
Legendary visions

Ken, an ordinary teenager struck by lightning, gains the extraordinary ability to see glimpses of the future. His newfound foresight leads to hilarious situations, from acing tests to predicting the winning lottery numbers. But with great power comes great responsibility, and Ken soon realizes that meddling with the future can have unintended consequences. Join him on his zany journey through time as he navigates the ups and downs of his unique ability, using it to connect with his family and create a future that's both exciting and, well, a little bit bizarre.

KenUchiha · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Back to class (Part 1)

Ken arrived home to his family's cozy abode, the warmth of familiarity enveloping him as he stepped through the front door. His parents, Mark and Sarah Ryder, greeted him with smiles and hugs, relieved to see him safe and sound after his unexpected hospital visit.

"Welcome back, Ken!" Sarah exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Hey there, champ! You had us worried sick," Mark added, giving Ken a playful pat on the back.

Ken grinned, feeling a sense of relief wash over him in their presence. "I'm alright, Dad. Just a bit shaken up."

As they settled in for dinner, Ken engaged in light-hearted banter with his parents and his younger sibling, Lily Ryder.

"So, Ken, did you manage to dodge any lightning bolts while you were out?" Lily teased, flashing him a mischievous grin.

Ken chuckled. "Barely missed 'em, but I'm too quick for lightning to catch me!"

The atmosphere was cheerful and relaxed, with no hint of the visions that had plagued Ken's mind just hours earlier.

Over plates of steaming spaghetti, they shared stories from their day, laughed at Lily's jokes, and discussed plans for the upcoming weekend.

"So, Mom, Dad, anything exciting happen while I was away?" Ken asked, taking a sip of water.

Sarah shook her head. "Nothing too eventful, dear. Your father fixed the leaky faucet, and Lily here aced her math quiz."

Lily grinned proudly. "Thanks to your tutoring, big bro!"

Ken smiled warmly at his sister. "You're welcome, Lily. Anytime you need help, just let me know."

Mark chimed in, "Actually, Ken, I've been thinking about taking the family on a camping trip next weekend. What do you think?"

Ken's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds awesome, Dad! I'm definitely in. It'll be great to spend some time outdoors together."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "I think it's a fantastic idea. It'll be a nice break from the city."

As they continued to chat and make plans, Ken felt a deep sense of gratitude for his loving family. Despite the strange events of the past few days, being surrounded by their warmth and laughter made him feel truly at home.