
Leon's Odyssey

" Leon's Odyssey: In a world besieged by monstrous gates, Leon Blackwood, a fallen scion from a wealthy lineage, hungers for a shot at rewriting his life. Upon becoming a 'Player' in humanity's last stand, he's neither hero nor savior, but a man seeking personal redemption. Unexpectedly thrust back 30 years with newfound powers from a phoenix and an ancient dragon, Leon battles his inner demons and the brutal present. Armed with a future's worth of knowledge, he navigates a perilous journey to reshape destiny, facing deadly dungeons and dangerous decisions along the way."

Diori · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

New Day

His brother Ethan—vibrant, full of life, his eyes alight with the promise of a future yet to unfold. A mixture of emotions welled within Leon—an ache for the years lost, the pain of a bond severed too soon, and an inexplicable understanding that transcended the passage of time.

Ethan: "Hey, what's with the dazed look? You're not daydreaming again, are you?"

A smile tugged at Leon's lips, a convergence of nostalgia and the inexplicable present. His voice—his own voice—responded, laden with emotion:

Leon: "No, I'm right here, Ethan. Let's eat."

As they shared a meal that had become a rarity in Leon's memory, the threads of time seemed to weave a new tapestry—one that entwined the past with the present, the mundane with the extraordinary.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of gold and amber across the landscape, Leon Blackwood found himself at the precipice of a journey he could never have imagined—a journey woven from the flames of rebirth.

Leon was just thrust back 30 years into the past, to when he was just 10 years old. Now he was having a meal with his younger brother Ethan, who was 6 years old. At first, he thought he had died and this was just a dream. As he was eating the lasagna, tears started flowing down his eyes. He thought to himself how long it had been since he had such good lasagna, a home-cooked meal. His brother Ethan looked at Leon and said, "You're being weird. Why are you being weird?"

Leon looked at his brother and thought, "Ah, even his brother is judging him in death." He looked at his brother and said, "Sorry, man. You died too young. I don't blame you," while tears continued to flow from his eyes.

Ethan looked puzzled and said, "Why do you say I'm going to die young? You will be the one to die young."

Leon responded, "You bastard, I live till 40. You died on your 18th birthday."

Ethan retorted, "Nah, you will die on your 18th birthday."

At that moment, the sound of the door opening with a familiar voice—it was Leon's father and mother, both younger and much healthier. As they made their way to the living room, Leon got up from his seat at the table and ran towards them, hugging them tightly, tears still streaming down his face.

He said, "I love and miss you guys."

For Leon, it had been 25 years since his family had died, but for them, it had just been an hour as Leon had returned from the future and his parents had just gone out for an evening stroll an hour ago.

His father, Alexander, said, "It's okay, kiddo. Why are you crying? Your mom and I just went for a stroll."

His mother, Charlotte, said, "It's alright, Leon. Stop crying now, baby. Mama's here," and she hugged him.

At that moment, Ethan, who was still at the table, got up and walked over to his parents and Leon. As he walked over, he said, "Dad, Leon is acting weird. He said I will die on my 18th birthday."

His father looked puzzled and said, "Leon, that's not nice, wishing your brother to die on his 18th birthday. Apologize."

Confusion clouded Leon's thoughts, leaving him more befuddled than ever. "But he's already dead, isn't he?"

A gentle tap on his head from his father jolted him. "What's that you're saying, champ? Apologize right now."

Leon retorted, still puzzled. "But you're no longer alive either."

His father's perplexity deepened. "Wishing my demise too? I'm planning to live till a hundred, buddy." Another playful tap on Leon's head followed.

Interjecting, his mother teased, "Honey, keep rapping his head, and he might forget how to tie his shoelaces."

Amid the shared laughter, except for Leon nursing his head, a voice unexpectedly chimed in his mind, saying, "Initializing."

Startled, Leon exclaimed, "No way!"

His father playfully taunted, "It might be too late. Looks like he's already losing his mind."

His mother added, "Keep tapping, and he might start speaking gibberish."

Amid the jovial banter, realization hit Leon. He stared at his family, understanding that he had journeyed back three decades in time. Overwhelmed with emotion, he embraced his family once more, grinning, and admitted, "I just had a nightmare."

The scene held a surreal yet heartwarming quality as the threads of time wove together a moment he never thought he'd relive.

They all convened at the table, the aroma of lasagna wafting through the air. Gathered together, they shared stories and laughter. The clinking of forks against plates mingled with the harmonious symphony of familial bonds. Each bite of lasagna held a taste that went beyond flavor, carrying the warmth of his mother's affection.

