

A little girl named Bertha came to an unknown village, near a large forest with her father. She was completely new to the environment. On the first day, while wandering around the whole house, she found a book called ''LESHY''. She found that book interesting and spend all the time on that book. From there she gets to know a lot about that thing called ''leshy'' which was referred to as a Slavic monster who lives in the forest. One day her father went to the city for some work and was told to come back within one day. But he didn't come. After knowing that her father went to the forest she went there to save her father as she knows about the secret of the dark forest. Can she save her father from the monster?

MYSTICAL · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


''Long Long ago, when the humans were not even born, the earth which was full of dense forests, there was only existence of angles who lived in the 'Garden of Eden'. They lived together in peace. They were really nice to each other and as well as friendly. Their relation was really amazing. But suddenly they changed. They started to think individually, They no longer believed in unity as violence and jealousy started to grow among them. They started to hate each other. Soon a war broke down in the Garden of Eden, startling everyone. It happened for the first time. Some angels Fell from the Garden due to the war. Some of them fell on the earth while others, nobody knows where they disappeared. Some believe that those whose existence is not known, are the ones whom we call 'SATAN'. And the ones who fell on earth are known as LESHY, the Slavic beast of the woods.''

''Woo sounds interesting.'' - Bertha exclaimed as she flipped the first page to the second. She is very excited to complete the book as soon as possible as her patients are running out. The moment she flipped the page, her father opened the door of her room, making her flinch at the sudden noise.

''Dear, I am home.'' - Mr. Tumbler a.k.a Bertha's father said as he made his way to his lovely daughter.

''Dad.'' - Bertha ran to her dad and wrapped her tiny arms around the slightly old man with a small beard, hugging him tightly as if he'll get lost if she doesn't.

''My dear child, did you miss me?'' - He asked as he hugged her back.

''Not that much.'' - She literally lied as she smiled. Bertha loves her father as much as her father loves her. Both of them equally missed each other. She denied the fact because she was angry with him for being late.

''Don't lie. I know you missed me.'' - He said as he pinched Bertha's tiny nose, ''Your eyes are enough to tell me that you missed me a lot. So, did you get bored?''

''No, I found an interesting book today. So, I Didn't get bored.'' - She said while showing her teeth.

''Hmm. You've learned to live on your own in just one day. That's very impressive. I have to give you a reward for that'' - He said as he put his hand in his pocket, rummage for a while before pulling out some chocolate bars bertha loves. Her face lit up by that. She took the chocolate bar before thanking her father.

''And what was 'that book' you were talking about?

''Dad it's a fantasy book I guess.'' - She said while opening the bar before taking a huge bite.'' You should see'' - She said as she passed the book to her father.

''Maybe later.'' - He said as he took the book from her hand, place it on the table before looking at Bertha, ''Let's eat dinner first.''

[at the dinner table]

''Oh I forgot to ask do you like the new house, sweety?'' - He asked

''Yeah, a lot. I found a lot of interesting stuff here.'' - Bertha said as she took a slurp on her soup.

''You must have found a lot of treasures. Well what did you find?'' - He asked again

''I found a flute, A traditional lamp made with paper which was really beautiful. And I found an interesting book which I was talking about. It wa-'' - Bertha was cut off by the sudden howl coming from the forest. With a light scream, she bounced on her chair.

''What was that, Dad? It's so scary.'' - She asked him, eyes shut as the howl gets louder.

''Oh, that? It's nothing.'' - He said with a smile, ''Maybe some wild Wolves. Don't worry they live in their own zone. They won't come here. As long as you don't step in their zone, I mean the forest.''

''The forest. Rest assure dad cause I won't go there. I already know a big secret lying in the forest. But what if they come here.'' - Bertha said with horror.

''Don't worry my child. If they even come here I will fight and save my princess from them.'' - He said as he tapped on my head.

''But I heard they are really strong. Way stronger than you.'' - She mocked

''Well I am stronger than them.'' - He said

After a long talk, both of them finished their dinner. Bertha went to her room as so her father.

[In Bertha's room]

oh, I can't fall asleep. They are making so much noise. Should I see it? No, what if they attack me. How would they attack me? Dad said they live in their own zone. I would just peek sneakily to see what are they. - Bertha said to herslf before she stood up from the bed.

Bertha looked out from the window. She unclearly saw something red glowing. She rubbed her eyes and again took a look. What she saw was really inexpiable. She saw four red glowing eyes. She freaked out and went to her father. That night she slept with her dad trembling all over her body.

Hi!! Everyone. This is my first work. As I am not a native English speaker (and mostly skip English classes) there can be some mistakes. Sorry about that!!!

Hope you guys enjoy

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