
Chapter 2 The New Beginning

After 10 years, "Valir use the power within you to create a powerful fire and release it to your surrounding. This will be the last ability I will teach you. Use it when the time comes. It will save you but it will also harm everyone that surrounds you so be careful when using it. This ability is called Hellfire." Valir concentrated his power within him and release a multiple explosions around him. The blast was heard around the farm where they live. Angela, the childhood friend of Valir, ran as quick as possible. She ran across the explosions but the explosions hit her. Gord rush to help but Angela is terribly hurt. Valir opened his eyes and saw Angela badly wounded. He ran towards her and hugged her. "Why did you go here?!" He asked. "I thought you were in danger" she answered. Valir asked Gord to save her but Gord told him that it's too late. Angela smiled while looking at him. "Don't worry Valir, I'll be always by your side wherever you are. I promise." Tears come rushing down on the eyes of Valir. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave me." he said. Angela's body glow and float in the air. Valir don't know what to do. He's hopelessly looking at the body of Angela until the body become a ball of light and struck his body. "We will be together forever. I will not let anyone hurt you." He heard Angela's voice within him.

After several days, Valir is still moarning with the death of Angela but he must move on and become stronger to avenge the death of his father. Gord told him to look for General Tigreal, the General that serve his father with loyalty. Gord gave him an Enchanted Talisman. "This is my gift to you on your journy. It will help you to regenerate your mana and increase your magic power."."Thank you master, I promise to comeback here after I avenge my father and my mother." Valir said. "You must be careful on you journey, Change your name to Pale Flame so that Minsitthar will not know who you are. Only tell your name to the ones who you trust. " Gord advised. "Yes Master. Take care." He responded as he wipes his tears and walks away.