Glancing at his phone discreetly, Leon caught the date: 01/06/2045, during the summer break. Memories flooded back—they were vacationing in a beach house in Cornwall, UK. This moment had lived in his dreams, a cherished fragment of the past.

Alexander, his father, beamed while savoring a forkful of lasagna. "Charlotte, your cooking is beyond words."

Charlotte, Leon's mother, chuckled. "It's a secret family recipe, passed down through generations of skilled cooks."

Ethan, his younger brother, joined in enthusiastically, his face adorned with tomato sauce. "When I grow up, I'm gonna be the best chef ever!"

Laughter filled the room, and Leon's heart warmed at Ethan's zeal. "No doubt about that, Ethan."

Conversations flowed naturally as they indulged in their meal, discussing school, friends, and summer plans. With each bite of lasagna, memories cascaded, and Leon was truly transported back in time.

His father turned to him. "So, son, any big summer plans?"

Caught off guard, Leon cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah. Just looking forward to a relaxing break, maybe dabbling in some personal projects."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What sort of projects?"

As Leon stole a glance at his phone, he improvised, "You know, writing, perhaps some artwork. Just things to keep busy."

Ethan's eyes sparkled. "Are you gonna write a book?"

Leon chuckled. "Who knows, Ethan? Maybe."

Around the dinner table, laughter and joy resonated—a cherished moment etched in time.

As the plates were cleared and the lasagna vanished, Leon stood. "I'll head to my room now."

His mother smiled warmly. "Sure thing, dear. Get a good night's rest."

With a nod, Leon rose from the table, his heart brimming. "Goodnight, everyone."

"Sleep well, Leon!" Ethan waved with a grin.

His father lifted his glass. "Here's to a fantastic summer!"

"To an amazing summer!" The chorus echoed as glasses clinked.

Leon turned away, ascending the stairs to his room. With each step, the gravity of his situation became more palpable. This wasn't merely a dream; he had truly journeyed back in time. His room greeted him, the familiar environment grounding his surreal adventure.

As he settled onto his bed, his gaze returned to his phone, the date shining brightly. A sigh escaped him, a mixture of emotions swirling. The journey he had embarked upon was beyond his wildest dreams—an opportunity to relive cherished moments and perhaps reshape the course of his life.

With that thought lingering, he recalled the voice that had resonated in his mind, uttering the word "initializing." It was a familiar voice, one he had encountered countless times in his former life. Many who evolved into awakened beings had encountered that voice prior to their transformation—those who had awakened shared tales of this same phenomenon.

Moreover, after the enigmatic "initializing" voice, there was another intriguing ability granted—the ability to perceive one's own capabilities. By simply uttering the word "status," they were able to unveil their inner potential. This phenomenon was known as the Infinity System, as spoken of by the people.

Resting on his bed, he softly murmured, "Status."

In an instant, a game-like status screen appeared in front of his eyes, floating in the air. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. Memories flooded back of the voice that had spoken to him before he lost consciousness—the voice that had congratulated him for ending the legacy of the dragon and phoenix species.

His heart raced as he gazed at the status screen:




║ Name: Leon Blackwood ║

║ Level: 1 ║

║ Race: Human ║

║ Class: None ║

║ State: Unawakened ║

║ Title: Legacy's Ender ║



║ - Strength: 5.00 ║

║ - Agility: 5.00 ║

║ - Intelligence: 10.00 ║

║ - Luck: 3.00 ║

║ - Constitution: 5.00 ║

║ - Unused Attribute Points: 0 ║



║ - Orius: Level 1 ║

║ - Mana Clone: Level 1 ║

║ - Draconix Heart: Level 1 ║



║ - Clothing: Simple Attire ║

║ - Accessories: None ║

║ - Weapon: None ║



║ Health Points (HP): 120/120 ║

║ Mana Points (MP): 220/220 ║

║ Stamina Points (SP): 120/120 ║


Gazing at the holographic digits suspended in the air, Leon's mind blazed like a wildfire. "This is real," he whispered in awe. The power of an Awakened now coursed through him, bestowing upon him a unique title and attributes that promised uncharted possibilities. The potential unfurled before him, a boundless sea of opportunities waiting to be explored.

As he reclined on his bed, a tempest of emotions swirled within him, a whirlwind of feelings he had scarcely dared to entertain before. Incredible disbelief lingered at the fringes of his thoughts, casting shadows of uncertainty over his mind. "How can this be? How could the very destiny he had sacrificed his past life for now stand at his threshold?" Clenching his fist, tears welled in his eyes and traced silent paths down his cheeks.

His body felt charged, an electric current coursing through his veins. He stood on the precipice of an unknown realm, a world that had suddenly unfolded at his feet. The weight of the newfound skills he possessed—Orius and Mana Clone—pressed on him, akin to the gravity of a new responsibility. He was no longer a powerless spectator but a sculptor of the world he longed to shape.

