
The Secret of the Qinglong Dynasty (1)

Several days before Leng San came up from the Undersea World, some important events occurred and would later become one of the kick-starts of the great war in the next few months.

At the Qinglong Dynasty Palace...

Qinglong Hui, one of the ten War Gods and the major spy of the Beastly Devils Society under the current leadership of Leng San...

Originally, Qinglong Hui behaved strictly under the rules set by the dynasty and followed the given orders without questions, so he became one of those who had been regarded as the role model of the Qinglong Dynasty. He was also given an important position as one of the two close assistants of Qinglong Bai the White Dragon High-King.

But in fact, all that Qinglong Hui had done was to hide his underground position, the person who hated the Qinglong Dynasty above all. Qinglong Hui did everything with special caution and never investigated the inside stories of the Qinglong dynasty by risking himself being suspected as a mole.