
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · Kỳ huyễn
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82 Chs

2.) The Dawn of a New Legacy

The 636th Iteration began.

Solaris Academy, an esteemed institution, stood as a beacon of prestige and excellence. Within its hallowed halls, ambitious and gifted teenagers from across Mythos converged to refine their abilities and chart their destinies.

The academy's motto, "Seize the power of the constellations and forge a Divine Legacy," echoed through its corridors, inspiring students to strive for greatness and become legendary warriors.

Year after year, Solaris Academy meticulously selected only the most brilliant and talented youths to join its ranks, resulting in a student body that included some of the world's finest minds.

Yet, for the twelve chosen warriors, the path ahead was far from easy. Each faced their own trials and obstacles. However, they were not alone; each possessed a unique constellation and its distinct abilities, binding them together on their extraordinary journey.


As dawn broke, Dev Rathore lay in bed, lost in slumber. Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility. Krish Shastri, Dev's cousin and roommate, urgently roused him to check an email from Solaris Academy.

Dev sprang up, heart racing, as he read the notification: both his and Krish's applications had been accepted. Overflowing with joy, Dev embraced Krish, whose unique demeanor couldn't hide his shared excitement—even in the happiest of moments.

As soon as the hug broke, Dev picked up the phone and dialed a number, a big grin plastered on his face. It was Xavier Freeman, his childhood friend. "Hey! Did you get the email too?" Dev asked eagerly.

Xavier's voice echoed with excitement. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "We're both going to Solaris!"

Dev's heart raced. The news was sinking in, but there was more he needed to know. "When are we leaving?" he asked Xavier.

Xavier's reply came without hesitation. "The Academy starts in two weeks," he said, "but we should get there a week before classes begin to get situated. So, we might want to leave in three days."

Dev's mind raced with possibilities. Solaris Academy—the place where dreams would take flight. He couldn't wait to step into that world of constellations and forge his own legacy.

As the conversation continued, Krish, Dev's aloof cousin, joined in. Krish's words were succinct, but his excitement matched theirs. The trio's bond tightened, fueled by shared anticipation and the promise of adventure.

Now, Krish, Dev, and Xavier were all preparing for their journey to Solaris Academy. Dev meticulously packed his bags, ensuring he had everything he needed. Xavier studied maps, planning the route—they would walk there, step by step, toward their destiny under the celestial canopy.


Krish packed his bag, folding memories and essentials into its fabric, and by his side was his beloved Tchalla-baby panther-who had been by his side ever since his family...was slaughtered. The trio stood on the precipice of a new chapter, their hearts echoing with anticipation. Solaris Academy beckoned—a realm where constellations whispered secrets and destinies unfurled.

Saying farewell to their families weighed heavily upon them. Xavier had already bid adieu, and Krish's departure preceded Dev's. Each family member etched in their minds, a constellation of love and support.

Dev's mother, a steadfast pillar, held him close. Her eyes, etched with sacrifice, mirrored her unwavering love. She couldn't afford the academy's tuition, but her spirit soared alongside her son's dreams. His younger brothers, mischievous yet tender, cheered him on. And then there was the void—the absence of a father who had once been part of their constellation but had drifted away.

Dev's resolve crystallized. He wouldn't relinquish this opportunity. The weight of tuition fees pressed upon him, but he refused to yield. A part-time job became his lifeline—a bridge between aspiration and reality. The path wouldn't be smooth, but Dev was resolute.

As he stood at the threshold, his mother's kiss imprinted warmth on his cheek. She clasped a pendant—a miniature universe encapsulating their family, without the shadow of his father. "Carry this," she whispered. "It holds our love, our strength. Let it guide you, my star-bound adventurer."

And so, Dev stepped into the unknown, the pendant nestled against his heart. The constellations above watched, weaving threads of fate. Solaris awaited—a canvas where dreams would ignite, and a legacy would unfurl under celestial scrutiny.

As Dev hugged his mother tightly, he felt her warmth envelop him—a silent promise exchanged. His younger brothers, their eyes bright and hopeful, waved goodbye. The weight of their expectations rested on his shoulders.

Outside, the world awaited—a canvas of challenges and constellations. Dev's mother stepped forward, her voice soft yet urgent. "Be careful, my boy," she implored. "I know you believe you can conquer any trial but promise me you'll take care."

Dev's smile held both assurance and determination. He clasped her hand gently. "I know, Mom," he murmured. "I'll be fine."

Her nod conveyed a mother's love, fierce and unwavering. She pulled him into a final hug, imprinting her strength upon him. Then, with resolve etched in his heart, Dev turned away.

The path stretched before him—an uncharted journey toward Solaris Academy. Financial constraints tugged at his dreams, but he refused to yield. His family's sacrifices fueled his determination. He would face every obstacle, become a beacon of justice and righteousness.

The pendant—their family's talisman—hung against his chest. As Dev walked, he gazed at the sky, whispering, "Mom, I'll make you proud. That's my promise."

At the agreed meeting spot, Krish and Xavier awaited. Dev's unwavering smile matched the sun's brilliance. His pitch-black hair danced in the wind, and his crimson eyes held a fire that drew gazes from passersby. 

As Dev approached the coffee shop, Xavier's cheery smile greeted him, while Krish's distant expression seemed almost otherworldly, despite their physical proximity. 

Waving his hand, Dev joined them. "Took your time, didn't you?" Krish quipped, and Xavier handed Dev a cup of coffee. Laughter erupted, filling the quiet air. Dev paused, absorbing the ambiance—the anticipation of a new journey.

He ran his fingers through Tchalla's fur and said hello to him to, "you're a good boy aren't you, little Tchalla", he said with a smile.

Then, he took a sip of his coffee, expecting sweetness, but the coffee's bitterness assaulted his taste buds. Dev's reaction was immediate: he spat it out, coughing violently, eyes welling up. His face contorted in displeasure, eyebrows furrowed, and lips forming an indignant pout.

Xavier and Krish found Dev's tantrum endearing. Their laughter echoed, eyes crinkling with amusement. But Dev, in that moment, resembled a child denied a coveted Christmas gift.

Breaking the silence, Dev addressed the universe—or perhaps just his friends. "God, why can't one of you ever give me a sugar-filled cappuccino instead of this disgusting black coffee?"

Their laughter continued, Dev's irritation a delightful spectacle. And so, amidst coffee cups and shared mirth, the trio embarked on their adventure, fueled by caffeine and camaraderie. 

Xavier and Krish exchanged nervous chuckles, their glances mirroring unspoken thoughts: "Yikes, Dev, you're such a child."

Undeterred, Dev stormed into the shop, determined to find solace in his usual refuge—an iced caramel frappe. As the divine sweetness enveloped his taste buds, he felt right at home, momentarily forgetting the world outside.

The trio resumed their banter, laughter weaving through their steps as they walked toward Solaris Academy. Krish interjected, practical as ever, "We'll have to walk the entire way to the academy in the Northwestern region of Sun City. Quite a distance."

Their mirth shattered when a group of flashy peers rode by on grand motorbikes. These opulent riders paid no heed to Dev, Xavier, or Krish, seemingly oblivious to their existence. Tchalla growled, for no apparent reason.

Stunned, the trio felt like paupers in a palace. But Dev—his smile unwavering—stood apart. He cared little for their extravagance, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

The trio stood there, spellbound, as one of the flashy peers revved his engine. "I'm Ijaz Bhai", he grinned, "Nice to meet you." His name resonated like a melody in the air. His charisma was palpable—a magnetic force that drew all eyes toward him. The trio, once filled with mirth, now felt like mere paupers in the presence of royalty.

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