
Legendary travelling ninja (DROPPED)

please review i am a new shameless writter

Gol_D_Polaris666 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chi yao's doom

Time skip 1 year later.

Everyone was standing straight showing off crushing power and now were ready to exit the scroll world .

Kuhi- Now that everyone has reached the supreme saint realm we are ready . We will begin the attack on the central city Palace. Now i will tell who does what ! Ruochen,me and old ming will directly go toward central city to meet Chi yao . You all will block any person that want to interfert in the fight. anyway i will let Brother ruochen Fight chi yao and if he is going to lose or be at disadvantage i will help him . But He should be okay . Also be sure ruochen to not try sparing her just because she was your lover in the past... now you have yenchan. Me i have my little lingxi who is a bit to quiet ... and is not a good sign . then he suddenly sensed his ass being squeezed .

Kuhi- Hmm babe can you stop that i will do you as many time as you want when we finish off chi yao and the immortal vampires okay ?

Lingxi- you better remember your promise ... you only did me 2 times in this cultivating year .... so i become so horny by just hearing you speak honey !

Concubile lin- Daughter control yourself ..... you know there is other people here .... and room exist !

Lingxi- hooo true did not remember! i was just remembering a Big fat Rod !

Lanyou- I guess you really broke her kuhi the first time you did her ....

Lingxi- No i was kidding i can remember everything else but it is most pleasant to think about his big fat penis in my tight pussy !

Lanyou- well..... can't contradict you since the last time i got one was like 100 years ago but....

Lingxi- if you miss it i you can join me and my kuhi next time hehehe i want to taste a pussy as well !

Lanyou- hughh sure if kuhi don't mind i would like to try his big cock some times !!!

Ruochen- Lanyou !! damn lingxi corrupted her it is too late already !

Concubine lin- here goes .... a old one corrupted by the young !

Kuhi- hughhh i don't mind ... can't say no to my lovely wife ... but not let's go back on subject please ... we will now begin our advance toward the palace!

Ruochen- Chi yao ! you bitch i am coming !!!

1 hours later ruochen and kuhi were both in front of the palace door while the others were surrounding it ! Ruochen and kuhi then entered . they saw a young looking woman sitting on a throne radiating pure power.

Ruochen- Chi yao i hope you remember me bitch ! i am the son of emperor ming that you killed for your fun and to take a fucking throne !

old ming- here you are ? how dare you sit on this throne after killing my son ! Ruochen do it we will watch and help of it goes out of hand !

Chi yao- Impossible i killed you !!! ho i see time and space descandant ! you reincarnated ! but how can you be this strong ? i heard time and space descendant began cultivating 5 years ago !

Ruochen-This without my little Brother Zhang kuhi , who is only a step away to become a god saint i would not be able to become a Supreme Saint so soon. You surely heard About the new Sword saint hall ? Well good new for you ! Kuhi is the sect leader and all our other member are supreme saint ! all Completed the Emperor's sword . We are 10 supreme saint and my brother is at the peak of it ! you can say goodbye to life and don't worry right after is the immortal vampires turn ! Now come fight me Bitch !

Chi Yao- well it seems i was right to have regrets ... but anyway i still loved you .. i just got controlled by my greed ... and so i will not go down without a fight ! even if i die at least i will take you with me !

Kuhi- hohoho trying to light your Saint Qi!? don't worry i already put a seal on you preventing you to do so ! now you have no choice left but to fight fairly !

Chi Yao then knew she fucked up ! after thirty minute of fighting ruochen she finally died for ever !

Ruochen then went outside of the palace and went in the sky and began enhancing his voice with Saint Qi .

Ruochen- I Zhang Ruochen The son of emperor ming and time-space descandant declare my revange accomplished ! Empress Chi Yao is no more ! Now the Sword saint hall , the sect of my brother will immediately destroy any vampire alive and clean this Realm ! please brother !

Then Kuhi used the new thirteen sword he had created in his year of cultivation [ Imperial Judgement Sword] Which sent Sword Saint Qi at every Blood Qi position detected by Kuhi on this Realm ! All immortal vampires began dropping dead on the ground ! not even one survived ! Even Blood Emperor Qingshan Died directly .

Kuhi- This is a decree ! By this Peak Supreme Sword Saint that i am , all vampires died until the last one , even Blood emperor Qingshan ! The peace can finally be restorated ! The Emperor Zhang Ruochen Will Make The Sword Saint hall as the Principal Sect ! This sect will be Transfered in the Palace ! All member will be now anmounced as well as put as Imperial Palace Guard's ! They are : The Supreme sword Saint Zhang Ming ! The Supreme Sword saint Kong Lanyou ! The Supreme Sword saint Lin ! The Suprrme Sword saint Fengxue also known as Saint lady ! The Supreme Sword saint Xuanji ! The Supreme Sword saint Qin ya! The Supreme Sword Sword saint Huang Yanchen as well as our Emperor wife ! The Supreme sword saint Mu Lingxi who is My wife as well! The Supreme Sword saint Lei jing ! The supreme Sword saint Murong Yue ! The Supreme Sword saint Blacky also know as Slaughter King ! The Murong clan as well as the yunwu commandery of 36 omen ridge will be transfered Here and established in the Central City just beside the Palace ! No one shall hurt anyone of them or bully any of them if not then Death will await the ones that does !

Citizen- Glory to our emperor ! Glory to Sword saint hall!

Then they relaxed and in just the following month The City could hear countless Moan so i rule was created and Privacy had to be used ! You can already guess that those were from lanyou and Lingxi getting fucked senseless !

5 years later .

Kuhi- Everyone put a hand on me ! this will create a clone of each of us in the palace ! we are now leaving toward my world .

Then All of them , even blacky , followed kuhi toward his journey in his path toward supremacy by Travelling in other world !