as he started up the car.

The engine roared as the car began to drive away. Gyeong-Eun directed Seok-Woo to her home, to which he nodded and drove.

During the drive, Gyeong-Eun couldn't help but think about that moment. Seok-Woo's skill in kissing surprised her; she had assumed he had only a few experiences, not years' worth.

His precise timing and technique exceeded her expectations. She wondered how he had acquired such skill.

"Well, he already had someone. But how did he get this good though?" She glanced at him, pondering.

"Unless he practiced with a mirror, but if he truly practiced with someone experienced... Then it's possible," she thought to herself, putting her finger to her mouth as she considered who that person could be.

"Chae-Yoon is out of the picture for this, so the only person I can think of who would do this is Na-Yeon," Gyeong-Eun remembered when they first met Seok-Woo and how Na-Yeon had shown interest in him.

"If they had met, Chae-Yoon would have told me about it. Yet they could have done it secretly..." Her thoughts were chaotic as she pondered, so she decided to address it directly with him.

She turned her head towards Seok-Woo and asked directly, "How did you become so experienced at kissing, Seok-Woo?" Seok-Woo was surprised to hear this; he hadn't thought that she would ask him such a question.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, he answered her, "Well, through practice and... doing it with someone..." He replied, to which she continued asking.

"Have you and Na-Yeon met together in the past weeks or months?" Gyeong-Eun asked him seriously, her face serious as she said this.

To which he responded, "No, I haven't seen nor met her once. My last meeting with her was my first." Seok-Woo said, which made her frown. She had thought that Na-Yeon and he had met sometime in the past, but now looking at him, he was telling her the truth. No falsehood could be seen on his face as he answered her confidently.

"Then who could it be... Could it be... Yu-Mi?" Gyeong-Eun came to this absurd conclusion as she thought about the possibilities of this happening. She put her hand on her head as she sighed, tired of all of this thinking she had just done.

"I'll think about this next time," Gyeong-Eun said to herself silently, but she thought that it was over until Seok-Woo asked.

"Why did you ask about that though?" Seok-Woo smirked as he said it, "Impressed?"

Gyeong-Eun deadpanned in reaction to him, but she answered his question. "Just wondering. At your age, you should usually be inexperienced in that area after all."

"Why don't we just do that as a treat instead of spending money for something trivial?" Seok-Woo boldly proposed, which made Gyeong-Eun shocked to hear.

Seok-Woo said that as a joke and expected some violent reaction from her by saying that, but he never would have thought that she would consider his proposal.

Gyeong-Eun listened to him and thought to herself, "How interesting. Then should I make my conditions too?" She asked herself this, whether to participate or not.

It was something she hadn't done for a while, so she decided to make a bet with him.

"I'll reward you if you do well in class," She said to him, then continued. "But if you don't, then I'll punish you," She looked at him menacingly, pressuring him to decide.

Seeing that he didn't answer, she added one more thing to the list. "I'll add an optional condition also. If you ace one of your exams in my class, I'll let you do whatever you want. The downside is if your score is below 90%, then I'll do whatever I want to you. You can refuse this whenever you want." Gyeong-Eun didn't know that she was digging a grave for herself also, as she expected Seok-Woo would jump in without thinking much.

Seok-Woo breathed out in amusement, "How the hell did we get here after just a few minutes?" He then thought about what she said.

"It's tempting, but I know that it's setting me up for failure." Seok-Woo thought to himself as he thinks that the condition she is giving him is tempting to refuse.

"Well, there's nothing interesting going on in my life currently, so I'll accept. I'll make sure to win each time." Seok-Woo resolved himself to partake in this bet.

Seok-Woo said to her as he looked straight at the road, "Sure, I'll accept. But don't complain if you lose," with a smirk on his face.

"I should be the one saying that to you. Did you also accept the optional condition?" Gyeong-Eun asked for clarification, to which Seok-Woo nodded in reply.

Sealing the deal, Gyeong-Eun planned to make a contract between them to start enforcing this bet.

Not long after, the car arrived at the building where Gyeong-Eun's home is. 

As the car stopped, Gyeong-Eun began to unbuckle her seatbelt in preparation to exit the car.

Once she finished, she grasped the car door handle and opened it, turning back to Seok-Woo as she did so.

"Goodnight, Seok-Woo," Gyeong-Eun said to him before stepping out of the car. Within seconds, she closed the door behind her.

Seok-Woo watched as the door closed, ready to head home, when a knock on the car window halted his movements.

Curious, he looked out to see Gyeong-Eun standing there. Opening the window, he wondered why she had returned.

As the car window lowered, Gyeong-Eun addressed him, saying, "Seok-Woo, about today..."

In an uncommon display, Gyeong-Eun offered a light smile.

"Keep it a secret from your mother."

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