Amazement shimmered in his eyes, the realization of his newfound perception and capabilities rendering him speechless. Gratitude surged within him, an overwhelming flood of appreciation for a second chance he thought was forever denied. In his past life, he had poured his essence into the pursuit of awakening, only to be met with bitter disappointment. Now, as an Awakened being, he could hardly grasp the depth of his own fortune. It was as if the universe had gifted him redemption, an opportunity to rewrite the script of his existence.

A sense of relief washed over him, gentle waves soothing the scars of past failures etched into his soul. The burden of dreams left unfulfilled lifted, replaced by the buoyancy of renewed hope. The days of yearning for a reality beyond his grasp were over; he was now living that very reality.

A surge of empowerment coursed through him, a torrent of energy threatening to break down the walls of his inhibitions. Liberated from the chains of inadequacy, he felt as though he could reach for the stars and sculpt them to his will. No longer a passive observer, he had become a participant in the grand orchestra of existence.

Determination ignited within his heart, a fire fiercer than the failures of his past. The road ahead might be strewn with obstacles and uncertainties, yet he was unwavering in his resolve to carve out his destiny. Embracing his newfound power, he vowed to transcend the boundaries he had once accepted as fate.

Yet, amidst the triumphant crescendo of his emotions, a subtle undercurrent of apprehension hummed softly. The realization that he now carried not only his own expectations but also those of others lingered in the corners of his thoughts. As he embarked on this path of awakening, he understood that the journey would be fraught with trials. But with each heartbeat, he was committed to confronting those challenges head-on, armed with the skills and potential that had eluded him before.

In the tranquil solitude of his room, Leon's emotions intertwined in a complex fusion, weaving together disbelief and gratitude, awe and empowerment, relief and determination. As he reclined on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, he recognized that this juncture marked a turning point—a chance to redefine his life, to surmount the shadows of his past, and to sculpt a future now firmly held in his hands.

Leon shifted his gaze to the holographic status window hovering before him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and curiosity as he examined the various attributes, skills, and statistics laid out before him.

He decided to start by delving into the skills listed on the screen. His fingers hesitated for a moment, then he selected the first skill: Orius. A rush of information flooded his mind as he tried to grasp the essence of this mystical skill.

Orius (Level 1): Orius is a mystical skill that endows the user with an extraordinary understanding of the world, providing a comprehensive range of capabilities. At its initial level, it has limited usage and demands 20 MP for activation. However, as the skill level advances, the MP cost diminishes, rendering it even more potent.

Enhanced Vision: At Level 1, Orius enhances the user's vision significantly. This heightened perception allows them to see with exceptional clarity and over extended distances, expanding up to 5 meters. Furthermore, it grants the ability to see in darkness and through barriers. As the skill progresses, the range of vision expands even further.

Perception of Hidden Energies: Orius also bestows the user with the remarkable capacity to detect subtle energies, such as mana and life force, within a range of 5 meters. This heightened sensitivity aids in recognizing magical traps and concealed entities. With each level attained, the perception of these energies becomes more refined, and the detection range increases.

Elemental Mastery: Another facet of Orius is the rudimentary control over elemental forces. Even at its base level, users can manipulate or influence one or more elements, albeit to a limited extent. As the skill advances, the user gains the ability to harness multiple elements simultaneously.

MP Cost: To activate the Orius skill at Level 1, 20 MP is required.

As Leon absorbed this information, he marveled at the possibilities. Enhanced vision, perception of hidden energies, and mastery over elements—it was as if he had been given the keys to unlocking the secrets of the world. He couldn't wait to see how this skill would evolve as he gained experience.

Next, he moved on to the skill Mana Clone, equally intrigued by its potential.

Mana Clone (Level 1): Mana Clone is a mystical skill that empowers the practitioner with the ability to conjure tangible duplicates of themselves. Each clone possesses its own consciousness, complete knowledge, skills, and memories of the original practitioner. They are not mere illusions but physical entities capable of interacting with the world. At Level 1, the user can create up to three clones, each requiring 40 MP for activation. The higher the skill level, the more clones can be created with reduced MP costs.

At Level 1, the Mana Clone skill equips the practitioner with the following capabilities:

Physical Duplication: Users can create physical duplicates of themselves, and these clones are substantial beings with their own bodies. They are fully capable of interacting with the physical world. The health points (HP) and stamina points (SP) of each clone mirror those of the user. However, if the user's level significantly surpasses the skill level, the clones' HP and SP will be limited in comparison. As the skill level increases, the clones' HP and SP approach the user's levels.

