
Lessons in Love

After saving the world a second time, Percy faces a fresh challenge more terrifying than any he's faced before: losing his virginity. He wants to give Annabeth the best first time ever, but how can he, when he's got no experience either? Luckily, the Aphrodite Cabin is here to save the day. "You want to learn how to have sex? We can teach you." Let the lessons begin!

BagofDepravity · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs


Percy stared at the ceiling of the Poseidon Cabin. The soft glow from the walls made it shine seafoam-green, the shade of his eyes, shimmering and shifting endlessly. You could watch it for hours and not get distracted. Percy would know. That was exactly what he'd been doing.

He could still smell Valentina. Her soft, coconutty perfume had marked him, sinking into his skin. Every time he shifted he remembered the feeling of her body against his. It was as if she was still there, coiled against him, but out of his grasp at the same time. He couldn't sleep, and it all came down to the pressure between his legs.

His erection had been there since he first crawled into bed. It strained his boxers. Every time he thought he could finally drift off, something would remind him of his lesson, and his member throbbed until his eyes cracked back open.

Finally he couldn't stand it. He pushed his underwear down and summoned a palm-full of water from the fountain burbling in the corner.

The water gathered around his erection as Percy mentally turned off his ability to stay dry. He grasped his cock, and felt it soaked to the touch.

His hand moved up and down his shaft, starting off slow. It had been weeks since he'd done this, too distracted by his sex-life worries to find the right mood. Now it was the opposite. He needed to do something after the way his lesson ended, or else he'd never find sleep.

His fingers lacked the warmth and softness Silena's held. He shut his eyes and pictured himself back on that lakeshore. He imagined Silena touching him again— and more.

He pictured her tossing her popsicle aside, bending over, and engulfing his cock in her pouty lips. Her tongue, sticky from the dessert, dragging across his skin. He remembered the eventual discharge when he couldn't hold back, and imagined all those thick wads firing inside of Silena's mouth. Would she cough? Spit it out? Swallow? The images flashed through his head, one after another, each feeding his lust in a different way.

It wasn't enough. He thought back to the bed from that evening, Valentina atop him, and this time he did more than shove his hands past her clothes, he tore them away entirely.

He would lean forward, and she would fall back on the bed, her whole body at his mercy. He could bite those shapely breasts. Caress her smooth back. Most of all he could be free of this erection, thrusting it into her body until it was spent.

The soft, sensual voice that had coached him all evening would be there, moaning and begging him not to stop. He'd listen. His dick would keep going, soaked just like it was now, until—

The water he'd been controlling splattered down across his abdomen as his concentration broke under the weight of a sudden orgasm. Cum shot out, but just before it splattered across Percy's chest it froze. He levitated it across the room and directed it to absorb into an old tissue.

He promised Annabeth back in Tartarus not to use his powers on fluids that had water inside of them, but he figured that was limited to more insidious uses. You know, like poison, and blood. Besides, this trick had already proven damn useful to him.

He meant to get up and dry his bed from the splattered water, he really did. But he himself was perfectly dry again, and water never really felt cold to him. The sleep he'd been longing for caught him before he knew what was happening.

For a moment, when Percy stepped inside the Aphrodite Cabin, he thought it was empty. Then he realized that wasn't quite right. There was one person there.

"Finally showed up?" Drew asked.

Percy walked closer and did a double-take.

The asian girl was sitting cross-legged on her bed, the one he and Valentina started their fun on the night before. She had a handheld mirror aimed at her face, delicately applying a layer of plum-colored lipstick. None of that was what had Percy staring.

Drew's only clothes were a tight white bra and skimpy panties. Percy drank in her slender figure and suddenly wished his shorts were one size larger.

Drew gave her lips one last daub before capping her makeup. "So, you're one lesson deep. How was Valentina?"

"Sweet," Percy answered instinctually. "I mean, not her taste — although that was too — but… I think you get the picture."

Drew just smirked.

"I gotta say, your approach is definitely flashier," Percy admitted.

"See something you like?"

"More than one," Percy said, not even hiding the way his eyes stuck on Drew's chest.

"Well, I'm not seeing nearly enough. Clothes off," Drew ordered.

