
Legend Of The United Moon

"Hail Selene, goddess of the moon" Allian greeted in tears. "Allian why return here again. Return back for that which you asked has been given and that which I desire taken" Selene asked. "How so do I rule without a Luna by my side. Mercy I seek that you take back your strength and give back the life of my mate" Allian pleaded. "For what is done can't be undone. Return and make merry for that which you had always desired had been done" Selene replied. "Not so will I be Alpha without a Luna. For this isn't my desire. Take back the strength and even my life in exchange of hers" Allian begged. "Return for what you request can't be granted" Selene said and Vanished. "Mercy I plead goddess" Allian wailed all night but Selene refused to reply. Deep in sorrow, Allian returned to the United Moon. This was never what he imagined but he couldn't turn back the hands of time. If only he had harken to the words of his father.

Charlotte_0693 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Horace hurried home, Thank goddess Selene nobody noticed their disappearance. He sneaked into his room and pretended to be asleep. Horace was so worried, he mind linked Allian.

"Are you okay?" Horace asked.

"Yes am fine. Are you back?" Allian asked.

"Yes. Good thing you are okay. Keep in touch okay. bye" Horace said.

"Bye"Allian said and caught the link. Rest assured that Allian was okay, Horace finally slept.

During breakfast the next morning, Horace called in sick saying he was tired due to the celebration last night. Allian also wasn't present. Ina wanted to go to Allian but Donald stopped her. Donald thought Allian was in his room and just angry of what happened yesterday.


Allian left the dark moon pack and began his journey of no destination. Allian continued moving until he crossed a border. Allian then saw Wolf soldiers patrolling. Allian tried his possible best to enter into this new city without getting caught but that wasn't possible. At the last minute, someone saw him.

"Rogue, rogue over there" the soldier scream and Allian started running, In less than a minute, so many soldiers were after him with different weapons. They kept throwing Arrows at him but they didn't hit him except one that met him close to the chest. Allian started bleeding but tried his best to hide. The pain was increasing, the arrow must have been poisoned to hurt that much. luckily it didn't hit his chest. Allian beared with the pain all night till he finally lost consciousness before dawn.

All morning, Horace has been trying to connect with Allian but it wasn't working. Was Allian dead? Horace was so worried. What has happened to Allian. If anything was to happen to Allian, he would kill himself.


Allian laid unconscious on the floor beside a table. It was still very early, Two beautiful wolf girls passed by, dressed in commoners robes. One with very fair skin, dark hair, elegant curves and a very beautiful face while the other with also a fair skin but not as beautiful as the first. Allian heard their footsteps but was too weak to stand. The poison was killing him. He would have been dead if he was a commoner but he had the Alpha's blood which had strong resistance to poison. The less beautiful one sighted Allian

"Ariana look" The one who sighted Allian shouted. "A dead wolf" She said.

"Are you sure he is dead or just sleeping" Ariana said walking towards Allian.

"Don't go close" the other warned.

"Relax Aviva" Ariana said as she touched Allian. "Hello" she said to Allian.

"Save me, help me" Allian said as he stood up and gripped her hand before he fainted again. The girls were so scared. Aviva ran farther away from Allian.

"Lets go Ana" Aviva said dragging Ariana

"We can just leave him here, What if he dies" Ariana said disassociating from Aviva.

"How is that our business, He must have a family or something to take care of him. Anyway you can't get involve with him what if he is a rogue?" Aviva asked.

"He clearly isn't a rogue" Ariana said.

"And how do you know that?" Aviva asked.

"My mind tell me so" Ariana said.

"You have a good heart that why but you don't just pick people from the street. You don't know this guy. You don't know what kind of species he is" Aviva said.

"He is a lycan I can feel his aura. but they is something strange about him" Ariana said.

"See more reason why we should get out of here it is already getting late, Soon they will find out you are missing" Aviva said.

"No, more reason why we should save him. He is badly hurt. we can't let him die here. I am not returning unless he goes with us" Ariana said.

"Well that isn't the best idea now. It is already hard for us to sneak back home and now we are adding someone who is dying. Don't be like this Ana" Aviva said but Ariana refused to listen and walked up to Allian. seeing Ariana stubbornness, Aviva had to help and they took Allian with them.