Consciousness and Knowledge: Each clone possesses its individual consciousness, along with the complete knowledge, skills, and memories of the original practitioner. This grants them the ability to act autonomously and make decisions based on the information available to the original. When a clone is deactivated or dies, all experiences and knowledge gained by the clone are transferred to the original practitioner. This includes new insights and any positive buffs and experiences. Currently, at Level 1, only 10% of the benefits are returned when a clone is deactivated, and 20% when a clone is killed or dies. As the skill level increases, the percentage of benefits returned also increases.

Limited Number of Clones: At Level 1, users can create up to three clones simultaneously. The maximum number of clones that can be created increases as the skill level advances.

Mana Cost: Creating each clone at Level 1 consumes 40 MP. Each clone possesses its own separate mana pool, independent of the user's mana. This allows each clone to cast spells and use abilities independently. Users must monitor the mana levels of each clone and may need to allocate additional mana for powerful actions or provide them with mana refill potions. As the skill level increases, the mana pool of the clones expands, making them more self-sufficient. Additionally, the MP cost for creating clones decreases with higher skill levels.

The idea of creating tangible duplicates with their own consciousness fascinated Leon. It was like having an army of versions of himself, each with unique experiences and capabilities. The cost in mana was steep at his current level, but he could envision how this skill might become a game-changer in battles or investigations.

Leon's excitement was palpable, but he couldn't help but wonder about his overall progression. What would happen to his attributes and statistics as he gained experience and levels? Unfortunately, it seemed he wouldn't find out until he actually leveled up. Patience had never been his strong suit, but he had a feeling that his journey was about to get even more intriguing.

Leon's gaze shifted from his recently examined skills to the remaining sections of his status screen. The attributes and statistics were like pieces of a puzzle he was eager to assemble.

Name: Leon Blackwood

Level: 1

Race: Human

Class: None

State: Unawakened

Title: Legacy's Ender

He couldn't help but chuckle at the "Unawakened" state. "It seemed like the system recognized my potential but acknowledged that I had yet to fully tap into it." And the title, "Legacy's Ender," left him pondering the significance of his actions back in the dragon's lair.

Leon's fingers hovered over his attributes, and he couldn't resist commenting on each one:

Strength: 5.00: "Well, I guess I'm not winning any weightlifting competitions just yet."

Agility: 5.00: "Average agility. Not bad."

Intelligence: 10.00: "Now, this is interesting. I wonder if my newfound intelligence had something to do with those skills."

Luck: 3.00: "Luck's never been on my side, it seems."

Constitution: 5.00: "Decent constitution. Maybe it's the reason I'm still here."

Unused Attribute Points: 0: "I'll need to figure out how to allocate these when the time comes."

Leon's focus shifted to the skills section again, specifically to the newly discovered skill, Draconix Heart. As he read the description, a sense of wonder and anticipation washed over him.

Draconix Heart (Level 1): The Draconix Heart represents a profound fusion of dragon and phoenix energies, endowing its bearer with a range of remarkable enhancements. At this initial level, these benefits are only the tip of the iceberg, with the promise of further growth as the user gains experience and skill mastery.

At Level 1, the Draconix Heart provides its possessor with the following enhancements and benefits:

Heightened Mana Reserves: Through this fusion, the user's mana reserves surge to 220/220 MP, a significant boost from the typical 120/120 MP. This augmentation translates to a considerable increase in magical power. The higher the skill level, the greater this enhancement becomes.

Enhanced Physical Prowess: The Draconix Heart amplifies physical abilities, elevating strength, agility, and constitution. The user's Strength, Agility, and Constitution attributes rise from their ordinary values of 2.00 to an impressive 5.00. This enhancement contributes to improved combat capabilities and athletic performance, with more significant upgrades as the skill advances.

Accelerated Healing: Possessing the Draconix Heart grants the user the ability to heal at an accelerated pace. This newfound capability enables swift recovery from injuries, proving invaluable in combat situations or when facing adversity. Healing efficiency continues to increase with skill progression.

Unparalleled Mana Manipulation: The fusion heightens the user's capacity to manipulate mana, providing heightened control over magical energies. This manifests as more potent spells and increased versatility in magic application. The skill's progression unlocks additional benefits in this regard.

Profound Synchronization: The user forms a profound bond with the Draconix Heart, enabling a more effective utilization of its unique powers. Enhanced synchronization may unlock even greater potential in the future, both physically and mentally. Currently, the heart synchronization level stands at 10%.

Balancing Act: Mastery of the Draconix Heart necessitates a harmonious blend of physical strength and wisdom. The user must not only cultivate physical prowess but also possess the wisdom to wield these newfound abilities responsibly. As strength and wisdom levels increase, so too will the benefits derived from the Draconix Heart.