Some part of Percy had been hoping to use all that practice he'd gotten in recognizing hints, just to prove he learned something. Somehow, this didn't feel like it counted. Drew was too blunt.

First, Percy pulled his shirt off over his head. He was confident in his physique, built over years of fighting, but the intensity Drew stared at him with, her fingers spread against her chin in a philosophical V-shaped pose, was enough to leave a little blush on his cheeks. He pulled his shorts down next, leaving him in only boxers that didn't leave much to Drew's imagination with the thick shape straining against them.

One raised eyebrow told him Drew wasn't satisfied. Light blush strengthening, Percy pushed his underwear down to join his shorts, stepping out of them.

Naked and erect, Percy tried not to fidget as Drew rose from the bed and walked around him in a slow circle. She only came up to the base of his neck. Her long, thin fingers brushed across his abs, tracing the definition lines between his muscles. She moved behind him, and promptly prodded his left buttcheek with a sharp nail.

"Ouch!" Percy said.

"Quiet," Drew said absently.

She wandered back around to the front of him, completing another circuit. This time, her attention was fixed firmly down. She leaned forward, tucking a bit of dark hair behind her ear. Percy's cock spanned the short distance between them, brushing against her stomach. There were no worries about it going soft, either. The height difference let him look naturally down her bra, drinking in the ample milky cleavage.

Suddenly, Percy grunted. Drew had grabbed hold of his cock.

This wasn't the delicate embrace of Silena. Drew's fingers were equally warm, but tight and stiff, gripping his cock as if worried it would run off.

"Endure," she commanded.

With that, she began to jerk him off.

Just like the initial grip, her movements were harsh. She moved her hands quickly, but there wasn't any artistry to it. More than once Percy winced, but not because he was close to cumming. Her nails scraped him at odd intervals. While not outright unpleasant, it wasn't exactly pleasant, either.

Drew sped up, which didn't exactly improve his experience. Instead it was still average, but faster. Percy found himself missing Valentina's methods. At least then he'd felt like a participant, not a prop.

Images of his curvier instructor were still flitting through his head when he heard, "Cum."

The urge sprung up in a flash. It wasn't like the handjob had gotten any better. And yet, the urge to blow a load all across Drew hit Percy with the force of a freight car.

Only at the last second, biting down hard on his lip, Percy managed to force the feeling down.

"Good," Drew said, still jerking him off with a bored look on her face. "It would've been so disappointing if it ended this early."

"That was charmspeak," Percy said.

Drew smiled, although it was quickly replaced again by what Percy had taken to calling her 'Business Face'.

"I see you're familiar with it."

"Piper's used it on me before," Percy said. "I mean, never for anything like this, obviously. That was definitely a new one."

"You liked it though."

It was true. The way it pushed him to the edge, almost making him embarrass himself by barely lasting a minute with a girl, had been such a pleasant—

Percy's willpower snapped back into place, ejecting the foreign thought that had nestled in his head.

"Watch it," Percy said.

"I'm so sorry." Drew didn't sound sorry at all. "But, you're going to have to get used to hearing charmspeak for this lesson. It's necessary."


"Simple." Drew relinquished her grip on his cock. Red spots stuck out against his pale skin were her fingers had held him. "A man is only good in bed for as long as he lasts. I don't care if you've got the skills of Adonis himself, if you can't last five minutes I'm not going to feel a thing. It's my job to make sure you don't end up like that. You passed the first level, by the way."

Percy blinked.

"The handjob was bad on purpose!" he said.

"Don't say that. Some guys would love that kind of thing. You didn't appreciate the love-nicks from my nails?" Drew took one look at Percy's face and said, "Not your thing, I suppose."

"I guess not," he agreed.

"Well, it's still early. Plenty of time to find what will break you."

She stepped behind him.

Percy tried to turn to face her, but she stopped him with a hand on either hip.


Percy felt the coarse fabric of her bra scrape his back. Her hands released their grip on him, sliding slowly across his pelvis before wrapping around his cock, one on top of the other. The handjob started again, but it was different this time. The cadence had become slow and gentle. Delicate lips pressed to Percy's back, planting soft kisses.

