
Legends of Warcraft

When an entire high school get 'teleported' into the world of Azeroth and are suddenly treated as fated heroes supposed to save the world...they learn that most of the 'heroes' are pitiably weak and beyond scared, especially a group of five friends who find themselves clinging to life, unsure that they would live to see another day, until a mysterious figure clad in armor extends their hand towards them...

Raijuo · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs


(A/N: This chapter is most likely going to be a background to build off on before they get yeeted into Azeroth, so yeah...enjoy! So many expansions to choose from...muahahahahahah!)

A young boy, around seventeen, was walking across a dimly lit crosswalk in the middle of winter. It was so cold that frost began to freeze parts of his long, light blonde hair, which caused him to shiver and violently shake his head. The boy turned his strange violet eyes towards a broken down house, the only one of its kind in the vast city he lived in, and after a light sigh, he walked away further into the cold darkness of the night to never return.


Around the same time, a woman who was around eighteen was combing her hair, which was a strange dark purple, while looking out of a window that had a view over every single building in this vast city below. There was a knock on the door which caused the woman to startle a little before she moved towards the door and opening it to reveal a tall, lanky man with shaggy white hair. The woman gave the man a curt nod and said "Willam, I need more information on that boy...Cayde." with a firm nod William saluted and said "As you wish madam Vale!" and with a twist of his heels he vanished from sight leaving the woman named Vale to continue combing her strange yet pleasing purple hair, gazing upon the city she will never come to look at again.


Two young men, probably sixteen, were sitting at a table eating ramen in a broken down apartment, one of the boys had red hair and piercing blue eyes, while the other had blue hair and red eyes with something more contained within. The boys looked exactly alike except for their hair and eyes, leading most people to believe that they were identical twins, something very rare in the city they lived in. The twins were having a silent meal until a knock woke them from the stiff mood, they looked towards each other with mischievous smiles on their faces and set up a 'trap' consisting of black paint above the door. When another knock came from the door, the twin with red hair yelled out "It's open!" In a surprisingly deep voice. However the person behind the door was not amused. With a start the two boys jumped back from the door as a masculine voice yelled out "This isn't funny you brats! Fork over your damn rent already before I kick your asses out!" this caused the stiff mood to quickly shift into a rather tense mood as the boys began to quickly pack everything up in back packs and jump out of their apartment window, which was two stories high. The twins began running down dark alleys and streets, relying on the shadows as they would their allies, like It was completely natural for them. They cast one last gaze towards their apartment, feeling like this was the last time they would see it ever again...


The day came relatively quickly and the young boy with blonde hair could be found sitting on a bench, looking out towards the vast city below him. Time seemed to crawl by as he walked down from his vantage point and in the direction of a massive high school. Upon reaching the gates he was greeted by two mischievous twins and the red haired twin spoke up and said "Hey Cayde, long time no see!" and even though it sounded like a casual greeting, Cayde knew that, just from the hint of pleading that was ever so subtle, that something happened. Shaking his head and holding his hand up towards the twins, Cayde said in a firm voice "You're not living with me again, nope I refuse." Earning a sad 'awww' from the twins. Cayde looked towards the blue haired twin and said "Hey, Sai...what the hell happened this time?" Sai sheepishly grinned and muttered "We, uh...we didn't pay rent...again..." causing Cayde to release a heavy sigh, which in turn caused the twins to tense up, especially the red haired twin since Cayde had turned to him and grumbled "Kai...why do you let these things happen? You have to focus on your own lives now, hell were all orphans with no parents to look after us and yet you two still neglect your own wellbeing and think someone will come to your aid...it's unrealistic!" this time though, the twins were saved as a beautiful woman with long, jet black hair suddenly launched herself at Cayde while giggling as she said "I finally caught you Cayde! You're not escaping me!" and although those words should be like an infinite supply of dopamine to any man, Cayde felt a sense of dread root itself deep in his heart as his stomach felt like it was it was surfing.

Resisting the urge to puke, Cayde weakly smiled and said to the woman quietly "C'mon Kat, now is not the time. I need these guys to take me seriously!" earning a slight laugh from Kat which sounded particularly evil, if not seductive. This sudden change of events caused the twins to put on their characteristic smiles as they 'pleaded' Cayde to let them stay with him, which caused Kat to berate Cayde saying "You know their situation and you still refuse to help them? That's shameful Cayde, really..." Cayde couldn't hold his palm back as it made contact with his forehead. Sensing that the rather soft hearted Cayde was on the verge of breaking down, the twins and Kat gave him one final push which caused him to collapse and allow the the twins to stay with him, even though Kat would probably try sneaking in after following them back to Cayde's newly bought house...again...

With that conversation out of the way, the four split apart, as they had classes to attend, and Cayde began making his way towards his first class. However when Cayde entered the hallway, he felt a strange 'ripple' in the air, and trusting his instinct, he flung his body to the side and tripped against a beautiful woman with purple hair. As the two tumbled down to the floor, the woman spoke out in a soft, though excited, voice and said "My, I have been looking for you for a while, but who would have known that we would meet like this?" she began to giggle while Cayde stood back up rather quickly and offered to help her up, but when he was about to ask if she was ok, a figure blurred into his view, startling him and sending him reeling back. This caused the woman to laugh again and say "Awww come on William we were just having some fun!" William turned around and helped the woman up before saying "My apologies, madam Vale."