It's crucial to remember that these Level 1 benefits are just the beginning. The Draconix Heart holds the promise of further growth and extraordinary capabilities as the user continues their journey. This skill offers a captivating fusion of magical augmentation and physical prowess, making it a coveted asset for its possessor.

Leon couldn't help but marvel at the prospect of harnessing such incredible powers. The notion of heightened mana reserves, accelerated healing, and unparalleled mana manipulation abilities filled him with excitement. He knew he had to work hard to unlock the full potential of this skill.

With a final glance at his status screen, he muttered to himself, "This is just the beginning. I have so much to learn and discover."

His family's laughter echoed from the living room, reminding him of the warmth of this unexpected reunion. Leon resolved to cherish this time with his family and explore the mysteries of his newfound abilities as he slowly drifted asleep.

As Leon closed his eyes, the holographic digits, skills, and attributes from the status window danced in his dreams, promising adventures beyond imagination in the waking world.

The sun's gentle rays slipped through the curtains, heralding the arrival of a new day. Leon stirred in his sleep, his dreams filled with fragments of his past and glimpses of the future. As the dreams slowly faded, he muttered to himself in the half-conscious state of someone still caught between realms.

Leon: (whispering) "Was it all a dream? The skills, the status... it felt too real."

His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in the soft embrace of morning light. But something lingered in his mind, a nagging sensation that refused to dissipate. His own voice, as though a distant echo, reverberated within his thoughts.

Leon: (murmuring) "Status."

The holographic status window appeared before him, casting a faint glow in the dim room. It wasn't a dream; it was all too real. The attributes, the skills, and the potential he possessed were his to explore.

Leon: (whispering) "It's real... all of it."

He pushed himself up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Thoughts whirled in his mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. But one thing was clear; he had a path to follow, a destiny to shape.

Leon: (determined) "Time to get up and face the day."

Leon got up and made his way to his desk, the morning light filtering through the window and casting a warm glow over the room. He sat down on the chair at his desk, a determined look on his face as he began jotting down the crucial events and information he knew would shape the next 40 years. His youthful hands moved swiftly over the keyboard of his digital notepad, words appearing on the screen as he spoke them aloud to himself.

He knew that every decision, every plan, and every word he wrote down would matter.

Leon: (Muttering with urgency as he types) "On August 17th, 2045, exactly at midnight... something incredible happened in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin, once the king, plunged to a low rank of 300th and became almost worthless. Then, in a twist of fate, it became a golden opportunity... you could get 1000 Bitcoins for just £10. It reclaimed its throne at lightning speed, shooting back to the top. It was a frenzy, a digital gold rush. But, as fast as it surged, it all came crashing down on August 18th, 2045, at 11:30 pm."

Leon: (Continuing to type) "And then there's Zen, the new player on the block. On August 18th, 2045, at 10:30 pm, it took the crown. You could snag 1000 Zen for just £10, just like Bitcoin, but that lasted only 5 hours before it skyrocketed to an astonishing £1,000,000 for one Zen."

He paused, reflecting on the significance of these events, fully aware of the opportunities they presented. Leon knew that seizing these moments could potentially provide him with the resources he needed for the uncertain times ahead.

His fingers danced on the keyboard, capturing the essence of the moments, the dates, and times etched into his memory.

Leon: (With unwavering determination) "I can't forget any of this... not the date and time of its historic low, not the unbelievably low price, not the moment it surged back, and not the heart-wrenching fall that followed. Bitcoin and Zen—they hold the key to my future."

The room seemed charged with tension as he continued typing.

Leon: (Almost whispering, yet resolute) "This is my lifeline, my one shot at surviving the looming cataclysm... for my future. I can't let these crucial moments fade away."

With every keystroke, he reinforced the significance of these moments, knowing that his fate depended on seizing this fleeting opportunity.

Leon: (With determination) "This is just the beginning... more to plan, more to prepare... for the cataclysm... for my family's future... for my own future."

Leon continued to add more details to his notes, his voice steady as he outlined his plans.

Leon: (Typing with confidence) "Investing in tech companies is a goldmine if you choose wisely, especially those set for future success. Let's talk about AppTech, a game-changer in the making. On July 1, 2045, they offered 55% of their shares for just £500,000."

His keystrokes resonated with purpose as Leon continued, a glint of nostalgia in his eyes.

Leon: (Eagerly reminiscing) "Ah, AppTech, a name that would soon resonate across industries. People doubted it, called it a scam, but not me. I saw the brilliance, the ambition. And David Lard, a prodigy at just 25 years old, the driving force. They needed backers, and I'll be ready to seize the opportunity."

