
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · Kỳ huyễn
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82 Chs

13.) A Week of Firsts

The week before the start of the academy year was a whirlwind for the drifters. They had just seven days to settle into their new life at Solaris Academy, and they were determined to make the most of it. The orientation ceremony was an eye-opening experience, introducing them to the grandeur and the rigorous expectations of the academy. Beyond the formalities, it was their encounters with fellow students that truly marked their first week.

One such encounter was with Tensei Atisuto, a figure who exuded an aura of mystery and brilliance. With his cold expression and lean build, he seemed almost unapproachable, but his growing reputation as the chosen of Leonardo Da Vinci, The Universal Genius, preceded him. 

However, his arrogance and his peculiar choice to remain silent added layers to his enigma. Despite his standoffish nature, there was an undeniable curiosity among the drifters about the depths of his capabilities and the secrets behind his silence.

Ryan Bellator was another character who made an unforgettable impression. His muscular physique and the variety of weapons he carried were intimidating, to say the least. Ryan's sharp eyes seemed to challenge everyone he looked at, embodying the spirit of Ares, the God of War. His demeanor was one of annoyance mixed with confusion, a complex blend that intrigued the drifters.

Ryan's combativeness and unwavering beliefs were apparent, but so was his underlying kindness to those he respected. His history of defiance, even in the face of incarceration, painted a picture of a warrior unyielded by societal norms.

Adam Gait, the embodiment of Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, stood out with his tall, lean frame and sharp yellow eyes. His confidence bordered on arrogance, but his strategic mind and physical prowess were undeniable. Despite his rough upbringing, Adam's sense of morality and honor remained intact, earning him a mix of admiration and caution from his peers. His charisma and leadership qualities were evident, but his pride often overshadowed his more admirable traits.

The drifters found themselves drawn to these new acquaintances, each bringing their own unique stories and powers to the mix. They realized that Solaris Academy was not just a place of learning but a melting pot of the extraordinary, where each individual had a story woven with the threads of destiny and constellations.

Throughout the week, the drifters engaged in a variety of activities, exploring the vast campus and familiarizing themselves with its zones and facilities. They attended introductory classes, getting a taste of the rigorous curriculum designed to enhance their constellation powers. Training sessions in battle classes offered them a glimpse into the competitive spirit of the academy.

The encounters with Tensei, Ryan, and Adam were just the beginning of a series of interactions that would shape their time at Solaris Academy. Each character they met brought a unique perspective and challenge, pushing the drifters to reflect on their own beliefs and capabilities. As the week concluded and the official academy year loomed, the drifters found themselves at the threshold of a journey that would test them in ways they could never have imagined.


As the sun rose over Solaris Academy, casting its golden light on the architectural marvel that was the campus, the air buzzed with anticipation. Today marked not just another day, but the official commencement of the academy year, heralded by the much-awaited orientation ceremony. The seven drifters, each connected by their journey but distinct in their paths, found themselves engulfed in a maelstrom of emotions as they prepared for the day that would set the tone for their future.

Dev, the most contemplative among them, stood before his mirror, adjusting his uniform with meticulous care. He clutched his mother's pendant, a talisman of sorts, whispering a silent prayer for strength and guidance. Today, he would not just introduce himself to the academy but also to the destiny that awaited him.

Krish, ever the strategist, was busy going over the map of the academy one last time. He wanted to ensure that not just he, but all his friends, knew the fastest routes to the ceremony hall. His mind buzzed with plans and contingencies, a testament to his innate leadership and care for his comrades.

Xavier's room was filled with the sound of laughter and music, an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. His easygoing nature belied the nerves he felt, using humor as his shield against the weight of expectations. Yet, beneath the jovial exterior, he was as prepared as any, his gear checked and rechecked, leaving nothing to chance.

Ijaz, the soul of the group, practiced his breathing exercises, seeking to center his inner turmoil. The academy represented a new beginning, a chance to redefine himself, and he was determined to face it with the calm and poise that had become his hallmark.

Yoshi, ever the silent observer, polished his equipment, each movement deliberate and full of purpose. He understood the gravity of the day ahead, knowing that the skills and disciplines they were about to embark on learning were not just for their growth but for the safeguarding of the balance they were sworn to protect.

Akira Shinigami, with his fierce determination, rehearsed his introduction, his voice steady and confident. He had faced many challenges to reach this point, and he was not about to let the enormity of the occasion daunt her spirit. Today, he would stand proud, an embodiment of his journey and resolve.

And then there was Liam, whose quiet confidence was as much a part of him as his breath. He checked his equipment, each item a reminder of the journey that had brought him here. Today, he would step into the academy not just as a student, but as a beacon of hope for those who had placed their faith in him.

Together, they stepped out of their dorms, a band of brothers forged by fate and bound by a shared destiny. The pathway to the ceremony hall was lined with students from all corners of the academy, each with their dreams and aspirations. As they walked, they could feel the weight of the gazes upon them, the whispers of curiosity and speculation.

But within them burned a fire, a resolve that had been kindled on the day they chose to embark on this journey. Today, they were not just seven drifters. Today, they were the future of Solaris Academy, stepping into the light of a new dawn, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage, determination, and unity.

The orientation ceremony awaited, a gateway to the trials and triumphs that would define their time at the academy. And as they entered the hall, they knew that the journey ahead would demand everything they had to offer and perhaps a little more. But together, they were ready to begin.


As the seven drifters made their way toward the grand hall for the orientation ceremony, a trio of distinct figures melded into their path, seamlessly joining the procession. Ryan, Adam, and Tensei, once mere names whispered in the corridors of Solaris Academy, had, over the course of the week, become more than just familiar faces to the group; they were now budding acquaintances, each bringing their unique essence to the rich tapestry of relationships forming among the newcomers.

Ryan, with his combat-ready demeanor and ever-alert eyes, matched strides with Xavier, their conversation a mix of light jests and shared respect for each other's prowess. His presence added an edge to the group, a reminder of the battles they would face, both in the arena and within themselves.

Adam, towering and imposing, yet carrying an air of nobility, found common ground with Krish and Liam. Their discussions often veered into strategies and leadership, the essence of what it meant to lead and inspire others. Adam's confidence was infectious, bolstering the group's morale, his occasional arrogance tempered by his undeniable charm.

Tensei, the enigmatic prodigy, walked slightly apart, his silence a language of its own. Yet, his keen observations and subtle nods towards Yoshi and Ijaz spoke volumes of the silent understanding and mutual respect that had begun to bloom among them. His presence was a constant reminder of the depth of mystery and potential each of them carried within.

Together, the now expanded group of ten moved with a sense of purpose and unity towards the ceremony that awaited them. The addition of Ryan, Adam, and Tensei had not only broadened the circle of drifters but deepened the bond that connected them. They were individuals from different worlds, with different stories, yet united by a common thread of destiny that had drawn them to Solaris Academy.

Their camaraderie was a testament to the academy's unspoken promise: here, amidst the confluence of power, intellect, and ambition, alliances were formed, rivalries were born, and legends were made. As they entered the grand hall, the group felt a surge of collective energy.

They were no longer just students; they were the embodiment of the future that Solaris Academy aspired to shape. The ceremony ahead was not just an initiation into the academy; it was the beginning of their journey into legend.