
The Ghost.

Clunking sounds were all heard across the door, While several russian soldiers aimed their guns at the door, Where James was hiding at.

"The mercenary that sent us a tip was totally right." (In russian language)

"He knew the infiltrator would be using the third tunnel." (In russian language)

"Our men were all too focused at the first and second tunnel which was the path that had the straight tunnel pathways." (In russian language)

While the soldiers silently chattered and aimed their guns at the direction where James might come out anytime, Several russian soldiers were sent from above.

Entirely closing off both routes James might escape to, The passage doorway of the underground tunnel was closed while Several soldiers guarded the area.

James was totally cornered with no where to go.


"Did you guys catch the infiltrator?" Alheim asked through a telecom earpiece. (In russian language)

"No we haven't yet, But he is now cornered with no routes to escape." (In russian language)

Danya grabbed a glass of vodka and walked towards Alheim, "Did your predictions went smoothly?" She asked.

Alheim glanced and nodded, "Yes, He is now cornered like a rat, Without any holes to escape."

"Heh, I applaud your tactics, It was a good idea to bring you here." She responded.



James carefully raised his CBR-9 and inserted a mag with penetrating bullets in it.


"But, Don't get your hopes high yet Danya, You already know who we're dealing with." Alheim said coldly.

"I know, It's the Ghost we're currently dealing with afterall." She replied.



James placed his hand at the wall, He knew it wasn't as thick since the tunnel pathway was extremely old modeled.

*Activating Heat detector*


In an instant, James could clearly see how many armed soldiers were guarding beyond the wall.

James immediately raised his gun and aimed at the soldiers, *Click*

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* As minimized sound Gunshots were heard, James' bullets penetrated through the wall and directly hit the enemy soldiers.

While a few dust emerged, The russian soldiers immediately opened fire and slowly, One by one they all got shot and died.

One was still able to breathe while holding his wounded chest, "Send reinforcements!" He yelled as he tapped his telecom earpiece. (In russian language)

As the dying man endured the unbearable pain he was suffering, He saw a shadow vividly seen as the dust occupied the area.

The shadow got closer while footsteps were heard getting nearer, The russian man gasped as he lied at the ground and saw the man that was infront of him, "The Grim reaper." He uttered. (In russian language)

*Bang!* As a bullet penetrated through his head, And James slowly took off, Leaving the dead men lying on the ground.



Alheim flinched, "Hey Alheim what's wrong?" Danya asked.

"The soldiers asked for reinforcements."

"So he did manage to get through."

"Yes, That man... The Ghost, Will never come here and barge to an unknown territory without preparations, I'm sure he had some cards up in his sleeves once he gets cornered like what just happened now."

"So what are you gonna do now, Alheim?" She asked in a serious tone.

"I'll be observing for a while, I must prepare before facing a lion head on in the battlefield." He said.

"Heh." Danya responded with a smug face.



"Guard every perimeter! We are facing the Grim reaper!" (In russian language)

Russian soldiers were placed in every nook and corner of the Underground tunnel pathway as they aimed their guns at the direction where James might show up anytime.

James held his gun thoroughly as he quietly walked through the pathway.

Surveillance cameras are now useless, They know my current position. I must immediately escape this tunnel and head outside, James thought.

When James finally reached a corner which the tunnel leads to the left path, He immediately grabbed a pen-sized bomb and threw it.

The russian soldiers that were waiting calmly noticed a small object being thrown, "Huh?, What's that?" (In russian language)

The pen-sized bomb started rapidly beeping and instantly exploded and sent off electrical magnetized strings that manifested unto every metal that were close to it's radius.

The russian soldiers jolted as they got electrocuted, James immediately popped out from the corner and opened fire. Killing the paralyzed russian soldiers in an instant with single shots being taken that were aimed at their heads.

Then James continued on moving as he killed more, And more russian soldiers who got in his way with no hesitation.



"Danya, It might be best for you to hide in your secret chamber." Alheim said.

"Me? Hide? Are you kidding me?"

"Yes, I'm serious."

Danya shrugged as she placed her glass unto the table and left the terrace.

Alheim turned around and stared at the Church which was placed at the Center Area of Danya's fortress, "Everyone. Surround the church from inside and out, Do not make any holes for the rat to pass through." He said. (In russian language)

Several Russian guards immediately moved and placed themselves within a perimeter and surrounded the church completely from inside and out.

Alheim grabbed his revolver from the holster and held it tightly, "Is everyone in position?" He asked. (In russian language)

"Group 1 in position." (In russian language)

"Group 2 in position." (In russian language)

"Group 3 in position." (In russian language)

"Group 4 in position." (In russian language)

Alheim cocked the hammer of his revolver and said, "Okay boys. All of you need to focus, What lies beneath that church is the one who got entitled with several names from throughout the globe. The one and only Ghost."

The russian soldiers gulped as they took their aims at the door of the passage way where the tunnels leads to.

Several Gunshots were slowly heard from beneath as time passed, Slowly becoming quiet as the sounds of gunshots disappeared.

Meanwhile russian soldiers were aiming their guns at the door that leads to the underground tunnels from within a certain distance up on the staircase.

It was totally quiet, The sound of footsteps being taken was vaguely heard while the door slowly got opened.

*Creek* As the door produced a sound when it got slowly opened.

The russian soldiers immediately took aim and held their breaths.

But the footsteps vanished and there was no one standing behind the opened door.

The silence lasted for ten seconds, Until another small object was seen being thrown out from the door.

"Take cover!" The russian soldier yelled. (In russian language)

The smoke bomb exploded and smoke emerged, Entirely covering the area with mist.

"Open fire!" (In russian language)

Gunshots instantly enveloped the interior of the church as it echoed through the entire place.

The russian soldiers continuously shot at the location of the door until they all ran out of ammo.

"Reloading!" As the russian soldiers yelled one by one. (In russian language)

The smoke slowly disappeared and cleared through their visions.

But before they could all reload their weapons, Shots from above came raining on them.

"Huh!? How the hell did he got up the--" *Bang!*

In an instant, The church immediately turned into a battlefield.

The lights at the Church were shot down by James as he continuously moved from different positions.

The church instantly darkened while flashing muzzles were the only ones that brightened the area.

"Reloading!!!--" *Bang!*

The russian soldiers slowly went down one by one, While james changed his position in every shot he had taken, Confusing the enemies to where he's located at.

"Group 2 Head in." Alheim said as he stared at the Church from the Mansion terrace. (In russian language)

Then several more russian soldiers entered the church through all the possible paths they could use, Even breaking the Church's windows.

The group 3 immediately formed a barricading position while taking aim from the outside of the broken windows.

Alheim inhaled a deep breathe and said, "Let's see Ghost. If you can escape this place."

While james reloaded his gun, Another batch of soldiers entered the battlefield, While some were already placed under the tunnel pathway. Leaving James once again cornered like a rat with no holes to escape.

James took glances at every direction from above, He saw alot of Russian soldiers placed throughout the church.

It seems that someone operating these russian soldiers know my identity, James thought.

Well if it's that what you want, Then I'll show you how I achieved those impossible tasks from the past. He thought as he threw off another pen-sized bomb and electrocuted most of the soldiers within the left wing.

James instantly turned and aimed at the paralyzed soldiers, Completely shooting them from the head and killing them.

Russian soldiers from the right wing immediately returned fire after spotting James' position, James then instantly crouched and rolled as he moved and changed his position.

The loud gunshots were continuously heard from within the Church, While Alheim immersed himself unto thinking his next strategy on cornering the wild rat that had just appeared.

"I'll corner you Ghost, No matter what happens." He said as he grinned maliciously.

Chapter End.