Percy kept his breathing steady. He knew what he had to do now: endure. Yet, if anything, he was having a tougher time than when he'd been in the dark. Drew was wrapped around him like a blanket, warm and sensual as she delicately operated on his body.

All across his body Percy's muscles tensed and coiled from the sensation. Drew's hands struck a consistent rhythm. Sharp nibbles and moist licks joined the kisses being lathered on his back. Percy's hands drifted behind him, desperate to feel more of her.

"No touch," Drew said, and there must've been at least a little charmspeak in it, because Percy's hands froze instantly.

"Good… boy…" Drew said, words punctuated by pauses as her mouth worked against Percy's body. "You deserve… a reward."

She pulled away from Percy's body, hands returning to her sides. Percy wondered how that was meant to be a reward, until he heard a quiet metal pop!

Something plopped down over his face, blotting out the room. It smelled of pine and cinnamon— in other words, like Drew. Then his tutor was on him again, her hands back on his shaft and her warmth tight to his back. Only this time, he didn't feel any fabric between them.

Drew's bare breasts pressed against his back, her nipples leaving impressions as she shifted and moved. Her discarded bra remained draped over his face, reducing his view to darkness. Percy had heard somewhere that not being able to see heightened other senses, and he could believe it. The sweet scent of Drew's worn bra, perfume and about a dozen other store-bought scents rubbed into the fabric by its owner's body, almost convinced him his face was buried in the beautiful girl's side. Each wet pop as her lips tethered and untethered from his back sounded deafening to his ears. Most of all, he couldn't have missed a single touch between them if he wanted to— the fingers moored around his cock, the shapely breasts tight to his back, even Drew's bare foot, which was delicately stroking the length of his muscular calf. Without any charmspeak involved, he nearly came and ended the lesson right there.

A wave of warm shame burned into his chest right after, but it quickly turned to determination. With a jolt he realized it wasn't even about impressing his teacher anymore. He just didn't want this lesson to end. Resolve restored, he took a deep breath and steadied himself, even ignoring the deep sniff of Drew's scent that accidentally earned him.

Somehow, Drew was as aware of his internal struggle as Percy himself was. He wouldn't put it past these Aphrodite girl's to have some in-born orgasm meter, the same way he naturally knew his way at sea, just so they could torment boys all the better. He'd met their mom. It was totally the type of thing she'd be into.

"Just let loose," Drew said. "There's no reason to hold yourself back."

Except that there was. Percy knew it. And Drew knew it too; the innocent statement had been lined with enough charmspeak to convince Clarisse to take up pacifism. If Percy hadn't already been on guard, that would've been it form him.

"You'll have to do better than that," Percy said.

Drew sniffed. "I'd certainly hope the Hero of Olympus could handle this much."

Her hands left his cock and shoved him forward.

There was hardly a muscle anywhere on her body, but the push caught Percy totally unaware. He managed to twist as he fell, landing on his back. Drew's bra came loose, landing somewhere behind him and blessing him with a first view of his teacher in all her glory.

Drew wasn't as tall as Silena, but she easily had a few inches of height over Valentina. Her skin was as pale as powder, layers of immaculate makeup standing out starkly. She had a slender body with the waist of a runway model. Her large breasts couldn't compete with Silena's enormous chest, and her shapely ass was a fraction the size of Valentina's, but on her skinny frame both looked just as impressive as her sisters' assets.

The purple lipstick she'd been painstakingly applying when he arrived was smudged around her lips. Percy imagined at least half of it was plastered across his back by now. To be honest, he didn't spend long looking at her lips. The beautiful bare breasts just beneath stared him in the face, dark nipples jutting invitingly.

Drew didn't so much sit on the bed as pounce onto it.

The girl jumped on top of Percy, who caught her on reflex. The way her breasts swung and bounced, he debated asking if she'd get up and do it all over again.

"Careful there— Ooh."

Percy cut off with a groan. Wasting no time Drew had started lathering kisses onto him. She planted each firmly, leaving purple marks in the shape of her lips. Her left hand was back around Percy's cock. He hadn't even noticed it land there. Inch by inch the kiss marks trailed lower as Drew slithered down the bed. When she reached his belly button, she finally stopped. Looking up, she held eye-contact. Very slowly, she moved until she was perched on her knees in the gap between Percy's legs.