He continued to type, his fingers moving with purpose as he calculated the potential gains from such an investment.

Leon: (Typing with growing enthusiasm) "Electric Vehicle (EV) Manufacturers are where the future lies. Electric cars are the way forward, and I'm betting on it. EcoMotors, with their groundbreaking technology and visionary leadership, aren't just set to lead the EV revolution; they're poised for domination. I can't pass up the chance to own 10% of that future for just £250,000. On September 22, 2045, they offered their stocks, and surprisingly, nobody bought them, which became a regret for many in the future."

As he typed, Leon's mind teemed with visions of a world filled with sleek, silent EVs. He knew he was positioning himself at the forefront of this electrifying future.

Leon: (With a sense of purpose) "EcoMotors, led by the brilliant innovator Jane Winston, is on the cusp of something extraordinary. They needed this capital to drive innovation, to make electric vehicles more accessible and efficient. I need to invest wisely to secure a substantial stake in this revolution. It's not just an investment; it's a commitment to a greener, smarter, and more sustainable future, and it will benefit me greatly in the future."

Leon continued to write.

Leon: (Typing with a heavy heart) "Investing in Biotechnology... BioGen... £500,000... for the research and the future."

As his fingers danced across the digital notepad, Leon's thoughts were consumed by a profound sense of responsibility. The memory of the accident that had taken Sophie's life in his previous existence weighed heavily on his soul. He couldn't change the past, but this second chance at life was an opportunity to make amends.

Leon: (Reflective) "Katie Young... BioGen... your research will change the world. I'll make sure you keep it this time, Katie, and no one will take the credit away from you. You won't have to sell your dreams to make ends meet."

With each word he typed, he felt the weight of his commitment to right a wrong. The money he was investing wasn't just currency; it was a lifeline to a brighter future for Katie and her sister, Sophie. It was a chance for redemption.

Leon: (Resolute) "This time, I won't let anyone down. I'll ensure that BioGen's groundbreaking work thrives, and that Sophie gets the life she deserves. Katie, I know you once considered selling your research for £100,000 just to make ends meet. But this time, I won't let you do it. Instead, I will be offering you £500,000 as an investment in both you and your company. You'll have to remain as the CEO, and I'll take 45% ownership, leaving you with 55% to secure your vision and future. It's not just about the money; it's a lifeline for both of you, and I'm committed to making sure it shines brightly. She will be putting up the sale listing online on January 1, 2048 and that will be my time to act on it."

Leon was now deep into planning his investments for the next several decades. Real estate seemed like an excellent avenue, and he was eager to take advantage of opportunities that would arise. As he wrote down his strategies, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the potential profits and positive impacts he could make.

Leon: (Focused) "Real Estate... it's all about location, timing, and vision."

He carefully detailed his plans, highlighting key dates and locations for his investments. The thought of revitalizing run-down properties, turning them into thriving assets, and contributing to the development of emerging areas filled him with enthusiasm.

Leon: (Planning) "March 8, 2048... that's when the doors to these opportunities open."

He calculated the amount needed for these investments and noted it down. A hundred million pounds was a significant sum, but he was determined to acquire these properties and make them prosper.

Leon: (Determined) "With these investments, I can shape the future in more ways than one."

Each word he wrote represented a piece of the puzzle, a step closer to realizing his ambitious plans. Leon knew that the journey ahead would be long and filled with challenges, but he was ready to embrace it with open arms.

Leon: (Confident) "This is just the beginning."

Leon's mind raced with possibilities as he considered his short-term financial strategy. He knew he needed a substantial amount of money to kickstart his long-term investment plans, but asking his family for such a sum would raise too many questions. He needed an alternative, a way to earn a significant sum without arousing suspicion.

Leon: (Contemplative) "I can't just ask for that kind of money, not without raising eyebrows. I need something... unconventional."

He recalled stories from the future, tales of lost paintings and artifacts that had been discovered in the most unexpected places. It was as if the treasures of the past had resurfaced to astonish the world. These stories had always fascinated him, but now they held a new significance.

Leon: (Eureka moment) "Lost Fabergé Eggs, Crown Jewels of Ireland... hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered."

He began to jot down the details of these discoveries. The Nécessaire Egg found in a quaint pawn shop in France, the Cherub with Chariot Egg adorning a restaurant in the Scottish Highlands, and the Crown Jewels of Ireland tucked away in a remote Norwegian village.

Leon: (Calculating) "They were bought for mere pennies and sold for fortunes... That's it!"

His eyes gleamed with determination as he envisioned himself on a quest, searching for hidden treasures in plain view. This was the solution to his short-term financial needs, a way to accumulate the funds required for his ambitious investments.