Cayde's eyes widened in shock as he realized that the woman standing in front of him was none other than the progeny of Markus Valence, the owner of Sabia Poporului, a company that made bank shortly after being opened by doing 'anything' for the people, whether its making a specific item for a family, making medicine, cures, or even free chemotherapy, everything was for the people. The company itself was funded by the government and whenever they made a new discovery in medicine or just technology in general, they would get a massive pay increase. Now standing before him was the ridiculously rich and beautiful daughter of Markus Valence saying that she had been looking for him...Cayde was rather curious yet fearful on what she wanted if she was seeking him out, which was answered shortly after he had this though as Vale said "Don't think about it too much, all I want is you...Cayde..." Cayde almost vomit a healthy amount of blood but kept his cool as he went to ask what her vague answer meant, but all that came out of his mouth was a confused 'Eh!?' causing Vale to cover her mouth as she began to laugh once again.

Vale then smiled radiantly and said "I guess i can let you get going now Cayde, but don't worry, I'll meet you back at home...darling..." Vale's voice had a bit of a sensual undertone to it, and Cayde felt great relief at the first half of her words, but the second half of her words, along with the old man accompanying her giving him a fierce look, made his mind blank...Cayde was left in the hallway and shortly after he began to make his way to class all while sorting out his jumbled thoughts. Cayde knew that it was going to be a huge clusterfuck if he suddenly showed up with Vale Valence and he needed a quick way out, however no choice or idea he came up with offered one, but he suddenly thought about a certain two mischievous twins...

Before he knew it, time flew by and the day had come to an end. Without any success in finding Kai and Sai, Cayde had started walking home, hoping he could at least get there and convince Vale to go away before the others showed up, which was a plan that had already been thwarted. Cayde walked into his rather lavish house that had marble walls and hardwood flooring with a huge kitchen and living room, and saw Vale sitting on a couch with Kat while Kai and Sai sat across from them drinking a glass of red wine. Kat immediately noticed his arrival but before she could jump up and greet him, Vale had already gotten up and crossed the distance between her and Cayde with relative ease.

Seeing Vale approach him so quickly made his heart beat a few times faster but he was also unnerved after staring into her purple eyes that had a gaze like she was eyeing her prey. Cayde swallowed hard and Kai took the initiative to shout out "Hey, since when did you land someone like Vale!? Save some women for us man!" which earned him a hard hit from Kat, who was not very pleased with this sudden outcome. Cayde was sweating bricks at this point because he knew he would get an earful from Kat, while Vale looked like she was going to 'eat' him up, and the twins were going to start rumors and tease him excessively. He thought his day couldn't get much worse.

After excusing himself, since he had a rather large headache, Cayde made his way towards a large room towards the back of his house, and upon entering he felt a sudden relief flowing through him as his eyes wandered towards the massive forge sitting in the middle of the room. After checking the vents to make sure they weren't closed, Cayde proceeded to grab an ornate looking greatsword from off of the wall, and with a practiced eye he began to scan the blade for any chips, cracks, and warps. He had recently finished forging this sword and he wanted to be sure that it was perfect before he would put it up for bid. Cayde put the sword back on ins mount and was about to turn towards a stack of neatly arranged metals when he heard a familiar voice come from behind him, saying "So you forge weapons and armor as a hobby? Wow, that is a very...unique talent..." causing Cayde to sigh internally as he replied without turning around "Well my Father used to forge all the time and before he passed away he gave me all of his notes and knowledge about his craft...something that I enjoy, Vale." without sparing any more pleasantries, Cayde grabbed a pair of tongs and set a piece of high carbon Damascus steel on to the hot coals. Vale continued to watch as Cayde took the red-hot piece of metal out of the coals and set it on an anvil and began to hammer away with practiced ease. Cayde was making a Damascus steel longsword, which he was trying to balance perfectly so he could shorten the handle and make it a one hand sword instead of a two hand. Cayde as so engrossed with his work, that time had no influence on him, for he had been working for two days and nights consecutively. Cayde washed his hands and face to free himself of all the soot and ashes that clung to him, and admired his work. Half of the longswords blade was straight while the top half was waved like a flamberge. the guard was an intricately made piece of blue dyed steel in the form of two dragons coiling around the tang and some of the blade, while the handle was wrapped in black leather with a small sapphire fitted into the pommel. While Cayde was admiring his work, he noticed that the blade was dyed a dark, midnight blue that almost looked black at first glance.

Cayde felt a strange sensation coming from the sword, almost like it was...dragging him? The sensation became stronger as he continued to stare at the sword, and at this point it was almost like he was being sucked in by a black hole. Cayde was snapped out of his daze when the twins, Kat, and Vale showed up with the latter lightly nudging his shoulder saying "Cayde...Cayde!? Its been three days, you need to eat something and shower...you smell awful..." Cayde lightly nodded his head and turned his eyes to the twins, who had serious expression on their faces for what felt like the first time ever. Cayde slowly walked over to them and said "This sword...it feels different than what I usually forge..." he motioned for Kai to take the sword and when he did, Kai noticed that it was very light, yet very durable and sharp. Kai and Sai had a mild interest in forging a while back so they apprenticed under Cayde, and under his tutelage they gained a good eye for craftmanship, which both could tell that this sword was...different...

As the twins were inspecting the longsword, Cayde blurted out "Khaon...Its name is Khaon." the twins put on a thoughtful expression for several seconds before nodding their heads, but when they gave Khaon back to Cayde, all five of them felt a strong pressure bore down on them like the sky itself fell on top of their backs. Cayde noticed that Khaon was glowing a strange, bright gold, and as the golden light began to envelop the whole room, a calming sensation spread around them, even though they felt like their spines were snapping under the pressure. Little did they know that this phenomenon was not happening to just them, but all of the students at their highschool as well. They eventually blacked out under the immense pain after what felt like several long minutes. However, when they awoke, they were in a place that no one would have expected to be in. It was only when Cayde heard a deep, raspy voice yelling out, that he began to open his eyes when the voice said "Welcome Heroes, to the land of Azeroth!"