Percy stared at the trail she'd left along him. "Why put on lipstick so carefully if it was only going to go everywhere?"

Drew smiled savagely as her hand played with the base of Percy's cock, positioning it straight up.

"Sex is only fun if I mark what's mine," she said.

In one motion she slammed her head down, and Percy's cock disappeared.

Even Silena, the most experienced girl at Camp, had been awed by his size. But Drew didn't even think twice as she took all of him in her mouth and, when she ran out of room there, deep into her throat. Percy couldn't help but gasp at the sensation— warm, wet, tight. Drew wasn't finished. Hery eyes still hadn't left his.

She pulled up, and Percy suddenly saw what she meant about marking. A plum-colored ring was visible against the absolute base of the shaft, a testament to how deep Drew had taken him. It was almost like it was saying, I got this far, match it if you can. Of course, there was nobody else there to compete with, so Drew immediately took the chance to try and beat her own high-score.

Drew's head moved faster than it had any right to. One moment her lips were around only the tip, her tongue playing roughly with the slit of his cock; the next moment, her nose was pressed flat against Percy's ribs. It was like Percy's fantasy about Silena from the night before, except the sensations were even better than his imagination could conjure up. No matter how fast Drew moved, her teeth never so much as brushed him. She didn't gag once.

After a particularly long pause with her face tight to Percy's crotch, Drew pulled all the way off of him like a diver coming up for air, eight thick, slobbery inches sliding free from her throat.

"Cum," Drew commanded.

The full weight of her charmspeak hammered down on him, mixing with the pleasure of the blowjob. The urge to cum rose up in him like an ocean. But Percy was good at dealing with those. He kept his composure, and the intensity passed.

Drew threw her head back down. She bobbed up and down, her straight hair flying as she kept up the frantic pace. After another thirty seconds, she dragged herself off again and repeated, "Cum."

The urge came again, even stronger. Percy gripped the bed as he fought back. He filled his head with the least arousing images he could think of. Mr. D's leopard print speedo. The old Cloven Elders and the potbellies they always showed off. Echidna's overweight scaly skin and too-long forked tongue. The un-sexy barrage was just enough.

Drew refused to admit defeat. She suckled on his testicles before slowly trailing her tongue along the entire length of his shaft. Only when she got to the top did she return to deepthroating him, and the brief pause made the sensations feel twice as good when they returned. She struck the most furious pace yet, and kept it up for an entire minute without slipping once. Percy's eyes rolled back in his head. When Drew finally said, "CUM!" for a third time, he already knew what was coming.

He came across Drew's upper body, everywhere from her breasts up to her neck. It was the most explosive ejaculation Percy had ever had, built up after he'd been pushed to the brink so many times. Drew wiped a glob of semen off her collar bone, licking it dry and frowning.

"That's what you weren't supposed to do," she said.

"Easier said than done," Percy said.

He was panting. His cock was still erect, but his balls ached. Every drop of their contents was painted across his teacher.

Drew regarded him before standing up from the bed.

"That was passable. I suppose," she said.

Percy sat up. "You're kidding. Resisting that long took everything I had!"

Drew looked away. "I hope you improve by next time, then. For your sake— and Annabeth's. I can't even imagine how disappointed she would be if her beloved boyfriend performed this poorly on your first night together. If I were here I might break up with you right there."

"You can be a real bitch sometimes, you know that?" Percy said.

Drew blushed. She muttered something quickly and quietly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Drew said. She made eye contact with him. "Keep what you just said in mind. For next time. Now get dressed— as you can see, I'm in dire need of a shower."

She turned and strutted away. Percy watched her go. He thought he'd earned at least a little praise with his performance, holding out against charmspeak so many times, but that was Drew for you. A kind words from her was as rare as seeing her without makeup. It just didn't happen

Not that there weren't reason to stick around with her, Percy mused. The view of her barely-clad retreating ass was the best reminder of that he could've asked for.

Sighing, he went about collecting his clothes while wondering what tomorrow's lesson might hold. After the first two, he couldn't even guess.

Not that he was complaining. There was such a thing as a good surprise. If there was one thing this week had taught him, it was that.

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