Leon: (Resolute) "I'll follow in the footsteps of those who stumbled upon history's forgotten gems."

Leon: "Okay, I think this is everything I need for now. I just need to create some excuses and ask Father for some money and some time to visit these places and retrieve them."

The clock on the wall chimed 10:30 AM as Leon finished jotting down his plans for the future. His digital notepad displayed a growing list of potential investments, a roadmap to financial prosperity that spanned the next few decades. The weight of the future rested heavily on his shoulders, but today was a new day, and for now, he set aside his financial musings.

With purposeful steps, Leon descended the staircase, the warm aroma of breakfast greeting him like an old friend. He entered the cozy dining area where his family had already gathered around the table.

Ethan, Leon's younger brother, was chatting animatedly with their mother, Charlotte. His father, Alexander, sat at the head of the table, an amused smile playing on his lips as he observed the exchange.

Charlotte: (Smiling) "Leon, you're just in time for breakfast, dear. How did you sleep?"

Leon: (Grinning) "Like a baby, Mom. The bed here is super comfy."

Ethan: (Playful) "Yeah, he's been snoring louder than a freight train."

Leon: (Mock offense) "Ethan, you exaggerate. Just a bit of light, melodious snoring to keep you company."

Alexander: (Chuckles) "Good to see you're keeping the tradition alive, Leon."

The family shared a laugh, the morning sun casting a warm glow across the room.

Charlotte: (Turning to Ethan) "Speaking of sleep, how did you sleep, sweetheart?"

Ethan: (Stretching) "Like a log, Mom. Guess the fresh sea air does wonders."

Leon: (Nodding) "It really does. Cornwall has its own kind of magic."

Charlotte: (Setting down a plate) "Well, speaking of magic, let's see if you find today's breakfast enchanting."

She placed a steaming plate of fluffy pancakes on the table, topped with a generous drizzle of maple syrup.

Leon: (Appreciative) "Wow, Mom, these look amazing. You've really outdone yourself."

Charlotte: (Blushing) "Oh, it's nothing special."

Ethan: (Mouth full) "Nothing special? Mom, these are divine!"

Leon took a bite, savoring the sweet and slightly crispy edges of the pancake. He couldn't help but admire the skill that had gone into crafting such a perfect breakfast.

Leon: (Between bites) "You know, Mom, you should open a pancake restaurant. People would flock here from miles around."

Charlotte: (Chuckling) "Well, aren't you a charmer this morning? Maybe I'll consider it."

Alexander: (Raising an eyebrow) "Leon, what's got you in such a good mood today?"

Leon: (Grinning) "Just appreciating the little things, Dad. Life's full of surprises."

Ethan: (Curious) "Any plans for today, big bro?"

Leon: (Thoughtful) "Hmm, nothing too specific. Maybe explore the beach, take a walk around town... just enjoy the day."

Charlotte: (Approving) "Sounds like a perfect plan."

Charlotte: (Teasing) "And what about you, dear? No secret business deals today?"

Alexander: (Playfully defensive) "Me? Nah, it's family time, you know. I want to savor every moment, and perhaps we can have some fun later."

Charlotte: (Blushing) "Oh, stop it; the kids are around."

Leon couldn't help but chuckle, seeing his family so happy. It was a scene he hadn't witnessed in a very long time.

Leon: (Turning serious) "But hey, speaking of business, Dad, I was thinking maybe I could contribute to the family business, you know, get more involved."

Alexander: (Surprised) "Really, Leon? That's unexpected."

Leon: (Sincere) "Well, I've got some time on my hands, and I'd like to contribute."

Charlotte: (Supportive) "That's a wonderful idea, dear."

Ethan: (Enthusiastic) "Yeah, you can teach me all your business secrets."

Alexander: (Laughing) "One step at a time, Ethan."

The family continued their breakfast, conversation flowing freely. They talked about the weather, local news, and the day's plans. It was a morning filled with laughter, love, and the simple joys of family.

As Leon looked around the table at his mother, father, and brother, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. This was the second chance he had been given, not just to secure his financial future but to savor the precious moments with his family, to relish the taste of Charlotte's pancakes, and to appreciate the warmth of their laughter.

And so, as they enjoyed their breakfast together, Leon made a silent promise to himself. He would embrace this new life, treasure every moment, and make the most of this extraordinary opportunity, one day at a time.

The clock continued its steady tick, while the world outside carried on with its own rhythm. Yet, within the confines of that cozy dining area, time seemed to pause, allowing the Blackwood family to savor the simple beauty of togetherness.

