
The Arrival of the Supreme Commanders

After Aurora waited at the portal for up to one shichen, the light of the portal suddenly lit up. Kairos, Lucifer, and Dracula were the front liners to walk out first, followed by the high-level experts of the Asura Realm, each of them being extremely familiar...

Kairos narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the scattered bodies around him...

"Aurora... don't tell me you killed these Deva soldiers?"

“Dear Supreme Commander, it was all Nia Gaofong's work. When I came back, everything was already like this...” She explained it exactly, and Kairos did not look surprised at all.

Lucifer revealed a smile, walking straight in to look at Aurora's face at close range...

“You are really beautiful, but I remember that the human boy, who came to deceive me, disguised himself with this face (Chapter 907). So, you must know him, correct?”

Lucifer stretched out his hand and gently touched the end of Aurora's chin, but she did not turn her gaze away or show any fear, not even a little...