
Rescue on Process.

It was nearing 11:00pm, In a forest located near Kharkiv's newly found Oil mine, Several armed personnel were seen patrolling the surroundings.

"Bravo team, Do you copy?"

"Bravo team in position."

As two groups communicated through a handheld transceiver.

In russia, Danya and the President were sitting while facing each other infront of a long antique table.

"Who did you sent this time Danya?" The president asked.

"I sent some of Alheim's old colleagues."

The president sat silently as he felt anxious about the situation.

"Don't worry president, The guys I've sent are capable ones." Danya said and smirked.

"But aren't they affiliated with the U.S military right now?"

"Yes, They're dogs of the U.S right now, But there's nothing money can't persuade." Danya responded while she grinned.

The president smiled forcefully after hearing Danya's words.




"Alpha team in position, Waiting for commands."

"Bravo team in position."

Two teams which had 5 masked individuals per group were positioned amongst the trees in secrecy.

A masked man in an unknown damp room filled with surveillance monitors was sitting comfortably, "10 armed ukrainians patrolling at the west side of the Oil mine." He said.

Two Factory buildings were seen surrounding the cave which produced the newly founded Oil mine.

"Alpha team will be handling building 1 while Bravo team will infiltrate building 2." The man said.

"Roger that."

"Copy that."

Alpha team immediately moved and went towards the bushes silently, As they quickly eliminated the patrolling individuals.

*Bang* *Bang*

Gunshots rattled silently, while the ukrainians fell unto ground after getting shot.

"Alpha 2, 3 and 5 will be following me inside. While Alpha 4 will hold here and guard the rear." Alpha 1 said.

"Copy that." Alpha 4 responded.

Then they immediately rushed towards the building while there were no individuals to be seen outside of the targeted building.

Alpha 4 secretly hid unto the forest trees as he guarded near the vicinity of the building's entrance.

More patrolling men started to pop out from the corner behind the building, While the Alpha 1, 2, 3 and 5 were silently eliminating armed personnel from the inside with their silenced guns.

"Alpha 1 this is Alpha 4, Do you copy?"

"Alpha 4, What's your status?" As Alpha 1 responded.

Alpha 4 tightened his night vision goggles and replied, "More armed personnel have popped out. Waiting for clearing orders."

"Copy, You are authorized to open fire."

Alpha 4 immediately raised his gun as he aimed towards the patrolling ukrainians.

The ukrainian soldiers who were patrolling jolted after seeing the corpses of their own comrades lying on the ground lifelessly.

One of the soldiers immediately raised their handheld transceiver and tried to contact their allies.

But before he could spout a single word, His head was pierced by a bullet that instantly killed him.

The Ukrainians immediately raised their guns as they aimed at the Forest trees, But before they could pull their triggers, A barrage of gunshots instantly rained towards them. Eliminating them instantly.

"Armed patrollers eliminated." Alpha 4 said in a confident tone.

"Copy that, Alpha team will continue the infiltration." As Alpha 1 responded.

While the Other Alpha members quietly infiltrated the building, Several armed men were seen slacking, Drinking coffee.

A drone which levitated outside the building windows with no ounce of sound producing slowly surveyed the building rooms.

"Alpha 1, Three more men the left room."

"Copy that Sir."

The alpha team immediately went inside the room, But before the ukrainians could react, Alpha 2 and 5 instantly shot their heads cleanly.

While they continued their mission, Occupying the Oil Mine facility and send in some reinforcements afterwards, Alpha team and Bravo team successfully finished their task swiftly.




"Danya It seems they successfully besieged the Oil mine facility." The president said with a impressed expression.

Danya smirked as she crossed her legs, "Well things are just getting started. Some time soon, Ukraine will notice and war would eventually happen." She replied.

"Well atleast we can now prepare in advance, Thanks to your men capturing the oil mine facility."



Two countries fighting for an Oil mine, Is what you just thought. But the true reason why both countries were desperate on claiming the ownership of that newly found oil mine was due to the Titanium minerals that was found on that very same mine.

Titanium was rarely found, And had a pretty astonishing amount.

SIRN, A company which creates new types of military technologies, Were searching for this rare mineral called Titanium.

