

Wuyi watched the enemy's creatures gather. They were well within bowshot, and Xianyu Ma and his fellows began to pick them off. The two youngest archers carried sheaves of fresh arrows from the second floor, and the older men began to loose.

Wuyi had seen archers in action before, had watched his men practice at the butts, but he'd never watched a dozen professionals at full stretch.

He fussed at Xianyu Ma while the older man felt the breeze and carefully arranged his sheaves in brackets for the purpose set into the wall – little iron buckets.

The two senior men – Xianyu Ma and Kanji – raised their bows, loosed, discussed their aiming points, and watched the fall of their shafts.

"Over," said Kanji. It was a different tone of voice from his usual.

"Over," Xianyu Ma said. "Ready, boys?"