Breakfast had come to an end, and the dishes had been cleared away. Leon turned to his father, Alexander, a thoughtful gleam in his eyes.

Leon: (Gently) "Dad, can we chat for a bit?"

Alexander: (Smiling) "Of course, son. What's on your mind?"

Leon: "Let's take a walk down to the pier. I'd like to talk somewhere quiet."

Alexander agreed, recognizing the need for privacy. Together, they strolled down to the picturesque pier, extending into the serene waters of the Cornish coast. Seagulls soared overhead, and the salty breeze carried the ocean's scent.

Alexander: (Casting his line) "So, what's bothering you, Leon?"

Leon: (Hesitating) "It's not a problem, Dad. It's more like... a plan, a project I'd like to discuss."

Alexander: (Curious) "A project? Go on, I'm listening."

Leon: "Well, you know, I've been considering how I can contribute to the family business. I want to get involved and help it grow."

Alexander: (Pleased) "That's a noble goal, Leon. But are you certain? You're still quite young, and there's much to learn."

Leon: "I understand that, Dad, but I've been thinking about this for a while now. I want to help in any way I can."

Alexander: (Intrigued) "I'm all ears, son. What's your plan?"

As they spoke, Leon shared his ideas for modernizing and expanding the family business. He spoke of embracing new technologies, diversifying their product line, and venturing into global markets. Alexander listened with growing pride and excitement.

Alexander: (Impressed) "You've put a lot of thought into this, Leon. It's quite an ambitious vision."

Leon: (Determined) "I believe it's achievable, Dad. With the right strategy and a dedicated team, we can make it happen."

Alexander: (Proudly) "I'm proud of you, Leon. You take after your old man."

Leon: (Smiling) "I've learned from the best."

As they continued to discuss their plans for the family business, their fishing lines bobbed gently in the water. It was a moment of bonding, where knowledge and aspirations flowed from one generation to the next.

The conversation naturally shifted from business to cherished family memories. As the sun ascended, casting a warm golden hue over everything, Leon felt a profound connection with his father and the legacy they were building together.

Alexander: (Reflective) "You know, Leon, life has a way of surprising us. Sometimes, the unexpected paths lead to the most incredible adventures."

Leon: (Nodding) "I've come to realize that, Dad."

Alexander: (Grateful) "I couldn't be prouder of the man you're becoming, Leon."

With lines cast into the endless sea, they continued to fish in contented silence until noon approached, signaling it was time to return home for lunch.

As they walked back to the house, Leon couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. His father had been impressed with his business plan, and the prospect of securing the necessary funds was now within reach. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the estate.

"So, Dad," Leon began, his young voice carrying a surprising determination, "I've been thinking a lot about this business plan, and I believe it could truly work."

Alexander Blackwood, a successful business tycoon, glanced at his ten-year-old son with a mixture of pride and curiosity. "You've certainly put a lot of effort into this, Leon. I must say, I'm impressed with your dedication."

Leon's eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement. "Thank you, Dad. I've done my research, and I'm confident that this could be a great opportunity."

His father nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Confidence is an essential trait in business, Leon. So, tell me, how do you propose to proceed?"

Leon cleared his throat, taking a moment to compose his thoughts. "Well, Dad, I've estimated that I'd need around one million pounds as a starting investment. With that, I can get things off the ground."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "One million pounds is a significant sum, Leon. Are you sure you can handle such a responsibility?"

Leon met his father's gaze with unwavering determination. "I know it's a lot, but here's the thing, Dad. I'm so confident in this plan that I'm willing to make you a deal. If, within one year, I can't double the investment, you can consider it just hot air, and I'll return the money."

His father chuckled, genuinely impressed by his son's resolve. "You're quite the negotiator, Leon. Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Leon nodded emphatically. "Yes, Dad. I believe in this idea, and I'm willing to take the risk. I want to prove that I can make it work."

Alexander couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his son. He knew that this endeavor was more than just a child's dream; it was a glimpse into the potential of a young entrepreneur in the making. He decided to support Leon's endeavor wholeheartedly.

"Alright, Leon," he said with a smile, "I'm impressed by your confidence and determination. I'll give you the one million pounds you need to get started."

Leon's face lit up with gratitude and excitement. "Thank you, Dad! You won't regret this."

Alexander then added a condition. "However, I'll also have Jork keep an eye on you and assist you with anything you may need. He's been with me for years and can provide valuable guidance."

Leon understood the importance of having a mentor, even if it meant sharing his journey with his father's personal assistant. "That sounds fair, Dad. I'll make sure to learn as much as I can from him."

With the deal sealed, father and son continued their walk back to the house, discussing the details of Leon's business plan and the exciting journey that lay ahead.