That's why Danya, Who wanted to earn SIRN's trust was eager to supplement their needs, Even if it caused them to have another war against Ukraine.



Danya's phone vibrated and rang as she slowly picked it up and answered.


"Danya, Have you heard about the latest news?"

"Edwardo darling, I haven't yet. Care to tell me?"

"Well, The yakman troupe started doing their business again."

"Woah, The yakmans huh. Anyway, Where are they causing trouble right now? I'm sure they mostly stir up troubles in the Eastern side of Asia."

"Yes, I heard from my informants that their target was Japan right now."

"Again? Doesn't he have any remorse?"

"Haha, That guy? Remorse? He'd do anything even if he did once failed."

"Well japanese people are trendy nowadays and would sell for alot of cash."

"Yeah, But there's another information that I've just received."

"What is it darling? Spit it out." Danya said.

"The clans that were based on Shinjuku were simultaneously attacked by a single individual who's looking for her daughter."

"Huh? A single individual? There's no way ---" As Danya instantly stopped.

"You've guessed it right." Edwardo replied.

"Haha, This is crazy. Isn't fate amusing?" Danya said with a forced grin in her face.

"Once again, Who would have guessed that the Yakman troupe would be involving their most hated enemy. Keke."




In the Tenguro Clan Household.

"Why are you bringing a katana?" Kyosuke asked.

Ryosuke held his katana and inserted it into it's scabbard, "Why? This is my main weapon." He replied.

Kyosuke sighed and frowned, "Are you an idiot? Do you think we're going against some other yakuza clans?" He said.

"Why? Does bringing a katana worry you?"

"For fuck sake, We're going against Armed foreigners you idiot! Do you think you can slice their bullets using a Katana!?" Kyosuke yelled with an anxious expression.

"Oh. My bad." Ryosuke replied as he winked at Kyosuke.

"Anyways, Tell the others that we'll be departing in thirty minutes."




Meanwhile in Misaki Harbor, It was already night time, And James had finally reached the borders and hid his car in an unknown area.

He wore his mask and carried a Silenced Mp5 on his hand.

"I guess it all comes back to this." James mumbled as he tapped his mask.

*Activating heat detector*

*Increasing night visualization*

James then moved stealthily through the containers placed around the Harbor.

Two armed masked men were seen guarding while chattering quietly.

James immediately shot their heads from behind, Instantly killing them. Then he slowly dragged their bodies to a shaded part behind on one of the containers.

He then continued moving as he sneaked through the area, "There's no surveillance cameras. I guess slipping inside won't be a problem." He uttered as he crouched through the corner of a container.

He saw more armed individuals wearing masks and sneakily went behind them.

In a brief moment, After one of the individuals turned around, James immediately shot him and tackled the remaining individual.

*Thump* As they both fell unto the ground.

James instantly kicked the gun which the masked individual tried to reach.

He then sat at him with his knees preventing both of the enemy's arms from moving. And continuously punched the masked individual to his face.

The masked guy gasped as he tried to release his arms from James' knee grip.

"Where are they?" James uttered in english in a cold demeanor.

"Fuck you." The man responded.

James then grabbed the knife which was placed unto the side pocket of the masked individual and sliced his left ear.

"Urgh!" As the man tried to scream due to the unbearable pain he just received.

But James tightly shut him up with a piece of cloth and placed it in his mouth.

"Now tell me, Where are they?" James asked once more in an intimidating tone.

"Guhguu" As the man tried to tell something, James immediately removed the cloth from his mouth.

The man gasped as he breathed, "They're being held inside the warehouse containment B. Behind from that building." As he said and stared at the tall building further from their position.

James immediately got up and grabbed his Mp5.

The man flinched as he trembled, "Wait please do--" *Bang*

James then dragged their bodies and hid them, And slowly went towards the building's direction as he held his Gun tightly.

The heat detector found several heat signatures within the building, While there were 4 more individuals guarding outside of the building.

James stared at the 4 armed individuals from afar and mumbled, "Just wait a little longer. I'll come and get you jasmine."

Meanwhile, Jasmine and a trembling Chizu were sitting quietly inside a cage filled with several students.

While a masked man guarded them from outside of their Cage, Holding an Ak-47 on both of his hands.

Chapter End.